Brandon’s 365 Days of Masculine, Self-affirming Action: Days 278-283

Day 42

Actions taken:

  • Affirmations
  • 2nd meditation in the afternoon
  • 1/2 for cold approach

Was tired from getting home late and getting 5 hours of sleep last night. Did not feel like cold emailing today, did it anyways. Did not feel like doing HIIT today, but told myself it'll be a win even if I just do one tabata set. Did the full workout which of course helped the sleepiness. Crushed work in the afternoon. Then I really just felt like staying home, but I'm not going to make any progress socially being isolated in my apartment. So made myself presentable, walked down to the grocery store a block from my place and approached there.

First set was cute little Latina who had a boyfriend who was right around the corner. Second was a southern blonde who I got a number from and thought I was so bold for approaching in a grocery store. Walked around a little more in the store before calling it quits and going back home.


Holden said:
You're in a hypersexual environment and don't ask attractive women about the nature of their relationship?

Ignorance on my part. I'll be sure to do that. Thanks, Holden.
Day 43

Actions taken:

  • Affirmations
  • 2nd meditation in the afternoon
  • Pitched in front of 200+ people on stage

Austin has a pretty big startup scene and few big networking events. Signed up to pitch at one that had 400 people RSVPed, so I'm being conservative and saying there was at least 200 in there. Biggest group of people I've ever stood on stage in front of. I was also the very last one after 10 other founders. I wasn't pitching to get investors, but for sponsors for my courses and just brand awareness. Plus doing shit that's scary. Honestly, I had some nerves, but once I got up there I just let my mind go forth and say the words. I did pretty well at making eye contact with the crowd, but need to work on walking the stage more. But it's only the second time I've ever presented on stage, so I'll get better.

The real reason I did it was because they have both a videographer and photographer there to capture your pitch. So I can use that in marketing and pictures for the dating profiles.

I used to be nervous talking to people in big networking events, but before I presented I just opened a couple and ended up forming a big group of people talking. Of course after I presented then people came to chat with me. Funny thing was I noticed a girl with bright red hair I had matched on Tinder with a last year. I think we didn't make it out on a date because she was hesitant with my using the BDSM line due to some trauma from being raped. Well after I pitched, she came up to me and loved my idea because she had thought and tried to do something similar before. I don't think she remembers me but we did the typical networking Linkedin swap. Might message her saying we matched on tinder before and see what happens.
Bman said:
What's the best move here? I think my options are:

Option number 5; take one of your attractive subs and offer a swinger date to the guy if she down with that.
With this you show him respect and get laid

This is about giving, while the other options are all about taking (and in this world you get sidelined quite fast for that mindset)
AskTheDom that's an interesting point but it's not something I'd ever do myself and considering Bman didn't bring it up either, I assume he's not into either. You do swinger dates often? I have 0 desire to share my girls, let alone subs that I have a good connection with.

Bman said:
The real reason I did it was because they have both a videographer and photographer there to capture your pitch. So I can use that in marketing and pictures for the dating profiles.

100%, I'm trying to take every single opportunity like this that presents itself.
AskTheDom said:
Option number 5; take one of your attractive subs and offer a swinger date to the guy if she down with that.
With this you show him respect and get laid

Not entirely opposed to this. Like I said in the post, the guy is pretty cool guy. Would rather keep good with him.

I do think Holden's point about having a connection with them makes it harder. The deeper the connection, the more I might be hesitant only in fear of souring that connection. But really, its just not something I've done before, so with learning and experience I'll be able to keep that.
Holden said:
@AskTheDom that's an interesting point but it's not something I'd ever do myself and considering @Bman didn't bring it up either, I assume he's not into either. You do swinger dates often? I have 0 desire to share my girls, let alone subs that I have a good connection with.

Bman said:
The real reason I did it was because they have both a videographer and photographer there to capture your pitch. So I can use that in marketing and pictures for the dating profiles.

100%, I'm trying to take every single opportunity like this that presents itself.

I always brought “my girls” to these types of events and introduced them to the “top” circles. They have fun, I get the fun, everybody has fun :) but with few social hierarchy updates in the middle
Day 44

Actions taken:

  • Affirmations
  • 2nd meditation in the afternoon
  • Asked for raise at part time job

I think I've mentioned this before, but I work a part time gig as a podcast network manger that has 19 podcasts in it. Helps pay the bills as I figure out viable income streams from the startup. Its also a startup within a university, so all the skills I learn and practice there help with my startup. I've built so many systems for them, manage all their partnerships, do sales, and even built out an entire educational fellowship for them, so they are pretty fucking happy to have me and don't care at all that I have my business. Today I asked for a raise which my boss obliged, but she's got to take it to HR in the university for approval. Pretty easy to ask for a raise when they would fall apart without you running things.
Day 45

Actions taken:

  • Affirmations
  • 2nd meditation in the afternoon

Really busy day, nothing particular to the 365 project today other than feeling pretty self assured in my actions. Met up with another edtech founder this morning. She saw me pitch Tuesday night and wanted to buy me coffee and swap war stories. Had Ad Girl over tonight. Shes taking a week long trip so she asked me to "fuck her extra good" and "take it up a notch". She wore a red harness lingerie with a collar piece. My favorite. Let's just say she was one happy little sub by the end.

