Was hit by a car today lolz

[❌]Sleep until 2pm (reduce that down to 1pm) - Woke up at 3am stayed up till 9am. Woke back up at 4pm
[⭕] 1 HR of Japanese book work (63/150) - Going to finish Ch6 while at work.
[~] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Working on Chapter 8
[⭕] Anki Flash Cards and JL1K Kanji Deck
[❌]Approach from 3-7pm (maybe 30min break for lunch in between) - No approach

Japan Stuff

The correspondent finally responded. I've been having issues proving my past entry into the country because my passport with my visa stamps was stolen back in 2016. Turns out to not be as big a deal as i initially thought. Good to know. Waiting on a response from the school to see how to remedy the issue.

Studies have been going well. I'm re-watching HunterxHunter 2011 version with Japanese subs. So far my comprehension is probably around 30%. I can infer what is going on via context clues based on the words that i do know, as well as what i already know from watching the anime back like 10 years ago. Its interesting because the sentences that I can translate clearly do really stick in my head. Like the puzzle pieces have a more lasting impact when I solve them while watching and reading and listening. Very interesting because the initial thought of learning a language is hella bookwork, but it seems as though, massive input while learning vocab and studying less grammar is what really helps aid comprehension.

Im still going to work through Genki 1 text book, but might not go farther then that for now. I want to be aware of the grammar rules but i don't know if memorizing all the different rules is as important this early in the learning process. I think Massive vocab knowledge is more important right now.

Cold Approach

Had a date today with a girl I could not seal the deal with previously. This would be the 3rd date. We have kissed several times and get along pretty well. It was her last chance with me essentially. I was going to either smash or pass. She suggested trivia night at a bar, I suggested she come to my place for movies and wine. She texted me this morning.

Essentially went like this:
Sorry for bailing twice on you now. I'm not looking for hookups as I'm really busy. It was fun hanging out with you and maybe our paths will cross in the future.

She filtered herself out essentially. Now that's not to say that if i had set up a date near my place and brought her home that night things would not have gone differently. But i think this outcome is fine. The reoccurring theme with this girl is she is always busy with work. Shes 33, past her prime, and heavily focused on her career. Best wishes to her in finding a man when shes settled down and 40 years old and has her career in order.
Toast said:
[❌]Sleep until 2pm (reduce that down to 1pm) - Woke up at 3am stayed up till 9am. Woke back up at 4pm
[⭕] 1 HR of Japanese book work (63/150) - Going to finish Ch6 while at work.
[~] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Working on Chapter 8
[⭕] Anki Flash Cards and JL1K Kanji Deck
[❌]Approach from 3-7pm (maybe 30min break for lunch in between) - No approach

Japan Stuff

The correspondent finally responded. I've been having issues proving my past entry into the country because my passport with my visa stamps was stolen back in 2016. Turns out to not be as big a deal as i initially thought. Good to know. Waiting on a response from the school to see how to remedy the issue.

Studies have been going well. I'm re-watching HunterxHunter 2011 version with Japanese subs. So far my comprehension is probably around 30%. I can infer what is going on via context clues based on the words that i do know, as well as what i already know from watching the anime back like 10 years ago. Its interesting because the sentences that I can translate clearly do really stick in my head. Like the puzzle pieces have a more lasting impact when I solve them while watching and reading and listening. Very interesting because the initial thought of learning a language is hella bookwork, but it seems as though, massive input while learning vocab and studying less grammar is what really helps aid comprehension.

Im still going to work through Genki 1 text book, but might not go farther then that for now. I want to be aware of the grammar rules but i don't know if memorizing all the different rules is as important this early in the learning process. I think Massive vocab knowledge is more important right now.

Cold Approach

Had a date today with a girl I could not seal the deal with previously. This would be the 3rd date. We have kissed several times and get along pretty well. It was her last chance with me essentially. I was going to either smash or pass. She suggested trivia night at a bar, I suggested she come to my place for movies and wine. She texted me this morning.

Essentially went like this:
Sorry for bailing twice on you now. I'm not looking for hookups as I'm really busy. It was fun hanging out with you and maybe our paths will cross in the future.

She filtered herself out essentially. Now that's not to say that if i had set up a date near my place and brought her home that night things would not have gone differently. But i think this outcome is fine. The reoccurring theme with this girl is she is always busy with work. Shes 33, past her prime, and heavily focused on her career. Best wishes to her in finding a man when shes settled down and 40 years old and has her career in order.

