Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Radical said:
To steal @Rags2Bitches's line, there are many ways to skin a cat

Your style should be geared to what you want to get out of dating

Andy doesnt use his own template - because he is only seeking inexperienced girls for him and Immy to teach in a threesome dynamic

I dont use the script tbh and I dont really worry about retention while travelling. Im looking for a girl that will date me a few times over two weeks and then be cool with me fucking off to the next city.

I also want to say here that you dont have to chase lay count and high numbers - it doesn't automatically make you happy

Andy's template is great if your starting out.

Your strategy should fit your goals and values.
I'm looking for higher quality girls and retention atm. That might change. But that's where I'm at now.

Nothing wrong with chasing a lay count imo.
But it's not a priority.

Like there's things I could do this week that would gear towards more lays. Do I want to? Not really.

But this is like the "money won't make you happy" saying. No it won't. But let's be real. It's better than not having money. It's fine to chase money.

For me I've learnt to prioritize enjoyment. And I still want to hit goals.

There's no specific lay count I want to achieve.

Its about being in total control of my sex and dating life. To never be in a position where I want something but don't know how to get it.

I think a lot of guys have that same desire.
Manganiello Is Troy's advice something that could help new guys putting in approaches or is it more advanced? I'm searching through colgate's thread and he says stuff sexual vibe, what reason does a girl have to sleep with you.

Does he have a site?
offwego said:
@Manganiello Is Troy's advice something that could help new guys putting in approaches or is it more advanced? I'm searching through colgate's thread and he says stuff sexual vibe, what reason does a girl have to sleep with you.

Does he have a site?

Its pretty applicable at all stages.
But it's more relevant if you can already approach and can do 20+ approaches per week already.

Troy talks about sexual vibes ya. But I've never really implemented that.

The biggest thing I got from Troy is
- Remove every inkling of anxiety during the approach. Not just the approach anxiety, but the conversational anxiety, feelings of her being hotter, etc.
- Come in from a confident frame, meaning feel sure of yourself and what you're doing in that moment.
- actually attempt to have a conversation with her.
- be a stereotypical masculine dude. Don't have high energy, or higher pitched vocal tones, just be a stereotypical masculine dude.
- be genuine. Don't pretend to act differently than how you feel. It's ok to be tired, pissed, angry, happy, bored, etc. But don't pretend to be enthusiastic when youre bored. Or playful when your angry.

I started doing that and the interactions seemed to be better overall.

He's building a blog, but it's not up yet.
Yo I wanna ask what part of Andy’s script you have changed up and why?

I’ve only changed the opener because it feels too generic, if a girl has a bunch of dude talking to her I don’t feel like the opener stands out. I try to write a specific opener for the girl but this takes a while. I usually spend 10 minutes on specific openers and then blast away the generic one.

Manganiello said:
Off the Day Game approaching chat
Where’s this? Is it for the super secret members only?
Adrizzle said:
Yo I wanna ask what part of Andy’s script you have changed up and why?

I’ve only changed the opener because it feels too generic, if a girl has a bunch of dude talking to her I don’t feel like the opener stands out. I try to write a specific opener for the girl but this takes a while. I usually spend 10 minutes on specific openers and then blast away the generic one.

Manganiello said:
Off the Day Game approaching chat
Where’s this? Is it for the super secret members only?

I've done away with pretty much all of it. I still use the opener if I'm tired or feeling lazy, but usually I got a bit more custom for each girl.

Does the custom opener make a difference?
Depends I would say. Cuz you can open with a playful opener and then the entire convo starts off with good energy.

But custom openers in and of itself? it's hard to say if it makes a difference.

For example:

"How did you like Thailand?"

Isn't better than

'Hey you're cute. I'm Brandon Whatcha up to?'


"Digging your style, but all your pics are you in summer clothes, what would you wear to a date in this weather. I'm curious 😁"

...Is better. Sets the mood. And gets to the point that we're here to setup a date, not talk.

