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  1. ytlord

    Travel Advice - Want to learn how to transition from rooted homebody to world explorer

    I’m much closer to the beginning of this journey, but I can give advice as someone who came from a “low travel” background. I grew up traveling around the US a decent amount, but mostly camping trips and stuff like that. Solo travel is a whole other experience, and one that I think is best to...
  2. ytlord

    Brandon’s 365 Days of Masculine, Self-affirming Action: Days 278-283

    The stuff you and Dom are doing is absolutely incredible. Really makes me want to keep pursuing “social circle” situations. Implementing leadership and masculinity to bolster your sex life is kind of what I’m trying to do right now, and I feel like it’s a good way to improve all areas of your...
  3. ytlord

    Are any of these pictures usable?

    Fit / style is on point for the basic fuckboy look, good job there. 1 or 3 should be usable but it’s hard for me to say which. Id plug both into photofeeler and see which one does better, though I know thats controversial advice.
  4. ytlord

    Need Help pivoting from a relationship to a casual/hookup mode and limited time

    So first I would point out that 40 matches to one date ratio is about average, if you want more dates you simply need more matches. No matter what course of action you take to improve on your “seduction vibe”, you will definitely need more volume, and more dates, so as always improving your...
  5. ytlord

    Are these pictures any good? Or should I start over?

    I think 7th pic is the best, but yeah none of them are good. Expressions are awkward, outfits are basic. Your face should basically NEVER be shadowed, no amount of brightness adjustment will fix that you just need better lighting. Don’t edit away bad shadows. Take better pictures. Re read the...
  6. ytlord

    I tried tinder gold but still no success

    Your pics are just not good. It feels like you are trying to look cool or edgy without actually looking attractive - not because you aren’t attractive, but because these pics are not attractive. 1. Way too far back, can’t see your face clearly, body language is closed and almost hostile. 2...
  7. ytlord

    ReachKid's log - Positive focus

    I had a similar experience in Uni - the trick is to just start as many conversations as possible. Grind it like a skill. It legit works. I went to a ton of random clubs etc until I got good at generic small talk, and that skill has stayed with me as my social life has gone up and down. You're...
  8. ytlord

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Your top priority needs to be mental health. You are essentially attractive - lower BF%, good facial aesthetics. Sure you aren't "jacked chad" enough to reliably get girls to invite you straight over off of Tinder, but you are definitely attractive enough to successfully casually date. There's...
  9. ytlord

    Tinder Profile Review

    IMO Last pic is best, I'd lead with that one. First one isn't bad but crossed arms can seem "standoffish", and the last pic doesn't look full on nice guy. BDSM feels a touch too dark, but I don't have a ton of experience with that type of profile so I'm not a perfect resource. I actually like...
  10. ytlord

    Need advice - which photos to use?

    1, 2: Could be good if zoomed in more 3: Almost good but your eyes are out of focus, generally too blurry 4: Pretty damn good 5: Prefer posture in 3 6, 7: Not bad but posture is kinda weird 8: Out of focus, makes you look short 9: Overall not bad, odd facial expression IMO 10: Boring posture /...
  11. ytlord

    Taking Self Portraits

    I had great success taking self portraits in public with a tripod, remote, and DSLR. My current best photo was admittedly taken by someone else, but I had tons of OLD success before that photo using self portrait techniques. The trick is to just lean into how autistic you look out in public and...
  12. ytlord

    ReachKid's log - Positive focus

    Really enjoy reading your log man, you’re on the right path. If you can nights like that as encouragement, that attitude will carry you far. Judging my the selfie you posted, you look way better without a beard, stick with that look. Improve your haircut and style, probably bulk up a little, and...
  13. ytlord

    ReachKid's log - Positive focus

    Do you currently live with roommates or family? Roommates are definitely no excuse, I’ve literally always had roommates and have gotten plenty of lays. Family is a bit more difficult but still no excuse. Plenty of people on here have done it. This is fucking wild and I feel like you just...
  14. ytlord

    Crimson’s Progress Log

    Dude you’re fucking killing it. One note I’ll make on escalation: I’ve found that it’s counterproductive to kiss a girl when you aren’t close to a location where you can have sex. I’ve never kissed a girl and the gotten her to agree to go back to mine. I’ve gotten her to agree to come back and...
  15. ytlord

    Help with Tinder profile

    Very average read guide
  16. ytlord

    Is it advisable/socially calibrated to invite a girl near your place if she lives really far?

    I used to have this dilemma because I live out in the suburbs. I eventually figured out that most of the girls who wouldn’t meet me close to my place weren’t DTF. I get less dates by only inviting girls to places close to me but my pull rate has gone way up. I may lose some girls, but in reality...
  17. ytlord

    Help with tinder pics

    Google drive is kinda dogshit so I’m just going by thumbnails. Since I can’t seem to open full pictures I won’t give you a specific set or order, only general advice. Your physique is obviously elite, you have a good haircut and facial aesthetics. The main issue is that these pictures make you...
  18. ytlord

    Returning to online dating after years, match quality down the shitter

    No, you just need to take ~1000 pictures before you get one that looks natural and good. Being “photogenic” is just a question of improving that ratio. I don’t wanna come across as a dick, but you have quite a bit of work ahead of you. I feel like I suck at hair advice, so I’m not gonna say...
  19. ytlord

    Returning to online dating after years, match quality down the shitter

    Get new pictures, trim down to 4-6 pictures instead of this clusterfuck. Read the Tinder guide, you’re at a basic enough level that that’s the “correct” advice. Tinder standards have gone up massively in the last 3 years, probably more so the last 5 but I wasn’t active 5 years ago. You need...
  20. ytlord

    Tinder pics

    With what you have now, I’d say 5,3,1,9,10. Your style is extremely solid imo, and your pretty good looking, but could definitely do with edgier expressions / poses in pics. You probably will get the best returns by improving your texting. I’m not the best source on this but I’d recommend...