Having Spiritual Girl over tomorrow. Trying to get another booked on Saturday and then just be my introverted self with a book and movie Sunday. See what happens.
Day 46

Actions taken:

  • Affirmations
  • 2nd meditation in the afternoon
  • Expressed desires with Spiritual Girl

Had Spiritual Girl over today. She was on the last day of her period and texted me asking if I wanted to reschedule. Told her that intercourse on her period does not bother me, but if it bothers or is painful for her to let me know. But told her that intercourse is my favorite so would prefer to still do so. She was game. Made her feel comfortable and even put on the red light so even if we made a mess, you would not be able to tell. 3 hour fuck session later I am drained. When I fucked her from behind she moved and perfectly curved her body with mine so I could push deep into her. I came once, we cuddled, started getting hard again after making her orgasm while cuddling, but went soft after putting the condom on. So she gave me a blowjob and literally drained my cock again. This girl could probably just keep fucking for hours and is in a constant state of arousal the entire time she is with me. She told me she thinks about me during the week and gets wet. Then she told me I have a Phd in pussy which made me laugh. Thinking I'm going want to do a day where I we have multiple rounds throughout the day.

If I keep seeing girls back to back like this every week I'm going to have to start fucking them and not coming because its hard to go multiple rounds if I've come the day before, then again day of. I just got the number of really hot 24yo girl from feeld I need to get scheduled. Was going to try tomorrow, but I doubt I'm going to be up for performance tomorrow and would rather save myself the embarrassment because I already get a little anxiety with a new girl. So will aim for next week. Also have 19yo Asian girl I just need confirmation from for Monday.
Day 47

Actions taken:

  • Affirmations
  • 2nd meditation in the afternoon

Normal work day. Got back the photos from the pitch event. Will post a couple tomorrow in my weekly recap. Also, felt generally grateful for life today.
Day 48

Actions taken:

  • Affirmations
  • 2nd meditation in the afternoon
Day 49

Actions taken:

  • Affirmations
  • 2nd meditation in the afternoon
  • Tried setting up a threesome with Ad Girl

So Ad Girl is on a girls trip right now with some friends and bragging to them about sex with me. I saw the opprituntity and took it...

No cigar though. She said she'd rather with a stranger. Told her I'd keep that in mind.

Still, at least took the shot.
Bman said:
At this point I still have AA sometimes, but largely I can get over it. I recognize I could go out and do 1000's of approaches, but if I'm practicing the wrong things then I'm just building shitty habits.
Amen to this man. I had the same realization last year when I was on the bring of spam approaching and I clearly felt a change for the better once I stopped going for volume alone. Really looking forward to reading more on how this daygame course goes for you and if you ever want to discuss anything cold approach related, feel free to DM me. I'll be dialing in to see your progress and add my modest feedback on it.

Bman said:
What's the best move here?
Not sure if too late to answer this. I'd say the answer is #3 clearly. I would simply ask her for how long they have been "together" and gauge from her reactions how serious or not they might be. She might just tell you right away that they are actually just casual (because they probably are) and then you have free room to try to escalate things if you want to.

If you want to add some emotional spikes while doing it you can actually frame her as needy by saying something like "Oh wow, so you guys are getting married soon?" after she tells you for how long they've been seeing each other (or if she's not very specific about it) so she's basically forced to go against it and frame the relationship as more casual than serious. Still, there's a chance that they are actually serious (despite them not getting married soon lol) and in that case any immediate romantic pursuit is not worth it. Last thing, if they are casual and she is dating other people (I mean she's an OF girl, I find it hard to believe she has only 1 man in her life) don't be upfront and ask her right away if she wants to hook up, just game her as you usually game girls that you meet online/cold approach and once you feel she's compliant enough, go for a meet alone and you know the rest.

As others have said, you can always use her for preselection regardless of if you have fucked her or not.
Bman said:
No cigar though. She said she'd rather with a stranger. Told her I'd keep that in mind.
Still, at least took the shot.
If I were you I'd tell her to send me a pic of that best friend in question and if she's hot, tell her to give her my IG. Then when she follows you, open with "I heard you and X were gossiping about me ;)"

I was this close to doing the same with a friend of Movie Girl but she ended up chickening out. Still worth a shot and a great story.
Day 50

Actions taken:

  • Affirmations
  • 2nd meditation in the afternoon

This second meditation has been really helping. Its almost to the point its a habit and not consciously thinking about that I need to do it. I habit stacked it so I do it right after dinner.