I also wing the conversations a lot more. Talk about Skiing if she mentions it. Or do a detour on traveling.

The biggest thing is that I NEVER say "I'm not looking for anything serious rn."

It screens dtf girls out.

Gained a plate this week because I've stopped saying that.

NOTE: I'm still going for the number fairly quickly.

I'll PM you for the group
Manganiello said:
The biggest thing is that I NEVER say "I'm not looking for anything serious rn."

It screens dtf girls out.
Then how do you weed out girls who want a relationship or to wait until date 10 for sex? Do you screen using photos only? I feel like this would only work if your photos make you look like an F-boy. Meanwhile I run into a lot of "relationship" girls.
Squilliam said:
Manganiello said:
The biggest thing is that I NEVER say "I'm not looking for anything serious rn."

It screens dtf girls out.
Then how do you weed out girls who want a relationship or to wait until date 10 for sex? Do you screen using photos only? I feel like this would only work if your photos make you look like an F-boy. Meanwhile I run into a lot of "relationship" girls.

This requires a bit longer answer. Just at work. I'll answer it more thoroughly after.
I think the reality is that once you get to a certain point, you outgrow the forums in general or you just use them for the purpose of mentoring users and sharing your successes. We are quite lucky here with what Andy has created, the only other place I can think of which gave guys good results was Good Looking Loser with Chris. The vast majority of forum and hookup advice communities out there are just full of keyboard jockeys and toxic dudes who make up their lay count, attempt to sound like experts on topics they know very little about, and yet at the same time bitch and moan about women and dating.

You can guarantee that any "regular" on most pickup forums who is spouting theories gets laid very little. Most advanced guys are out there just doing and spend very little time with forum politics, nonsense theories, and things of that nature. On here, it is possible to find guys who have done it or are on their way to doing it. On Chris's GLL forum, you had quite a few guys like Bad Idea Bear and Andy himself who did it.

IMO, the most ideal forums are like Chris's and Andy's where guys come in, put in the work, get the results, and are not heard from most of the time. A few might stick around but even then, they eventually move on. The truth is that most guys living the life out there very rarely get involved with forums period.
Squilliam said:
Manganiello said:
The biggest thing is that I NEVER say "I'm not looking for anything serious rn."

It screens dtf girls out.
Then how do you weed out girls who want a relationship or to wait until date 10 for sex? Do you screen using photos only? I feel like this would only work if your photos make you look like an F-boy. Meanwhile I run into a lot of "relationship" girls.

I'm gonna try and answer this well. I've also had 4 hours of sleep so it might not be that concise lol.

So the question is...

Are relationship girls necessarily bad?
And why are we trying to screen them out?

My assumption for the longest time was that they take forever to bang.

But then I met some guys who are just sleeping with tons of girls on the first date. Even the ones that want a relationship.

You don't need to necessarily look fuckboi. That will screen for girls looking for that kind of guy.

But girls are attracted to all sorts of guys. You just need to be hot. And the fuckboy look works is because well fuckboys are usually hot.

Last 4 dates I've had were with girls looking to be in a relationship. And I haven't changed my pics. I still look like a douche. But these innocent seeming girls looking for a relationship are messaging me.

Point being looking like a Fuckboy is good. But it doesn't necessarily mean you'll only get girls looking for a one night stand.


So to answer the question directly.

You don't weed out girls who want a relationship. You just learn how to bang them.

... And think about it this way.
What's the ROI of retention vs a One Night Stand?

The most recent girl I slept with...

Had 2 dates spanning 2.5 hours in total before we hooked up.

We banged for 2-3 hours on the 2nd date and 5-6 hours on the 3rd date. And I'm seeing her tomorrow.

I barely put any time into her and now sex has become pretty consistent. So if you think about itz this relationship seeking girl has been less work than all the other tinder chicks.


On screening.