Awesome that you're learning Japanese and working toward the goal of moving to Japan! Gotta keep approaching though, you were probably the most successful of anyone on here, at least in the last few months while I've been on here. hoping to see you get back to it soon!
SamJ_ said:
Awesome that you're learning Japanese and working toward the goal of moving to Japan! Gotta keep approaching though, you were probably the most successful of anyone on here, at least in the last few months while I've been on here. hoping to see you get back to it soon!
Yah the end goal is to approach in Japan, so it is taking precedence over approach. I do plan to approach at least 20per day. I'm honestly just being lazy.

Need to get my schedule in order. I have been feeling the affects of not approaching. Feeling needy, and such. but having a concrete goal to work towards is keeping me motivated.
Toast said:
Turns out to not be as big a deal as i initially thought. Good to know. Waiting on a response from the school to see how to remedy the issue.

That's great.

Toast said:
Best wishes to her in finding a man when shes settled down and 40 years old and has her career in order.

She might never get her career in order tbh. She's making a mistake.

I wonder if you said yes to trivia she still would've come out.
Manganiello said:
She might never get her career in order tbh. She's making a mistake.

I wonder if you said yes to trivia she still would've come out.
At 33 she is already past her peak sexual marketability. Only downhill from here for her unfortunately.
She probably would have come out. She suggested trivia, but idk if she would have hooked up. That's something alternate reality devin would have found out.
[⭕]Sleep until 2pm (reduce that down to 1pm) - Woke up at ~1:45pm. Started the day right finally
[⭕] 1 HR of Japanese bookwork (63/150) - Finished Ch 7
[⭕] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Finished reading CH 8
[⭕] Anki Flash Cards and JL1K Kanji Deck - Will get done tonight at work
[⭕]Approach from 3-6pm - Left the house at 3 got back by 545ish.

I have about 3 hours b4 work as I'm typing this. I'm going to review my vocab flash cards and watch HunterxHunter with Japanese subs to keep immersing myself in the language.

Maybe ill start counting consecutive days of studying Japanese.
Streak: 1


1/25 today.Just over 1 hour of approach.

The first 20 approaches were straight rejections. Probably a mixture of myself ejecting early, and not feeling very confident in the approach since I have not approached in a bit. Really felt the effects of non-consistent approaching. In the beginning, I was really in my head thinking and like screening girls for silly reasons. like 10 rejections in I started thinking. Ok im not being bold enough, I need to stop thinking so much and just approach. After another 10 rejections, I started getting back into a groove. Started being pushier, and more audacious.

The one contact I got was from a girl I ran up the escalator and caught up to. She said she had a boyfriend. I said why don't we exchange anyway. So she did.

After this, I was more bold id say. was going up an escalator saw 2 cuties going down so I went back down the escalator and approached them. Went back up and then saw another girl coming down so I got off and went back down again and approached lol.

2nd to the last approach was a funny interaction. Caught up to a super cute chick, mini skirt, stockings, black long sleeve shirt, and wearing headphones. As we exited the mall she held the door open for me and I smiled at her as she turned around. Circled around to her front and said hey, and tried to get her attention. She held up her hand showing her wedding ring. So I nodded and turned around and started to walk away. As I was she yelled at me "Yah well you're fucking ugly, and you're not Asian! You might think you are but your not!"

I just walked away laughing and didn't even look back. Honestly a really funny interaction. Like I didn't even say a word to her. She just decided to blow up at me for approaching her. She must have been grasping for an insult so Asian was her first thought.

I know at this point to not take it personally at all because literally, I did nothing wrong, nor did I say anything to her so her reaction comes from some insecurity inside of her. Not affected by me in any way whatsoever.
Toast said:
2nd to the last approach was a funny interaction. Caught up to a super cute chick, mini skirt, stockings, black long sleeve shirt, and wearing headphones. As we exited the mall she held the door open for me and I smiled at her as she turned around. Circled around to her front and said hey, and tried to get her attention. She held up her hand showing her wedding ring. So I nodded and turned around and started to walk away. As I was she yelled at me "Yah well you're fucking ugly, and you're not Asian! You might think you are but your not!"

I just walked away laughing and didn't even look back. Honestly a really funny interaction. Like I didn't even say a word to her. She just decided to blow up at me for approaching her. She must have been grasping for an insult so Asian was her first thought.

I know at this point to not take it personally at all because literally, I did nothing wrong, nor did I say anything to her so her reaction comes from some insecurity inside of her. Not affected by me in any way whatsoever.

