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    Radicals Log - 90 Outfits

    As someone who had to quit cigs in the past. I recommend closing the door entirely so to speak. Don’t let them come back into your life. I noticed when I did that. Other old negative happens creep back in. Just my two cents. Good luck with your goals buddy.

    Best sources of DMAA, MK677, cardarine, etc

    I personally wouldn’t waste the money man. IMO the only good supps come from a needle. Everything else you’re better off spending the money on a good personal trainer/diet.

    Jonathan makes a discorery

    Getting away from red pill sites and off the internet in general m. (This forum included) is one of the best things you can do for your mental health. I come back to check in from time to time to see how people are doing. However i compare it to a rear and side view mirror. It’s best to check...

    Best way to lose bodyfat?

    My advise. Don’t give a shit about the scale numbers etc. Cut until you are ripped. You will put on muscle with time. Get really ripped first. It’s much more rewarding to grow when lean.

    Help me fix my broken worldview plz!

    In order to build a fun FWB with the girl. You need to be able to hangout and have fun with her without having sex. She needs to be able to do the same as well. Some girls I will hangout with and legit just chill with them because we enjoy each other’s company. I.E. not always having sex...

    Tinder Platinum

    Gold in my opinion is all you need for now.... soon they will make it to where you have to get platinum. But any of my friends who have used it didn’t really notice better results. Once your above the “threshold” In terms of looks/pictures for tinder your fine. The money for platinum is...

    Youtube and Anime's Sucking My Time - Help

    I would just block youtube for a period of time and cancel your anime subscriptions.

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    KillYourInnerLoser Dude these travel restrictions are pissing me off. I legit want nothing more than to get a photo shoot done with you dude. That’s the final step right now. I gotta figure out how to get good photos now. :(. I have the camera but the time sink of messing with it my self...

    Take 2.

    Oh you might need to lose weight before you really start shopping for clothes then. I would suggest a tapered leg. Either way weight loss might be the priority here. Clothes will fit really well once you’re in shape.
  10. DNPTHC

    Take 2.

    the only thing would be better-fitting jeans in my opinion. they seem a little long and baggy
  11. DNPTHC

    Date outfit.

    What TimmyTurner said Aloofus Two people to mirror in terms of style would be like Daniel Craig or Idris Elba Here’s a better color scheme and fit for an outfit like that
  12. DNPTHC

    Be Wary of Dating Advice on the Internet (especially if they don't show proof)

    Sin Silver Not at all... Anyone that I know who has actually gotten laid a lot (30+ girls a year) all have 2 things in common.... Guess what they are.... They all look good They all hit on a lot of girls per week 20+ Just focus on those two things. Everything else falls into place...
  13. DNPTHC

    Girls saying they're not looking for hook ups.

    That’s gold. Aloofus Thankyou for posting on this forum.
  14. DNPTHC

    Dead Ends & Tire Kickers

  15. DNPTHC

    Dead Ends & Tire Kickers

    Yes that's exactly what were saying
  16. DNPTHC

    Dead Ends & Tire Kickers

    Hopefully KillYourInnerLoser chado can articulate all this better than me or help you understand this a bit better. Or explain your original posts questions. So let me start by saying you only have around 6 lays right? You don’t have enough experience to say every girl monkey branches...
  17. DNPTHC

    Dead Ends & Tire Kickers

    Did you read Andy’s tinder guide? You’re going about it all wrong. Looking for the 1 night stands and FWBs leads to long term relationships. Sounds counter intuitive to people just starting but once you get laid enough and have multiple long term FWBs you get the option of long term...
  18. DNPTHC

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    You’re living a dream now buddy. Really damn happy for you. I am missing something from you though.... it’s called articles and vlogs 😆🤣
  19. DNPTHC

    Don't Forget it's a #'s Game

    No worries just report on the topic after you've visited the city.. maybe take a weekend and visit BIB or something in Austin.. not sure how good of friends you are with him but it would be a start so to speak you know.
  20. DNPTHC

    YouTube as a side hustle

    JamalHash123 I did it while in college. It supported me during that time. (I need to get off my ass and start rebuilding it) Just be aware... It will/ may take a while before any decent income starts to come in since you're not selling a service and the market is super saturated.. well...