Hmm. My pictures are pretty fuckboyish. But the point I was making is that what you look like and how you talk (as in your vibe) is way more important than the words you use.
Pluto said:
IMO, the most ideal forums are like Chris's and Andy's where guys come in, put in the work, get the results, and are not heard from most of the time. A few might stick around but even then, they eventually move on. The truth is that most guys living the life out there very rarely get involved with forums period.

Ya pretty much agree with all of this.

Where did MilfandCookies, Reservoir, Master, Toast, etc. Go?

They either moved on or are still hooking up but not talking about it.

I could probably be more active about posting date reports on here. But honestly my life is busy and some nights I just don't have time to post.
Manganiello said:
I'm gonna try and answer this well. I've also had 4 hours of sleep so it might not be that concise lol.

So the question is...

Are relationship girls necessarily bad?
And why are we trying to screen them out?

My assumption for the longest time was that they take forever to bang.

But then I met some guys who are just sleeping with tons of girls on the first date. Even the ones that want a relationship.

You don't need to necessarily look fuckboi. That will screen for girls looking for that kind of guy.

But girls are attracted to all sorts of guys. You just need to be hot. And the fuckboy look works is because well fuckboys are usually hot.

Last 4 dates I've had were with girls looking to be in a relationship. And I haven't changed my pics. I still look like a douche. But these innocent seeming girls looking for a relationship are messaging me.

Point being looking like a Fuckboy is good. But it doesn't necessarily mean you'll only get girls looking for a one night stand.


So to answer the question directly.

You don't weed out girls who want a relationship. You just learn how to bang them.

... And think about it this way.
What's the ROI of retention vs a One Night Stand?

The most recent girl I slept with...

Had 2 dates spanning 2.5 hours before we hooked up.

We banged for 2-3 hours on the 2nd date and 5-6 hours on the 3rd date. And I'm seeing her tomorrow.

I barely put any time into her and now sex has become pretty consistent. So if you think about itz this relationship seeking girl has been less work than all the other tinder chicks.


On screening.

Hmm. My pictures are pretty fuckboyish. But the point I was making is that what you look like and how you talk (as in your vibe) is way more important than the words you use.
Thanks for your response. I can't function well on less than 7-8 hours of sleep so I understand haha.

It's not that relationship girls are bad. A lot of relationship girls write things in their bio like "I'm not looking to hookup", or they will express that otherwise. Yes, I know sometimes it's bullshit, I myself banged a girl with something like this in her bio. Another time, it wasn't bullshit, and it was clear that it was going to take a lot of effort to get her into bed. Not worth it for a mediocre girl.

I guess the problem is that I automatically assume that girls looking for a relationship are not interested in casual sex. Many seem to say so at least.

The problem is, my photos give off a cute, teddy bear vibe. This might be good for a relationship, but it doesn't make girls go, "i want him to rip my clothes off and jump me right now". I tried to show more value through masculine, confident activities, like rock climbing, but I know my photos definitely fall short. It's a work in progress I guess. I've only been actively working on it for 2 months or so.
I said when i shouted out Holden for thread of the month that he is one the reasons i dont feel guilty about not logging lays anymore haha

Id like to see Master back on here. He killed it in no time flat

Reservoir I think has reached a similar point of reflection that you have. Maybe Master is there too
Manganiello said:
Digging your style, but all your pics are you in summer clothes, what would you wear to a date in this weather.

Yeah I’ve been doing something like this. Opener has some compliment + an interesting topic that is easy for her to reply to.
BTW, do dudes on here post sneak pics of chicks they have banged like they used to on GLL?
New Plate Update

I keep forgetting to post this. So im just doing it now, cuz I'll probably forget again.

Valentines day - 3rd date.

Girl came over and she thought we were going to the arcade right away, but after she came in I pressed her against the wall and kissed her for maybe like 30 minutes. Got her on the bed. Got a blowjob. Went down on her. Went to go for the condom. But I left it in my car...

So I went to the car with a massive boner.
Came back and she dressed back up again...
So I put her back on the couch and properly fucked her. Made her come for the first time with a guy.

