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  1. Hopeless

    WARNING. These common meds might give you permanent sex. dysfunction

    Thank you for providing this much informtion to the community and people here. I have dealt with post accutane syndrom and it will fucked with me. You do not mention any treatments. What are the options if you have it? I tried a lot of supplements and some of them had en effect some didnt...
  2. Hopeless


    @MakingAComeback Do you consume porn or do you masturbate frequently? I mean this is one of the most important factors. I wonder why no one mentioned this. Stay the fuck away from porn. For me its heavy compound lifting, fatty food like eggs, butter and rib eye. The only supplement I can...
  3. Hopeless

    Paid Renegade's Log- Looksmaxxing updates

    That doenst make sense at all. If you incline bench press 230lbs for 5 reps and assuming your other lifts are equally advanced, your muscle mass should be high enough that you should be heavier despite being so lean.
  4. Hopeless


    Whats your height and bodyfat level?
  5. Hopeless

    Picture feedback

    Hello, Iam looking for someone to rate my pictures via PM. Honest and constructive feedback. Just shoot me a PM and I will send you my photos. Would mean a hell lot to me.
  6. Hopeless

    New here, trying to get into shape before putting myself out there for dating and such ! Help is greatly appreciated

    I will make it simple: losing fat: - high protein 1.5g per kg bodyweight - track your bodyweight everyday with a scale, every week you calculate you weekly avg. - track calories from everything you eat, the first two to four weeks you need weigh everything to get a feeling how much calorie...
  7. Hopeless

    After getting girls numbers from cold approach, what is best strategy to convert into lays?

    If you approach a woman its acutally wise to talk 5-10 mins with her, just talk with her. Then try to set up a date right away, even before asking for her number. Ask if she wants to meep up with you and when she has time etc. Then grab her number and confirm the date. Dont ask every girl for...
  8. Hopeless

    Skin care

    Topical tretinoin for mild-moderate acne isotretinoin for moderate-severe acne. Try tret first before going. One skin cycle is 12 weeks long. Exspect results after 8-12 weeks. Both medications are the best anti aging agents that are proven. Some people delvelope really good skin, with glow and...
  9. Hopeless

    How to Quit Caffeine & Why You Should (Spoiler: it kills your dick)

    I will try it and report back if there is any benefit.
  10. Hopeless

    Lex' AA log

    The drills within the program do not serve any purpose. They are all dares. Just do them. Its just your social programming kicking in, Treat it more like a challenge and remind yourself that you arent weird, you are just doing something that makes no sense for an external observer.
  11. Hopeless

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Tom, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. I have a pretty unfortunate past. I don't really want to go into the details since I don't think it fucking matters anyways. Something comparable to Andy's. The only thing that matters is how I go about it now. I have this...