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People make fun of the green lines meme but honestly looking at that pic tells you a lot about the dynamics between the two of you. Humans are hardwired to instantly sniff out social hierarchies in any given environment and act accordingly. You're leaning in a lot, she's pulling away.

It's easy to think such details don't matter but my own skeptical ass tried the Mystery Method technique of never talking to girls in a bar when she is with her back against the wall, with myself standing right before her. Rather it should be the opposite: your back against the wall, her facing you. It looks like she's picking you up instead of vice versa.

Point is, such little cues do matter and they do paint a picture.

You still pedestalize women a lot, their reactions determine if you feel amazing or depressed, and you give more power than they deserve because you keep thinking "she won't like me anyway."

You need to develop the mindset and irrational self-confidence that everything a woman does is because she's attracted to you.

Doesn't reply right away? She must be shy.
Doesn't laugh at your jokes? She's insecure about her laugh.
She doesn't want to fuck on the first date? She doesn't want to look like a slut for me.

This will only come with more experience. You've been on 160 dates. I've been on 200+. I don't keep count but it's an extrapolation based on my lay count. Point is, even though you've been at it for a long time, as far as the big picture goes, you're still a newbie.
Bros thanks for the thoughts

I told Pancake my log will be purely focused on work so I can’t really engage in long dialogue here anymore

But thank you all for the comments

I appreciate it even though sometimes I am probably annoying the fuck out of you lol

Thanks but I gotta just keep working man

Tomorrow is a new week and MAC DADDY will work

My wager with Pancake is 1 lay with 6 months of hustle

We are almost half way through

If I am unable to do this, I know I will never make it in dating and it is finally OVER!

It may be OVER come December, but that is not today. Today, is not that day. Today we will continue pushing.

Focus, patience, accepting and letting go

MakingAComeback said:
If I am unable to do this, I know I will never make it in dating and it is finally OVER!


Why is it over? Did you listen to that last audio I sent you? The world does expand beyond Budapest you know. Budapest is hard as fuck for men who aren't cream of the crop. I can't get laid in any of these central european countries anymore but you don't see me saying 'it is finally OVER!'

If you don't get laid in 6 months, instead of giving up despite the insane amount of effort you put in, don't throw in the towel - go somewhere where you are far more likely to succeed. Latin America, Africa or East Asia. That's the last time I am going to repeat myself on the matter.
MakingAComeback said:
My wager with Pancake is 1 lay with 6 months of hustle

I'm tempted to offer you a similar wager, just mine would be 1 relationship with 6 months of letting go of your wish to get laid quickly and instead just enjoying the company of a woman till you both feel comfortable moving things forward

Most sex is had by people in relationships anyway, a fact we all seem completely oblivious to

I've literally had sex thousands of times in the past five years, and 90% of that was with my beautiful partner

(who fell in love with me after we did the 36 Questions in Love from my previous post btw: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=61776#p61776)
MakingAComeback said:
My wager with Pancake is 1 lay with 6 months of hustle

But you're not hustling man.

Only recently did I convince you to bump your CA volume to 10/day. That's still baby volume if you're approaching in a fast paced environment. I was doing double or triple that 1.5 year ago and I wasn't remotely happy with my results. Heck, it's shit volume if you've set a deadline for such an important area in your life

Also, in your last session you did 7 approaches and there was no recording - you're already slipping. Plus you rarely go for the close because you expect women to react the same way tattoo girl did. That's a joke because the majority of girls who end up pulling are neutral with a little bit of scepticism during the approach. Tattoo girl is a 0.0000000000001% outlier (random number of zeroes to drive home the point)

And that's just for CA.

pancakemouse gets some matches on Tinder with your photos and you don't. That's a mystery we still haven't solved. Are you actually hustling on OLD (sorry PM) or are your swipes lost in a black hole?

We also have your beta behaviors. On your first date with the girl you got drunk because you wanted to "enjoy" it... and somehow agreed to a double date. LOL. Thank GLL this didn't happen. But just imagine all the other little, beta behaviors you reinforced during your two dates. Sorry man but you don't have yet the luxury of slipping.

Personally, I hoped the Indian guy mentioned in PM's log would inspire you. The guy put himself in an environment that would make him a master at getting laid. Meanwhile, you're in an environment that's "eh" at best for getting laid.