Jesus fucking christ what the fuck lol, well I guess I cant call you Asian brother from another mother anymore lol
Her marriage must be going super fucking well for her to react so vehemently to a simple interaction
[⭕]Sleep until 2pm (reduce that down to 1pm) - Woke up at 2:15pm
[⭕] 1 HR of Japanese bookwork (63/150) - Finished Ch 7
[⭕] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Finished reading CH 8
[⭕] Core 2k , JL1K Kanji Deck, Nampa Deck - My SRS cards keep increasing >.<
[❌]Approach from 3-6pm - Had to go into work at 7pm, but that honestly didn't affect my approach time at all. Just didn't approach.

Passively listening to Japanese podcasts all day at work. That's like 12 hours of Japanese spoken input. Going to buy a mp3 player specifically for passive input so I can always have Japanese playing in my ear. Hopefully I don't go crazy from listening to the condensed audio of HunterxHunter 2011 on repeat for hours on end.

Passive immersion is supposed to help with language acquisition. As the more you listen the more your brain decodes the grammar and can hear the words better. Paired with active immersion where you watch anime and try to understand the sentences and translate what they are saying.

Lets see how it goes


No approach today. Had no excuse to not approach. I did take care of some overdue 3d printing orders, but that was just me just procrastinating.

Tomorrow i will leave my house at 3 and approach. Im not a fan of having to declare it here every day, But it does seem to work. I gotta make a habit of just going out to approach.

As i was driving to work at 645 I noticed a decent amount of hot chicks walking around my block. maybe i should approach from 4-5 at the mall and then drive home and approach from like 530-630 around my house. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[⭕]Sleep until 2pm - Woke up at 3pm. I think I've been lethargic cuz I'm only getting like 5hr of sleep.
[⭕] 8hrs of Japanese Immersion - Listened to ep 1-50 of HxH while at work.
[⭕] Core 2k , JL1K Kanji Deck, Nampa Deck - My SRS cards keep increasing >.<
[⭕]Approach Today - Approached from 5pm-6pm 2/~15
[❌] 1 HR of Japanese bookwork (63/150) - Less important then SRS cards
[❌] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Same as above. No need to do this every day

Consecutive Days Absorbing Japanese in Some Form: 3


Today I hung a blackout curtain in my room. I think it helped me sleep better since i fall asleep with the sun up. i think this also affected my energy and mood for the day. Woke up at like 3-330 ish and was out of the house and approaching by 5pm.

Went to the mall which is my usual spot. Approached a pair of cute Asian chicks like 30 seconds from leaving the parking garage. Good rejection off the bat. As well as somewhat bold i guess cuz it was in the middle of the crosswalk as they were walking towards me. Had good flor for the first 5 or so then got stone walled with chicks that may or may not have been 18. Proceeded to pass up on like 5 of them. Today felt like 1/7 I would get a contact. Towards the end i was definitely more bold. as is standard.

2 notable interactions today.

First was a girl who i approached and within 10 seconds of the convo started she announced she had a boyfriend. i just didn't react to it and pushed through. Immediately afterwards i said ok, cool, lets still meet up some time and get a coffee. I don't remember exactly what i was saying after that, probably only pushed 2x more to exchange and then she gave me her number.

Other interaction was where i got White Knighted by 2 chicks walking by. Approached an Asian girl. Convo was going decently and she was receptive. She said she had a boyfriend as well. Still pushed through. Said we should still meet up and grab a coffee. some thing casual. She said no. I was like Nah its cool let me get ur number. At this point 2 girls walked by and were hella eyeing us talking. Continue to ask for number maybe 5x. She's like sorry i don't wanna be rude. all the while smiling and laughing. Receptive although still not exchanging. Then these 2 girls walk back to us and said " oh jenny is that you from highschool, how are you!" Obviously trying to get in my way. I just eject. No need to make a scene with white knights. As well as i was pretty much done pushing for the exchange. I was basically just having fun trying to be extra pushy.

There has been the theory of being alpha on the approach as well as texting like a beta. I'm going to experiment with the numbers i got today. Though is that females want an alpha in their life, but someone who is too alphas will not provide for the female, via a relationship or some sort of connection. So beta texting is that balance between being very alpha but also being a provider who cares.

generally i am very direct with trying to set up a date. no bs, straight to the point. No compliments via text or anything. I think ima do the exact opposite and see whats up.

I have a receptive girl who responded to my text. So ima say something along the lines of "Really glad i met you yesterday, I had fun talking :D, You're really pretty btw *blushing smileys face*"

lets see how it goes lol.


Been doing a lot of research on how to learn a language.