I messed her hair and makeup so bad, we had to go to the store to buy stuff so she looked presentable again haha. I actually got turned on by that. She spent all this time looking good for us to go out. And I mess it all up by smashing her.

Anyway arcade had technical issues. So we went for vegan food. It was really nice actually.

Then came back and fucked her again for another 3ish hours. She made me come for the first time with a girl. I couldn't believe it actually.

So Valentine's Day was like a 8 hour date with maybe 5.5 or 6 hours of sex.


I gave her homework to find some music she wanted to make out to for next time.

^^you guys need to do this ^^

She picked all these love songs and got so into it when we were kissing. It really set the mood too.


Friday Night 4th date

Friday night she came over. And we actually properly went to the arcade place right away. But made out in my car and I started fingering her in the parking lot.

I abruptly ended it and went to the arcade. Which was ok actually. Not as fun as I thought. She just didn't have the high energy to get into arcade games I thought.

Anyway came back and fucked for 4 hours.
She was on her period and didn't know it apparently. She was embarassed but, she clearly wanted it. She didn't know she was on her period. And I didn't either til I took my fingers out and they were red. So I just basically had to let her know I was ok with it.

Fucked her and came in like 4 minutes of putting it in. Which is insanely fast for me. I can usually go for hours.

But she did blow me for an hour right before. So...


- She Texted me at 3am asking if I was looking for a relationship. I said I was looking for something long term. Then she opened up and said 'I like you"... I have a feeling that she's getting invested.
- Problem is I don't really care that much. I had a blast on Valentine's Day. But last night was just ok.


- I think the issue is that she has a really cute face. Like it's one of those faces, and her makeup makes me just want to fuck her face all day lol. But... She's overweight. She's lost 30 lbs, but has another 30 lbs to go. So as much as I like getting a BJ, and making out with her we we bang. Whenever we're out I can't help but think. Do I really want to be with this girl?
- AND I think what makes all of this more complicated is she wants to see me every night it seems. I do not feel that way about her.
- I'm so new to this so I don't really know how to say "Look I'm not really into you that much rn." Without completely shutting her down.

Just go with it?

I am trying to improve retention. So maybe I just play off being a boyfriend and still see other girls and whatever happens, happens

So as goldfish and colgate aptly pointed out.
I'm working on retention and I'm doing it without really planning to be in a monogamous relationship so it's bound to get messy.

Other girls

Probably going on a 3rd date with another girl tomorrow (Taiwanese chick).
And maybe a 2nd date with another girl (cute Irish chick).

Flagging a possible limiting belief

Might have a unproductive belief around hot girls.

I haven't talked to the Irish chick as much as the other girls ironically.

I find her the most attractive. She's 22, good body, has a good style, like everything. And I think I'm used to those dates with those kinds of girls (girls with a lot of options) going nowhere. So I think I may have been protecting myself from rejection by not engaging her as much (even tho she wants to see me again!).

So I proposed a date tomorrow. And I'm looking at the text exchange rn. And I'm thinking man, what am I doing? I should be trying to so something with this girl.

I'm just being mindful of this.


So first world problems.
I would've killed to have these issues last year.
But it's just me working out the kinks in the intermediate stage.

That's all bros.

Keep killin it.
Manganiello said:
Do I really want to be with this girl?

Why not? She's clearly into you despite your horrible condition (being vegan)

Seriously though, follow your heart. For me just being overweight is a deal breaker.

Regarding you not knowing how to shut her down: looking at your texts with her, I noticed you reply super fast. I'd wait more. If she's clingy, you make things worse by replying instantly.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Manganiello said:
Do I really want to be with this girl?

Why not? She's clearly into you despite your horrible condition (being vegan)

Seriously though, follow your heart. For me just being overweight is a deal breaker.

Regarding you not knowing how to shut her down: looking at your texts with her, I noticed you reply super fast. I'd wait more. If she's clingy, you make things worse by replying instantly.