You still have a lot of work to do man. It's your life but I genuinely consider the 6 month deadline a retarded idea. You set deadlines for stuff that have a clearly laid out blueprint for achieving X result. If we knew that you can get laid after 200 approaches, great. We can set deadlines and goals around getting laid with CA. But you don't set deadlines when you still haven't solved the issues that take you from A to Deep inside her.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
consider the 6 month deadline a retarded idea

And a very retarded one.

What happens then? You are finally happy? Or you will seething and spiral downwards at the bimonthly trigger?

C’mon man
Bros, CHILL.

You are going to get me into trouble with Pancake.

I am not supposed to be writing long posts anymore. I am supposed to be working ONLY.

We gotta stop. I already have The Dom threatening to ram a fucking shovel up my ass.

Please just chill out you are going to get me killed.....



-Checkins & Client Work
-Content Machine: Write the week's posts + 5 reels
-Network: 50 Comments / 500 Adds
-DMs: 100 FB /100 IG

-Gym: Chest & Triceps
-OMAD, DHA, Supps
-CT – 5m

-CA: 10 Sets
-Study Game
-Online Dating


Back hustling.


Mac with a sexy 19yo redhead slaying, this made my day :D I'm so happy for you :lol:

It happened because you made it happen, you didn't let past rejections decide your future, i bet this girl is hotter than all the crazy bitches that rejected you harshly for no reason

You just win in the end


-Content Machine: 4 FB + IG posts
-Networking: 50 Comments / 500 Adds
-DMs: 100 on FB
-Offer Work

-Gym: Chest & Triceps
-OMAD, DHA, Supps

-CA: 10 Approaches
-Online Process
-Study Game

-Life Admin


Another day, another dollar.

Time to work..........

There's a lot to do!

WIll get through it, one day at a time.



-Client Work & Calls
-Content Machine: 4 FB & IG posts
-Network: 50 Comments / 500 Adds
-DMs: 100
-Offer Work

-Rest day
-OMAD, DHA, Supps

-CA: 10
-Online Hustle

-Life Admin


Yesterdays day game session, was a bit stuck in my head. Felt low energy, quite drained! Headed out, to put some time in. Was in a bit of a daze. Couldn't help but feel, few, if any, of the chicks out there were attractive to me as Tattoo girl. This, isn't useful thinking, and also, objectively isn't true. Men, always need to seek abundance.

Said girl, sent me a voice not on Sunday, about me leaving her on read for hours and how this gave her anxiety. She then said, she doesn't want to come meet at my place, and doesn't want to do anything physical with me, until she feels she can trust me more.

Rolled with it. She'll text and send video and audio notes, daily. She's very sweet.

Often, in this log, I would bitch about how women never seemed to invest, wouldn't show much interest. Well, clearly, that's not the case right now. So, this is a W!

However, she tells me she is looking for something serious, and doesn't want to do casual, and so on.

Whilst I would like a relationship, what concerns me, is the stage of my development. It feels as if, she has more power than me in this dynamic. It doesn't feel abundant. I care, more than I should.

That is why, I am not yet where I need to be. And must continue my growth, until I am there in my own masculinity.

Nonetheless, I can see, this is a lovely woman, and we should explore whatever can be explored. No one is "official" or fully committed to a singular person without about 6 months of dating anyway.....

I have a fear of investing, for nothing, after what happened with L. That went on for 4-5 months, and we split. There was no sex.

Next date, which is Thurs, I'll hit Tattoo girl with an ultimatum. We'll meet in public, but I will expect her to come back to my place, and spend time with me 1 on 1. I am not even saying, we'll explore sex. From the looks of the situation, I'm not sure she will. I think she will try to hold out for as long as possible. I hate these kind of games. The right move, is to just not play them. Same team, same goal, if not, it's not a good fit.

The way I see it, if she won't spend 1 on 1 time with me, on the 3rd date, then it's not what I'm looking for. I'd be down to just hang out, chill, get to know each other, and we don't necessarily need to go all the way physically. But I am not going to be OK with just wandering around going for drinks each week. Will see what she says on Thurs. If no dice, all good, best wishes & onto the next. There will be others.

