Mav's Log

One small update for anyone interested in hair regimens. After a few months of applying minoxidil foam (approximately 7-8 ml liquid once a day), with RU mixed in, I'm noticing little to no hair fall. I'm guessing it's the RU's anti androgen effects. To put it into context, I used to notice anywhere from 10-20+ hairs falling out after a light brushing or while applying the min/ru mixture. I'd lose 2-5 hairs on average with the hair pull test, now none fall out. The top/back looks a good bit thicker after growing it out a bit. Used to be able to see scalp in back, now I cant. Haven't noticed improvements in hairline though. Have been on this combo around the beginning of May. It is a bit pricey (the RU is around $35 a month alone) but luckily have noticed no negative side effects, minus something very minor like a bit more body or hair on face from the minoxidil. Also have been on finasteride since April 2019 but didn't notice much of anything, including side effects. Also had two LLLT caps which are total bullshit imo.
Update: Had the girl I've been seeing over to my place Sunday. Cooked dinner for us and we watched The Boys and Tiger King lol. She's super easy to get off... last week was the first night we slept together and she had 5 orgasms and three this past Sunday. She seems to want something more long term, as do I. I like her and she initiates texts a lot when we can't see each other. She's going back to her family this weekend, so I should see her again in about two weeks (conflicting work schedules). Going to keep hitting tinder, okcupid, and fb dating just in case she drops off for whatever reason. I usually get lazy when I find someone and then they disappear lol.

In regards to your post Matt... I don't think you look bad but they are pretty low quality images. I can look pretty good in blurry pics, so idk. To answer your question, I'm 5'7... which luckily, while not good, is not entirely devastating. Not as much of an issue because there are plenty of short girls out there and I can get up to 5'9 or taller with insoles in my shoes. I never really saw this as a huge issue, but it just adds to all the other negatives.

I agree on the not giving a shit about your looks part. That is when I'm least in my head and do the best with girls. Example, before I went on all those dates after corona lockdown was lifted... I felt okay about how I looked in the mirror/recently taken photos, so I was more relaxed, at ease, confident. If I just looked a bit above average I guarantee 80% of my issues would be solved overnight. I'm not really aging that well in regards to hair loss, skin quality, wrinkles, etc.
Mav said:
she had 5 orgasms and three this past Sunday

Nice. You're a generous man Mav, watch her keep coming back again and again. I know you've got some hang ups regarding you're image that you're working through but I can see the progress with your logs and in my opinion you're smashing it.
Update -

The girl I've been seeing said she wasn't interested in sleeping with anyone else and I agreed. Just seeing each other for now.

Haven't worked out in close to two weeks, weight hasn't gone up much though. Will try to get back on tomorrow.
So a girl:

* talked to you

* agreed to go out with you

* actually went out with you

* agreed to see you again

* had sex with you

* continues to talk to you after sex

* wants to see you and nobody else, at least from now

Someone could say you're not that bad looking after all :D
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Mav - I'd really like to have you on my podcast. You're the definition of a success story, particularly as you went from "Im ugly and nobody will ever want me" to "This girl is monogamous with me." I think your story will absolutely help a SHITLOAD of guys - the number 1 type of email I get is "I feel hopeless, there's no way I can get laid". You bust right through that myth - you were more of a "lost cause" (because you were so self-defeating) than anyone else here.

I'd really, really, really like to have you on. No pressure to do a good job - Radical was nervous, so was Sigma, and they both did a pretty good job. I'll steer the conversation, I'll do most of the work, we can keep you anonymous if you'd prefer, you can ask me for a bit of advice during it too or ask me any questions.

I seriously, seriously want you on there.

Everyone else - please throw a bit of friendly peer pressure onto Mav & help convince him to come on. He deserves some spotlight/praise for his massive fucking effort.

I'll consider it... I'm not a great speaker lol.
MattsCrib said:
Completely agree :D I'm on and off in the same "hopeless" position. He's the biggest inspiration right now. Btw, how old is she if I may ask?

She's 28, a bit older than the girls I usually date haha but we have a lot of shared interests and pretty good sexual chemistry.
9/17 - 27 Sets

Chest - 18
Abs - 12

Treadmill - 90 Mins - 6.2 Miles - 3i - 3.9s

Calories -

Back on working out again. Not.going to hit my goal by my birthday tomorrow, but I'm way better off now than I was two months ago. Have to be consistent. I don't plan at staying at this level of cardio for long.
KillYourInnerLoser - I might have to take you up on it then, as long as just audio is an option. Don't want to put myself out there too much.
9/18 -

Bi's - 12 Sets
Tri's - 12 Sets

Calories - 2,300

9/19 -

Pullups - 6 Sets

Calories - 3,000

9/20 -

Back - 30 Sets
Shoulders - 15 Sets

Calories - 2,400
New haircut. I kind of like it but I need to go to a higher quality place to get the back/sides done better. What do you guys think?
Radical said:
Nice dude

Styled better on top from previous cuts

Thanks... my hair regimen has helped a fair bit imo. Changing a few things up now that may help further. Also, considering hair transplant in next few years, depending on how my regimen does longer term. The top looks thick enough... hairline is an issue though.
Still seeing same girl. She's cool and the sex is good but I do kind of miss banging the more fit girl from a few months back.

Have been working out 3-4 days a week but am just maintaining at 160lbs instead of losing more weight. Have added a bit of muscle though.

Added dermarolling/dermapen to my hair and beard minoxidil routine. Have noticed some light beard gains over the past 3 or so months of just using minoxidil once a day. Hair is ehhh, sides and back are thin and hairline sucks. May go see a hair transplant specialist soon to see if anything can be done about hairline. Hoping this new dermapen helps give me a bit of regrowth on sides/back.
I'm back lol

Update - I broke it off with the girl I was seeing because I just wasn't that into her. Back here to get back on track... have been hitting the gym for awhile for 5-6 days a week. Haven't lost weight but haven't added on fat either... added a decent bit of muscle. Made some money in crypto and Brady winning the superbowl haha.

As far as with girls... old co-worker visited us and commented I was looking good and must have been hitting the gym a lot, then gives me a hug. Girl at the gym starts talking to me and my friend I was with and hits on me, telling me I look really fit and so on. She was alright but not someone I'm super interested in. Still froze up and acted weird anyways lol... wish I could get past that. Another jackass at newest gym giving me shit lol.

Going to double down on gym and update log consistently. Looking forward to skimming through all the threads I missed.
02/11 - Treadmill - 1hr 15 mins

Started week on a high note will $1000 win from superbowl... then some moron obliterates the bumper/trunk on my new car at a red light. Skipped three days at gym... now shooting for seven days in a row.
2/12 -

Treadmill - 57mins - 3.0i - 3.8s
Walk - 1.5hrs

Goal is to get new online dating pics taken soon and find a fwb or girl to be exclusive I'm actually atttacted to.