Search results for query: *

  1. HomelessBob

    Silver's Log - job interviews and fear.

    That's the main bummer for the 'rona virus for me, absolutely destroys my gym numbers for a couple of weeks lol. Other than that, just here to say kudos man. Working hard. Very nice.
  2. HomelessBob

    Z to A - caffeine

    Kudos on the work man. Dunno about the rest of the UK fellas and interested in opinions, but I'm kind of in the camp that UK cold approach outside of London and a few select other major cities is possible, but doesn't work out well for time invested vs returns. Especially in the south, holy...
  3. HomelessBob

    Supplement thread

    I would add to Pancake's take and point out it's an open secret in the supplement industry that what you're buying is way too often the wrong dose, or in cases of many herbal supplements the wrong supplement entirely. Herbal supplement from China = lol. There are vanishingly few reliable...
  4. HomelessBob

    I really need help

    Fair point. Maybe the prostitution advice fits better for anyone with sex anxiety rather than low "worthyness" feelings.
  5. HomelessBob

    I really need help

    Also, why? I don't think it's a bad idea for someone to just get it out of the way so it isn't such a big deal in someone's brain. The collective finger of society and dude-kind isn't going to come down from the sky and judge you for paying to get laid. I'm perfectly happy with my sex life and...
  6. HomelessBob

    I really need help

    My two cents: Everything is learnable. Everything is a skill. A good plan of action + putting in the numbers = basically guaranteed success. Most people skimp on one or the other. My opinion? Forget about girls and date a fleshlight till you learn some social skills and make some friends of...
  7. HomelessBob

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    Oh wow, cheers for the sex menu link. That thing looks great! Thanks bud. I remember there was a discussion a page or so back on lasting longer during sex, wierdly I've always had the opposite problem. You know what they use to treat premature ejaculation? SSRIs. You know what they use to treat...
  8. HomelessBob

    Pumping up the numbers: Questions on travel/accounts etc?

    Hmm, good to know, cheers man!
  9. HomelessBob

    Pumping up the numbers: Questions on travel/accounts etc?

    Hey guys, so in the UK outside of London and a couple of other cities we really don't have the same population centres as the rest of the world. I'm sitting somewhere where using this handy tool which I reccomend to people: Within a 15 mile radius...
  10. HomelessBob

    I can attract women, but struggle to forming meaningful relationships.

    I think all of Andy's stuff is great. I would add a crash course from my own experience (your milage may vary): Read Way of the Superior man Read How to make friends and influence people Now understand you'll get dumped usually for 1 of 4 reasons: -You showed too many unnattractive behaviors...
  11. HomelessBob

    Photo editing services in the community?

    Cheers mate! Sent @MILFandCookies a PM.
  12. HomelessBob

    Photo editing services in the community?

    Reading this thread: Some nice tips from the guys, I was wondering if anyone in the community was running these kinds of minor photo edits as a service. Happy to pay for someone's time, or take a recommendation for someone outside...
  13. HomelessBob

    Advice on finding a photographer (UK)

    I paid 120 for an hour with the guy I use, I used to use someone else but they gave worse results and cost significantly more. So price and quality seems to vary. Worth trying to find award winning portraiture or lifestyle photographers in the area for another search idea. TBH most of the...
  14. HomelessBob

    Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

    If it helps mate, I've heard during the summer it's harder to meet up. More stuff going on in people's lives till around August. I try not to let it be an excuse but knowing that also helps take the edge off the repeated kicks in the teeth when they flake, lol. Personally I've also noticed an...
  15. HomelessBob

    DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

    Shit dude, good profile. Personally I found the less you talk the better. I have literally 3 modes: -Ask a question. Nothing too serious. Like chatting with a buddy "So how was your week" etc -Bounce off a word or theme from that question to ask another question, or make a funny...
  16. HomelessBob

    Silver's Log - job interviews and fear.

    Nice work man. Regarding the afternoon dip, pretty normal when it comes to your circadian rhythm. High focus in the morning with a loss of focus and energy sometime early to late afternoon is expected for anyone with a decent sleep pattern. Funnily enough evidence suggests it's a really good...
  17. HomelessBob

    Silver's Log - job interviews and fear.

    Yea suspected as much. I even attended one of thier gatherings a number of years back, seemed more just like a social meeting group with a shared hobby. Not even a social circle dating thing just a hobby group. Nice bunch.
  18. HomelessBob

    Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

    Some quick thoughts, disclaimer the below not actual medical advice, you should never take medical advice from a rando on the internet, get advice from your doctor only, this is just "education" at best, blah blah blah. A saturation of 99% proves nothing especially in a younger dude. A normal...
  19. HomelessBob

    Tinder photo review

    Steroids certainly aren't the only way to build a better body, and lifting improves your life beyond physical appearance. Ultimately the only thing stopping you from putting on muscle is you, and I mean that in a positive way. Also some guys jawlines look better with a beard, you could...
  20. HomelessBob

    Silver's Log - job interviews and fear.

    Yea I hear you can save like crazy, If it works it works. South of England for me, there's a few really densely populated cities and all different flavours too. So do you attend some of the FL events and network there? I've heard of guys using it as a dating website but I've also heard that...