Otherwise, I have a lot going on. It's pretty intense. Only way, is through. Showing up, and doing the processes.

If I show up, and hit my targets for my processes each day, and work on myself, and my Game, I should be OK. A reminder to myself.

Applies to everyone.

Thrice said:
Mac with a sexy 19yo redhead slaying, this made my day :D I'm so happy for you :lol:

It happened because you made it happen, you didn't let past rejections decide your future, i bet this girl is hotter than all the crazy bitches that rejected you harshly for no reason

You just win in the end

Bro, it is a good feeling. She obv likes me, texts me a lot, tells me she is missing me, etc.

All the experiences that I needed when I was my old self.

It is through getting off our ass, and just working, in life, that gets results.

Anyone can become better, anyone can learn to develop. The help is here.

There are ways a man can fix himself. I see how I got like this in the first place, but before my time is up in this world, I will find a way to solve this problem, and do everything I can to help save other men from the deepest pits of involuntary celibacy.

Today, if you meet me, you would never imagine my awful background.

I became better, because I worked really hard on myself.

I will succeed in the end bro.

Stay strong. The best resource to fix this problem, is brotherhood with other men, and taking a lot of action, every day, until the subconscious and conscious brain, has been transformed.

Through hustling every week, as you can see, things happen.

Let it take, as long as it takes............Victory will come in the end

MakingAComeback said:
Next date, which is Thurs, I'll hit Tattoo girl with an ultimatum. We'll meet in public, but I will expect her to come back to my place, and spend time with me 1 on 1. I am not even saying, we'll explore sex. From the looks of the situation, I'm not sure she will. I think she will try to hold out for as long as possible. I hate these kind of games. The right move, is to just not play them. Same team, same goal, if not, it's not a good fit.

The way I see it, if she won't spend 1 on 1 time with me, on the 3rd date, then it's not what I'm looking for. I'd be down to just hang out, chill, get to know each other, and we don't necessarily need to go all the way physically. But I am not going to be OK with just wandering around going for drinks each week. Will see what she says on Thurs. If no dice, all good, best wishes & onto the next. There will be others.

Could you see yourself dating this girl?

Like do you enjoy her company, even when you're just making out and holding hands and talking and flirting in public?

And would you be ok with taking her on a bunch of dates, and expressing your desire for sex and to spend time alone whenever you feel like it, but also backing off if she's not ready and giving her time to feel like she can trust you?

If you do that, you may get way more sex (years more in my experience) compared to if you push too fast for sex/make ultimatums too quickly

I've done both, and I will take the years of sex in a relationship with a beautiful woman (or two) over a few more quick lays every single time

*And just to be clear, there's nothing wrong with fast sex if she's ready after the first date, but there's also nothing wrong with waiting a few dates until she's ready

Manganiello has a great thread going exploring the difference between gaming and dating that you might find helpful for your situation:

especially Antonio44's more recent posts about helping a beautiful woman learn to trust you:
Manly Cockfellow said:
MakingAComeback said:
Next date, which is Thurs, I'll hit Tattoo girl with an ultimatum. We'll meet in public, but I will expect her to come back to my place, and spend time with me 1 on 1. I am not even saying, we'll explore sex. From the looks of the situation, I'm not sure she will. I think she will try to hold out for as long as possible. I hate these kind of games. The right move, is to just not play them. Same team, same goal, if not, it's not a good fit.

The way I see it, if she won't spend 1 on 1 time with me, on the 3rd date, then it's not what I'm looking for. I'd be down to just hang out, chill, get to know each other, and we don't necessarily need to go all the way physically. But I am not going to be OK with just wandering around going for drinks each week. Will see what she says on Thurs. If no dice, all good, best wishes & onto the next. There will be others.

Could you see yourself dating this girl?

Like do you enjoy her company, even when you're just making out and holding hands and talking and flirting in public?

And would you be ok with taking her on a bunch of dates, and expressing your desire for sex and to spend time alone whenever you feel like it, but also backing off if she's not ready and giving her time to feel like she can trust you?