There is a really big difference between learning a language and learning about a language.
Its like watching videos about how to swim vs getting in a pool and swimming.
you can watch a million videos on how to swim, but until you get in the pool you wont have anything but theory.
Where as if you get in the pool, fail at swimming, but keep trying until you succeed. You have learned how to swim,

A lot of people theorize that this is the same with learning a language. You need tons of input in the language to aquire an ear for it and really learn it. Where as learning grammar is learning about language theory. Grammar are the "rules" made up by people to make sense of how a language works. But knowing all the grammar of a language will not make u fluent. You need to listen to an innordinate amount of the language and also memorize the words needed to understand and speak.

Grammar can be aquired by context.

This is the way I plan to try and learn Japanese.

Through Active immersion [ Watching anime and trying to understand what is being said as well as looking up words}
Through Passive Immersion [listening to Japanese while at work allowing my brain to decode the language and acquire an ear as to how it actually sounds]

Goes against traditional learning methods, but so far i feel like im having small successes. like ill hear a word ive learned in a sentence and im like "oh thats what he said in this sentence, via context"
Toast said:
Passively listening to Japanese podcasts all day at work. That's like 12 hours of Japanese spoken input. Going to buy a mp3 player specifically for passive input so I can always have Japanese playing in my ear. Hopefully I don't go crazy from listening to the condensed audio of HunterxHunter 2011 on repeat for hours on end.

Passive immersion is supposed to help with language acquisition. As the more you listen the more your brain decodes the grammar and can hear the words better. Paired with active immersion where you watch anime and try to understand the sentences and translate what they are saying.

Do you need to have a basic level of understanding the language of the podcast and if so how high should that be?
Relentless said:
Do you need to have a basic level of understanding the language of the podcast and if so how high should that be?
You don't need a basic level of understanding. The method is kind of like how a baby learns. Massive input over thousands of hours. The brain eventually decodes the language. The difference between a baby and an adult is that babies inherently have the ability to perceive all sounds. Where as an adult who has already acquired a language, has forgotten how to hear certain things. An example of such is how the intonations of Chinese sound really similar to non-Asian speaking people. Where as Chinese people can easily pick out the different intonations between words.

So it's my understanding that you should listen to something at a level where you can understand some, but not so much that everything is completely incomprehensible.

If you are a complete beginner with no knowledge then listing to something like a movie or TV show is fine because you want to absorb the target language in a format made for native speakers. At the very beginner stage you are listening not to comprehend what is being said, but to be able to hear what is being said and tell the difference between words and such.

Studying a base level of grammar will not hurt to have, but it's not the most important thing. It most likely will help with dissecting the language, but there should be more emphasis on learning words than grammar. Since knowing all the grammar wont help if u cant understand the language.

[⭕]Sleep until 2pm - Woke up at 3pm
[⭕] 8hrs of Japanese Immersion - Switched to something easier on the ears. Shirokuma Café - much better comprehension at this level
[⭕] Core 2k , JL1K Kanji Deck, Nampa Deck - My SRS cards keep increasing >.<
[⭕]Approach Today - Approached from 5pm-6pm 3/18
[❌] 1 HR of Japanese bookwork (63/150) - Less important then SRS cards
[❌] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Same as above. No need to do this every day

Went out to approach a couple days ago

30min session around my house. 1 -3 blocks from my doorstep. Went like 0/6 i think in half an hour. Not bad volume honestly for this quick session. Skipped a few. I feel like i have a higher standard for white chicks lol. Some may consider those that i skipped 8/10 where i might see them as 6/10. I try to approach only 7/10 or higher. Walked around at i think 430ish and the volume was decent. Might have to do this again

30-45 min session at the mall. 3/15ish approaches.
I have been having trouble approaching girls that look 18 and may not be. So I made a conscious effort to just approach and eject if i found out their age if need be. 2 of the 5 girls that i approached gave me numbers and were over 18. So i discovered that i have been missing out on a lot of opportunities. Like my volume could have doubled theoretically.

Like one girl who I swear could have been in highschool turned out to be 20. Mask doesn't help an Asian chick look any older. Approached. said she was cute, and then immediately asked her age. She's like 20. I'm like No way! u definitely look like ur 17. She laughed and was receptive to the rest of the approach. Exchanged.

Like chocolate was saying in his thread. Worst thing that can happen is u find out their age and then just leave. No harm approaching, asking , and ejecting if needed.

The thought of repercussions of approaching the wrong girl always looms in my mind. I never want to be accused of doing anything. So that kind of approach anxiety is generally there in these situations. But that is just anxiety kicking in. I haven't heard of anybody who approaches getting any law enforcement involved. generally just moms pulling their daughters away or girls just being creeped out lol.


