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  1. BouffeQ

    Logistic issues and goals

    Getting women is a number's game. In Bumfuck nowhere, the supply of women is limited. That's the reason y'all marry between cousins or have sex with sheeps. I'd suggest move to a city for a couple of years, fuck as much as you can, then find a woman willing to follow you anywhere you go, (maybe...
  2. BouffeQ

    Not seeing any progress on Tinder - need help

    I won't go too deep into giving advices as I don't get laid myself, but read again the part: 3.1 – The Vibe Your Photos Should Get Across Your ultimate goal with your photos is to look like a guy who gets laid. You are giving a nice guy vibe in all those pictures. Don't get demoralised and...
  3. BouffeQ

    Trying to Figure Out What I Need to Do... Feeling Lost

    Hi Rob, Bumping the thread as you mentioned in my thread that you made the decision to move in Malta. What changed and what made you decide to go for it? What will keep you busy there? Just a heads-up, this country is incredibly difficult for dating, even my good-looking, extrovert friends...
  4. BouffeQ

    Getting a good haircut

    Ask any flamboyant gay dude that lives in your city who is the best barber in town. Meet the barber, ask him what would fit you the best, or just tell 'I want a fuckboy haircut'.
  5. BouffeQ

    Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

    I loved the 'just more number than I expected!'. GG man. Seemed almost too easy to be true.
  6. BouffeQ

    Tinder Platinum

    Thank you. Ok if that includes Gold it's not that bad, like 4$ extra will give it a try. For the message sent before the match, can it be optimised or the still use to good old 'hey, you are sexy...'? I actually worked for a while for a similar app, not in the marketing department but this is...
  7. BouffeQ

    Best way to lose bodyfat?

    Also, post your myFitnessPal logs. If you do not log food, you probably underestimate the calories you ingest. I struggled for years before understanding that.
  8. BouffeQ

    Tinder Platinum

    I just found out Tinder found a new way to suck money out of us, horny lonely men. As I understand it's an upgrade from Gold that allows you to message girls your superliked before the match, also the like and the message will be on top of the girl stack. Cost around 65US where I live, for 6...
  9. BouffeQ

    When did you move out of your parents' house?

    Depends on too many factors. There is no good age to move. -Ability to pay the bills? How would a place in your budget looks like? -Need to save for a project or not really? -How many people in the appartment? Villa, or small flat? -City or village? How do you like the place you live in...
  10. BouffeQ

    Where to cold approach

    I've been to LA only once and I am not a Murican, but Venice beach, Santa Monica seemed to be a great place for it?
  11. BouffeQ

    Are these pics good enough to start with?

    Needs a smile (or different facial expression at least), an activity picture, you doing something, and a pics with friends.
  12. BouffeQ

    I am Fuckin ANGRY

    Chill dude. Also looking to move to a bigger city, can be as soon a October. Berlin is #1 on my list at the moment. Are you German?
  13. BouffeQ

    How to Fall In Love With the Process of Working Out

    I never really fell in love with it, I just kept forcing myself, now it became a habit, kinda like brushing my teeth. I don't enjoy it, but if I don't do it I'd feel like crap.
  14. BouffeQ

    Tinder pics feedback

    I started over with that set and still no match, anything worth keeping? Gotta work on that fashion game - make that 6 pack happen and take quality pics with friends.
  15. BouffeQ

    Deriving Happiness from Women

    Abundance mentality. I guess when you have 2-3 'backup' plans in term of women, you would not give a shit about some random stranger not showing up.
  16. BouffeQ

    Judge my looks/pictures

    I'm not a fashion expert but that red shirt... nah. Also, pics with vap/beer in the mouth don't look good. Pics 5 is the best here, needs some editing for light and remove the forehead pimple. Finally, you'd need to hit the gym and lose that belly fat!
  17. BouffeQ

    Dead Ends & Tire Kickers

    I had the same mentally - oh I'll never be good looking enough to get pussy blablabla. I wasted a huge amount if time reading self-improvement shit, forums, the read pill RSD videos etc... It did not help much. Then there is this one dumb story from a comedian, talking about his encounter with...
  18. BouffeQ

    Review needed. Getting no matches.

    Welcome dude! Your hair look fabulous. Your set of photos gives a dark vibe, kinda feels like a vampire. It needs a bit more joy, and some variety. It's also kinda hard to figure out what body type you have.
  19. BouffeQ

    Tinder pics feedback

    DNPTHC Thank you. I do not have a Tinder profile at the moment, I will set one up again as soon as I am satisfied with my pics. I used the pics from post 1 in the past, combined with others. I always kept at least one group shot for social proof, but the photo quality for those are not great...
  20. BouffeQ

    Tinder pics feedback

    Thank you for the feedback so far. I finally got my hands on a f 1.8 lens - Amazon delivery would have been 3 weeks where I live, so I decided f*** it and bought it at rip off rates. The joys of living on an island. Got a tripod too. Still need a remote, I use my phone for the time being. So...