I like the regular sex. And the sex is good.

But ya I hear ya.

Im gonna just give myself a day to feel where I stand on it.

Oh and Update: Irish girl confirmed for tomorrow.
Manganiello said:
New Plate Update

Congrats on the retention bro!

Manganiello said:
- I think the issue is that she has a really cute face. Like it's one of those faces, and her makeup makes me just want to fuck her face all day lol. But... She's overweight. She's lost 30 lbs, but has another 30 lbs to go. So as much as I like getting a BJ, and making out with her we we bang. Whenever we're out I can't help but think. Do I really want to be with this girl?

Then don't commit to her. If you do, you will hate almost every second of it, it will make you feel like you are suffocating.

Manganiello said:
I am trying to improve retention. So maybe I just play off being a boyfriend and still see other girls and whatever happens, happens

I think this won't help you in the long term. You will have to learn sell the non-monogamous thing to the women you are with if you want a long-term exciting sex life and not just short phases. So this is a good practice ground to fiend off relationship advances.

Manganiello said:
- AND I think what makes all of this more complicated is she wants to see me every night it seems. I do not feel that way about her.
- I'm so new to this so I don't really know how to say "Look I'm not really into you that much rn." Without completely shutting her down.

This is obvious and I hope you know this article, but I'll post it just in case. It says meet once every 7 to twice every 10 days. Also the communication part cannot be stressed enough. LIMIT CONTACT.

If you are at the point where
- you have clearly communicated that you don't want something exclusive
- and she says something like that she cannot do this casually because she has too many feelings for you in a way that suggest she might break it off
-> then you can even openly suggest that the two of you could for now limit yourself to seeing each other once a week because (say all of this explicitly) this prevents you from falling for each other too hard too quickly. This way you and her can handle your emotions better and keep going.

Do the same for limited communication as in the article.

In my opinion there is two types of girls:
1. the ones that are legit OK with having something casual
2. the ones that aren't legit OK with having something casual

For #1 girls my advice is the:
  • Be open about your motivations. Explain to her why you would like to have the option to see other girls. More girls understand this than you would imagine.
  • Ask her what aspect of it makes her feel bad. She will likely tell you it makes her feel insufficient, like she is not enough. Tell her that this does not mean that she is insufficient, that you generally would not enter a monogamous relationship, that you are generally an explorative person who needs variety.

For #2 girls my advice is:
  • Play for time. These girls are usually still OK with sticking around for a while. Use the deferral tactics in Chris' article.
  • Another great one is this: Tell her that you do not want to jump into relationships too quickly. You want to make sure that whoever you enter a relationship is a good fit and that this is something that takes time. That it is only possible to get to know someone once you have lived through some things over a span of time. That's why you have made the rule for yourself that you do not want to get into a closed relationship before getting to know someone for six months.

I don't know what type of girl yours is, you can probably judge this best. But it sounds to me that she might be a #2 girl.

There is another variation in what girls look for in casual/open relationships. They might want to be your main girl.
  • This is something I am dealing with right now. They don't care so much about you having a ONS occasionally, but they do mind if you see a girl repeatedly. It makes them feel insecure about "where they stand".
  • My theory is that this occurs with insecure girls that imagine your other fuckbuddies as better-looking than themselves. On top, she thinks you are too much of a player or too good to settle for her monogamously so instead this is her way of claiming you for herself.
  • I'm not sure yet how this will pan out I have only tried it once just this week: Give her a rationale as why you want to see other girls repeatedly even though for her having a ONS with other guys is completely sufficient to fulfill all her desires. The rationale is that men and women are wired differently because of evolution. Women can only bear one child so the strategy is to get optimal genes. That's why they are content with being in a relationship but they have the desire for a quick bang with a super hot guy every once in a while. That way they have a carer for their child but the best available genes. For men however, there is no such limit on bearing one child. The desire that biology hardwired into their brains is that they want to have kids with as many attractive women as they can. Explain to her that this difference makes it hard to understand how she can matter a lot to you but you still have the desire to meet other women more than once.
  • of course don't do this if she is a dogmatic lefty or SJW. The girl I'm banging votes for the Green party but is not so deep into the SJW theories so common sense resonated with her

