Mav's Log

terry_crews87 said:
MAV your the fucking man

I'm trying but still need to get more consistent on lower daily calories... Signing up to gym today and excited about adding sauna in. My supplement stack is solid imo. Need to fine tune my diet. Will be getting glucose monitor to run some experiments on how my body reacts to certain foods and how to mitigate high glycemic load.
7/22 - 60 Sets

Pullups - 18
Chest - 42
Bike - 20 mins

Calories - 1,900
Ran my 23andMe raw data through Promethease. Turns out I have four longevity genes that give me a much better chance of reaching 100. One of them being the best known one you can have. However, I have like 8 god damn baldness genes, so looks like I'm fucked in that area :(

7/23 - 45 Sets

Legs - 18
Abs - 18
Bi's - 9

Calories - 1,800
7/24 - Off day

Biking (Moderate Intensity) - 30 mins

Calories - 2,200
KillYourInnerLoser said:
0 calories, nice. I'd be hungry if that were me.

Lmao. I'm actually only at 200 for the day. But it's not even 7pm here yet. About to pig out. Thinking about adding in a bike session.
7/26 -

Legs - 36 Sets
Biking (moderate intensity) - 55 mins

Calories - 2,400
7/27 - 42 Sets

Pullups - 18
Chest - 24

Biking - 25 mins

Calories 2,150
MAV i love your ambition but Id bet anything that it would help you a lot to take more rest days and a few less sets. Why not take a few more days off and just do cardio? Lifting weights is for building muscle. You cant build muscle without rest. Proper rest and recovery are just as important if not more than the actual workout.

I know you wanna attack the fat loss daily but thats what cardio and diet are for. I know you dont have heavy weights at your house, but thats a lot of pullups to not have longer rest. What does it mean when you say "legs"? Im curious what your weights, reps , sets, rests times are like.

What is your personal trainer buddy saying about this? I mean it sounds like your getting good results so who am i to say anything? What do you think?
I took Friday off haha. I try to space out upper body by doing legs/abs. Legs are mostly body weight squats, weighted and not weighted calf raises, lunges, and similar stuff. Usually 6 sets per exercise around 20 sets for squats/lunges and 50+ for calf raises. Going to be doing hack squats and leg press at gym. I can only do about 10 or so pullups max rn at one time but today did 18 sets of 8.

Training friend actually recommends doing two smaller workouts a day and go based on how your body feels or responds. Im Ampang up more cardio like biking, also interested in stair stepper and high incline treadmil for legs. Really don't feel run down or tired from the workouts at all but they do require a good bit of effort.
7/29 -

Biking - 1hr

Calories - 3,000

7/30 - 42 Sets

Tri's - 12
Shoulders - 30
Biking - 20 mins

Calories - 2,200
7/30 - 48 Sets

Abs - 18
Legs - 30

Biking - 20 mins

Calories - 1,800
7/31 - 48 Sets

Abs - 18
Chest - 30

Calories - 2,100

Finally hit below 160 on the scale today. Started at 164, was down to 159 this morning. Just need to stay on top of biking and daily calories.

I'm proud of the consistency. Hooking up and seeing the two girls from my gll thread really helped change my mindset. I want to be 152 by end of September. Then assess how much more fat I need to lose before bulking.
8/01 - 36 Sets

Pullups - 12
Bi's - 24

Biking - 46 mins

Calories - 2,300
8/02 -

Didn't work out and binge ate because I got depressed. Probably just erased a weeks worth of progress at least lol.
8/04 -

Biking - 62 mins

Calories - 2,100

Dropped off for two days but I'm back. Biked over 11 miles tonight listening to rogan/goggins... inspiring stuff.

Have a solid date tomorrow night with another 18yr old lol. She seems overly invested already and not sure if I'm going to be interested or nor, but will go for the experience regardless. May have another date this weekend with a cute chubby Asian girl.
8/05 - Went on date

Calories 1,600

8/06 -

Biking - 60 mins

8/07 -

Pullups - 21 Sets

Biking - 30 mins

8/08 - 51 Sets

Bi's - 27
Back - 24