I think my passive immersion anime was too difficult for my level. So i switched to an anime that is much easier for someone of my level. It seems to be helping with hearing sentences that i can understand. Switched to ShiroKuma Cafe. Which is supposed to be a fairly easy anime to understand at a basic level. Characters talk about normal day topics and use basic conversational language. Along with my studies ive been able to somewhat listen and comprehend maybe 50% of what is being said using context as well as vocab i know. this is much higher then HunterxHunter.

I increased my Anki SRS cards to 30 new cards a day, My JLPK1 studies are like ~100 refresher cards, Japanese core 2k is around ~60 refresher cards, and Nampa is ~30 refresher sentence cards.

Full anki session usually takes me all of work to complete where im not seriously hammering away for hours.
Maybe 3 hours of flash cards to really finish all of the decks.

Thats like 90 new vocab cards a day, and ~200 refreshers a day. Feels like im learning stuff i think. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[❌]Sleep until 2pm - Woke up at 3pm again :mad:
[⭕] 8hrs of Japanese Immersion - Switched to something easier on the ears. Shirokuma Café - Always listening while at work
[⭕] Core 2k , JL1K Kanji Deck, Nampa Deck - Around 500 cards to review
[⭕]Approach Today - Approached from 515-615 1/~15
[❌] 1 HR of Japanese bookwork (63/150) - Less important then SRS cards
[❌] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Same as above. No need to do this every day

Consecutive Days Absorbing Japanese : [ 18 ] Started around July 20th


Went out rather late. Didnt leave the house until 4:45. Got to the mall at 5:15. I really need to get there earlier so i can get ~35 approaches in before 6pm when it starts to die down.

First approach i got a number with 0 resistance. like none.

Hey you are pretty.
oh thank you, im actually with my friend
ok, well maybe i can get ur number and we can grab a drink
Ok sure
... oh ... cool *give her my phone*

Literally 20 second interaction. maybe less.

Get into the mall and i have like heavy anxiety. Like my nerves were off the charts for no reason in particular. Just feeling really anxious. Thought about why im nervous while looking for girls. Still approached regardless of the feeling. Around 5 approaches it subsided a bit. Maybe 50% less anxiety.

Mall was sparse but still walked around and got what felt like 10 -15 approaches in an hour. No rapid fire approaches. Steady minute or 2 of walking in between each approach.

There were positives for the day. Being able to approach and feel the anxiety, but not have it affect me negatively is a good thing.

As well as i did a "hard" approach. Hard as in my mind there was hesitation.
See a girl go up the escalator. I follow.
She's walking quick so I'm trying to catch up. She goes into Aritzia.
I'm like fuck ok, ill bail, her ass wasn't that nice, there's a security guard.
All these thoughts come into my head. and I'm like wait. fuck this. I NEED to approach now.

Turn around. She's still in the store.
Say hi to the security guard. Get some hand sanitizer and approach.
She's receptive but has a boyfriend.
I leave.
guard says have a nice day.

This was a big approach in my mind cuz i was gunna bitch out, and then caught myself. Felt real good afterwards.

I'm like 0/8 on responses from chicks whos number I've gotten. Some have responded to my inital "Devin :)" but nothhing after that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just gotta keep approaching.


Not really much to say on this front. Still consistently studying every day and listening to the audio clips from Shirokuma while at work.

Had my first dream where people were speaking Japanese. Don't remember exactly what was going on, but i do remember people speaking Japanese and i thought to myself. Shit, I don't understand what they're saying. but my brain felt like it was on the edge of making a break through and understanding. Lol

I feel like the combination of SRS flash cards and listening to the same audio over and over, im slowly understanding more words in these audio clips. Like ill be passively listening and every now and then ill hear a word that sparks something in my brain. im like wait, i know that word or have heard it. Probably a good sign
Toast said:
I'm like 0/8 on responses from chicks whos number I've gotten. Some have responded to my inital "Devin " but nothhing after that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just gotta keep approaching.

Ya I'm not sure. It does go in waves.

Either way the majority of numbers will not convert anyway.

I experimented where I texted the girls who didn't respond 5 days later. And a few of them got back to me. But they were all uninterested.
Toast said:
Get into the mall and i have like heavy anxiety. Like my nerves were off the charts for no reason in particular. Just feeling really anxious. Thought about why im nervous while looking for girls.

It's all the hentai bro. Stop watching and you'll feel better.

I'm also trying to get Manganiello to stop searching for "sploshing vegan food" on Pornhub.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
I'm also trying to get @Manganiello to stop searching for "sploshing vegan food" on Pornhub.

Feels like you're baiting me to search that.