Bonus advice:
You should do any relationship-status talk in person, not via text or phone. Texting/calling are inferior means of communication. Sensitive issues like this can lead to unfortunate miscommunications that derail fwb-settings in situations where it wouldn't be necessary. It's especially important to be able to get the full nuance in the counterparts communication in this case.
Wow man thanks for the thorough post. CainGettingLaid.

I just out your comments in bold and replied to them. I agree pretty much with everything you said. But I've had time to gather feedback from a lot of people, and decided to just go with her being emotionally invested, while delaying any major commitments (probably forever). And see what happens.

This is my thought:

- 100 ways to skin a cat. (sorry for the reference Crisis)
- Main girl youre seeing is different then a side chick.
- the advice you're saying is more appropriate for side chicks who you need to fend off from being too emotionally involved.
- I probably won't long term have this girl as a main girl. But for now I'm gonna run with it.

ULTIMATELY. There are MANY ways to get retention. And the guys I know of who have the best retention are not doing what you're saying per se. They are, but they're getting girls emotionally involved. Which probably explains why they're retention is so good.

What I'm gonna do is:
- just 100% wing it. See other girls obviously and just enjoy the regular sex. And learn what I can. As much as I can from experience and make my own conclusions later.

If you disagree feel free to chime in. I'm still learning this shit. And gaining viewpoints from many people.

Then don't commit to her. If you do, you will hate almost every second of it, it will make you feel like you are suffocating.

I'll see her as much as I feel comfortable with and see where things go.

You will have to learn sell the non-monogamous thing to the women you are with if you want a long-term exciting sex life and not just short phases.

I disagree with the "have to" part in what you said. Actually you don't need to. Lots of guys lie about being monogamous. It's more common than not actually I would say.

I don't even think Chris was honest about it.

This is obvious and I hope you know this article, but I'll post it just in case. It says meet once every 7 to twice every 10 days. Also the communication part cannot be stressed enough. LIMIT CONTACT.

I'll read it again.

Use the deferral tactics in Chris' article. Another great one is this: Tell her that you do not want to jump into relationships too quickly. You want to make sure that whoever you enter a relationship is a good fit and that this is something that takes time. That it is only possible to get to know someone once you have lived through some things over a span of time.

This was actually my plan.
"I really enjoy seeing you, but it takes time for a relationship to form, blah blah blah.

They don't care so much about you having a ONS occasionally, but they do mind if you see a girl repeatedly. It makes them feel insecure about "where they stand".

I think this is where her texts came from actually. She got noticeably quieter and in her hear when we got on the topic of how I lost weight and started getting a lot of attention from girls.

On top, she thinks you are too much of a player or too good to settle for her monogamously so instead this is her way of claiming you for herself.

So far this seems like a pretty accurate description.

Give her a rationale as why you want to see other girls repeatedly even though for her having a ONS with other guys is completely sufficient to fulfill all her desires. The rationale is that men and women are wired differently because of evolution.

The theory is accurate I would say. But I don't think girls think this way. They're just coming from an hour motional standpoint. Measuring her status vs. others. Feeling insecure and then trying to compensate or reclaim that sense of security by asking 'What are you looking for?' and getting a solid answer from the guy so she can go back to feeling safe.

You should do any relationship-status talk in person, not via text or phone. Texting/calling are inferior means of communication.

Agreed. I thought of this after. And I by no means think I'm done with this convo with her.
You’re going to lie to the girls?

Theres a lot of stuff that works well which is ethically iffy or straight up just wrong imo. The majority of guys who do this shit arent the guys i want to roll with

Chris’ retention guide in general isnt anything id recommend personally. Whether it works or not isnt the issue