If you do that, you may get way more sex (years more in my experience) compared to if you push too fast for sex/make ultimatums too quickly

I've done both, and I will take the years of sex in a relationship with a beautiful woman (or two) over a few more quick lays every single time

*And just to be clear, there's nothing wrong with fast sex if she's ready after the first date, but there's also nothing wrong with waiting a few dates until she's ready

@Manganiello has a great thread going exploring the difference between gaming and dating that you might find helpful for your situation:

especially @Antonio44's more recent posts about helping a beautiful woman learn to trust you:

this is pretty much the exact opposite of the advice MAC needs to hear

his issue has always been getting tooled and strung along by girls for validation because of a combination of too much neediness + lack of assertiveness

letting him keep going on infinite cuck platonic dates is not the answer, setting a time limit on escalation to force him to take action and defend his boundaries is
september said:
this is pretty much the exact opposite of the advice MAC needs to hear

his issue has always been getting tooled and strung along by girls for validation because of a combination of too much neediness + lack of assertiveness

letting him keep going on infinite cuck platonic dates is not the answer, setting a time limit on escalation to force him to take action and defend his boundaries is

september, I think you're half right, and congrats on all the success recently!

If MakingAComeback wants to have sex with a lot of different girls he would probably be better off following your advice

If he wants to have sex with the same girl lots of times he might be better off following mine

In the end it's up to him!

And either way, he's gonna be just fine :)
Manly Cockfellow said:
If @MakingAComeback wants to have sex with a lot of different girls he would probably be better off following your advice

If he wants to have sex with the same girl lots of times he might be better off following mine
For the record, I do both and I agree with september on this one ;)
Manly Cockfellow said:
If he wants to have sex with the same girl lots of times he might be better off following mine
The thing that stands out to me here is just the disparity in how this girl treats men. She is willing to have casual hookups with tons of men but isn't willing to sleep with MAC on a 2nd or 3rd date?

It's one thing if the girl is not the type to have casual sex and is inexperienced/uncomfortable, it's quite another if she's going around having one night stands and then putting up resistance with other guys.

If I was in MACs position I would feel the same way. I would feel like she only sees me as some "safe" beta. The thing is, guys tend to correlate interest with sexual interest. Women might not see it that way, but in the mind of most men, particularly an undersexed one, a girl who is unwilling to have sex is a girl who lacks interest in the first place.
Manly Cockfellow said:
If he wants to have sex with the same girl lots of times he might be better off following mine

Let's say that Macdaddy is at another station of his sexual life development so he needs to work on other areas rather than this ones.
Holden said:
For the record, I do both and I agree with @september on this one

Squilliam said:
The thing that stands out to me here is just the disparity in how this girl treats men. She is willing to have casual hookups with tons of men but isn't willing to sleep with MAC on a 2nd or 3rd date?

It's one thing if the girl is not the type to have casual sex and is inexperienced/uncomfortable, it's quite another if she's going around having one night stands and then putting up resistance with other guys.

If I was in MACs position I would feel the same way. I would feel like she only sees me as some "safe" beta. The thing is, guys tend to correlate interest with sexual interest. Women might not see it that way, but in the mind of most men, particularly an undersexed one, a girl who is unwilling to have sex is a girl who lacks interest in the first place.

AskTheDom said:
Let's say that Macdaddy is at another station of his sexual life development so he needs to work on other areas rather than this ones.

All valid points!

MakingAComeback should feel really good to see so many stellar guys taking an interest in him, rooting for him and trying to help him succeed.

Part of what I'm doing here is playing devil's advocate, because I get very wary when everyone starts agreeing about the right way to handle a complex situation such as relationships and sex.

There are many different ways to have sex and to have relationships with women after all, and it's great that we have so many guys running so many different experiments and sharing their data.

My way isn't necessarily the right way, but it is backed up by my own data of having had dozens of women fall in love with me, date me and have sex with me, often for years (and sometimes even two or three at the same time)

All while being pretty damn patient and understanding about waiting till she's ready to have sex, even if I know she's been fast with other guys before me

For example, I didn't sleep with Jewish girl on the first date, which she said was extremely rare for her, and we ended up having a ton of great sex and even an amazing threesome together, so you really never know

With all this in mind I still think one of the best policies (especially if you are open to a relationship with her, but probably even if you just want to fuck her) is to:
1. Tell her how you feel
2. Tell her what you want
3. Trust her to do the same