  • Men's Group

Glad I had men's group yesterday. Was feeling a bit irritable from sending out sales emails and having a call with another dead lead earlier in the day. Would like to get back to building because that is what I enjoy. I'm not really motivated by money all that much.


tdan187 said:
It's hard to lay down a extremely good sexual performance night after night especially when you are cumming multiples times per session.

Need a temporary vacation.

Yeah if I can get girls on a every other day rotation, that would be golden. But semen retention is not something I've really practiced in the past, so I'm up for the challenge.

twonightstander said:
Really looking forward to reading more on how this daygame course goes for you and if you ever want to discuss anything cold approach related, feel free to DM me. I'll be dialing in to see your progress and add my modest feedback on it.

So far I like the style as it matches more closely to how I naturally talk and feels more simple, as opposed to the LDM. I tried out his "familiarity opener" he teaches in the course and got a number on the 2nd try. Then when I watched the next lessons I realized what I had done wrong after getting the number to decrease the flakiness. I get when I can, so implementing will be slow but I think will improve my results.

I think after I've implemented this for awhile I'll start recording the audio. Would be great to share and get your feedback on.

twonightstander said:
Not sure if too late to answer this. I'd say the answer is #3 clearly.

Thanks for the advice. Good points. I have not been out to another event yet with them but will take all your guys advice in consideration next time I am.

Holden said:
If I were you I'd tell her to send me a pic of that best friend in question and if she's hot, tell her to give her my IG. Then when she follows you, open with "I heard you and X were gossiping about me "

Solid move, though I don't have social media accounts and getting a number feels to direct in this situation.
Day 51

Actions taken:

  • Affirmations
  • 2nd meditation in the afternoon
  • 0/1 cold approach

Garbage set today, my fault. Was trying the grocery store near my place again because its just so much easier getting off work and walking 5 minutes instead of taking the bus downtown. But volume can be hit or miss. If I lived next to organic grocery store that would be a different story. Anyways, there was not another set after the first. So walked over to the little strip next door and went into a clothes shop real quick. After I walked in there was a black woman, who was not my type at all, but she wide eyed me, gave me a smile, and then stopped dead in her tracks and looked me up and down. I just smirked and laughed as I passed by and when I got to the end of the aisle looked back and she was still checking me out. Second time that's happened while out doing CA. Good to know I'm carrying around some of that big dick energy.
Bman said:
I think after I've implemented this for awhile I'll start recording the audio. Would be great to share and get your feedback on.
Great idea to start recording your interactions. The cringe you will get from listening to your voice and your mistakes will make you more aware of them and also not want to do them again (it did for me and I'll continue to do it). Also to discuss anything cold approach related I'm always game (pun intended).
Day 52

Actions taken:

  • Affirmations
  • 2nd meditation in the afternoon
  • New Lay

Lay report. This was a very enthusiastic Yes girl. Id been reading through Yohami's notes this week, so I was going into this date thinking "it's already a yes, so act like it". I could have done better at escalating during the date, but this time I made sure we sat on same side of the table and kissed her outside of my apartment at the bottom of the stairs before going in. Sex was decent, I still had the "new girl nerves" though. Sexy alternative girl and a dancer, was hot as fuck when she straddled me when making out.
Day 53

Actions taken:

  • Affirmations
  • 2nd meditation in the afternoon
  • Brain surgery in lay report

Continuing to pull out bad habits or beliefs to turn them around. Yohami's notes defiantly helped. Will add in a few affirmations for the morning with the rest addressing this material.

Doing an erotic photography shoot with Spiritual Girl tomorrow. She's been texting me pictures of her in lingerie so I can tell her exactly what to wear. Should be a blast.
Day 54

Actions taken:

  • Affirmations
  • 2nd meditation in the afternoon
  • Selfishly setup date

Seems small, but as I was texting this girl I was just thinking...either make this easy or I'm going to blow you off till I have time. Didn't want to do late Monday because selfishly I want to go to bed early. When she said no to Wednesday I was like...Ok, Ill just text this girl later. Then she gave a time, which I had available, so it was an easy yes for me. Then she thanked me. Which I laughed at because I was just being selfish the whole time. Then she asked me how I liked to communicate. Honestly, at first that kind of shocked me. Duh B, you lead the whole interaction. You told her exactly what you wanted. And were ready to just next her if she wasn't on board.

  • Photoshoot with Spiritual Girl

Had a lot of fun and excited to keep getting better at shooting with girls. Its been awhile since I shot, so I was a bit rusty with directing poses. But there were a few gems in there. Will post later after I edit them. Ever since I picked up a camera many years ago and shot with some models, I have always wanted to do this. Was so turned on I fucked her for multiple rounds.