Noself's Action Log: Down from 20% BF to 18%

pancakemouse said:
Noself said:
26 June 2022

Tinder Pics, Critiques?

My Tinder pics, here is what I have on Tinder currently, any feedback would be nice to have. Thanks guys.

I would remove photo 3, the fluffy hood photo. I don't love your expression in the last photo either.

Yeah I look like an alien with his eyes gouging out with that expression. Thanks for the feedback.
27 June 2022

Got an InBody scan to see where I’m at in regards of body composition. Key things are that I’m 150 lbs, at 19.9% BF, so I want to bulk up but also lean out for more muscular definition.
27 June 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Approach at least one girl: Complete
Wash dishes: Complete
Cold compress over eyes: Incomplete
Drink 3L of water: Incomplete
Apply whitening strips: Complete
Apply collagen moisturizer: Complete
Apply brightening serum: Complete
Apply eye defense: Complete
Take Iron and B12: Complete
Go grocery shopping: Complete
27 June 2022

1/7 (212)

Approached a girl that worked at the gym and got her number, we’ve made conversation before but I finally pulled the trigger and asked for her number. The other girls were one in a Walmart, 4 in a Target, and one in a random jewelry store.
28 June 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Wash dishes: Complete
Put up lights in living room: Complete
Take Iron and B12: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Incomplete
Cold compress over eyes: Complete
Apply whitening strips: Complete
Pour Bleach into Toilet: Complete
Wash sheets: Complete
Apply Minoxidil: Complete
29 June 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Wash dishes: Complete
Return frame: Complete
Apply Minoxidil to eyebrows: Complete
Watch J&S skin care routine: Complete
Apply whitening strips: Complete
Cold compress eyes: Complete
Buy J&S skin care products: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Incomplete
Take Iron and B12: Complete
Cold approach at least one girl: Incomplete
Read up on how to gain muscle and burn fat: Complete
2 July 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Wash dishes: Complete
Apply Minoxidil to eyebrows: Complete
Finish reading No More Mr. Nice Guy: Read 10 pages
Reorganize bathroom: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Complete
Email the principal: Complete
Take Iron and B12: Complete
Take trash bag out: Complete
Apply whitening strips: Complete
Fold Laundry: Complete
Calories: approx. 1830 cal
1 July 2022

1/1 (213)

Got a number from a girl that works at a bank, I first saw her on Tinder and said fuck it I'll try in-person. Walked up to her and basically asked "yo are you single?" she was embarrassed because it was in the middle of working, she started writing down her number on a post-it note. She was writing very fast, I started to troll her by saying "it better not be a fake number, I got one last week." A guy that was standing behind her had gave me a handshake since he was impressed that I made a move, he commented "aye bro, go head, no man does this no more."
2 July 2022

College Student, 24yo Girl (Date)
I met this girl yesterday, she works at a bank inside of a Wal-Mart and is a college student at a local university. We agreed to meet up at a park that had hiking trails, I was a few minutes late because I was busy cleaning my whole townhouse and tried to get some food before because I was very hungry. We meet and she is wearing a green one-piece, tight ass dress, she comments on my outfit saying that I look very nice (I was wearing a white shirt with jeans, boots + a chain w/a gold watch). We started to walk to the trails and the one thing that I notice is she is talking like ALOT, not annoyingly but it me took off guard because so far all of my dates have been "trying" to prove myself to the girl and not fucking up. I was fairly quiet the whole time, listening to her talk about her job, school, and hobbies.

She has a higher pitched voice which is a stark contrast compared to her rather aggressive looking face, but we stopped at a low level bridge and just talked and talked. Then we continued walking, I felt awkward trying to figure out how to escalate or even if I should escalate since we were just walking with no real flirting. As we're walking back, she says she's got nothing to do tomorrow or tonight and that she's bored, I told her we can watch a movie back at my place. She agrees, then follows me to my crib, we go inside and I ask if she wants a beer, then agrees. I don't know what I should've done after what she said next, "So are we watching it down here or elsewhere?"

Fuck man, I don't know if I should've just said upstairs but my TV is in the middle level of the townhouse, I may move my TV upstairs for dates though. We started watching the movie and I get closer to her, just resting my head on her shoulder, I just started to teach her hands and grabbed her thighs. I choose a horror movie to watch, because I heard that high levels of anxiety can trick people into liking you (its like a psychological phenomenon). I continue to escalate, now grabbing her breast, she comments "A little high, sir" I think I said "You gotta test the waters" and she was like "yeah you got a point". We continue to touch each other throughout the night and start kissing, and man oh man I don't what it is with her but our kisses we veryyyyy sensitive like fuck I felt nurtured, held, and tender. I haven't really had that experience with the other girls I've kissed, they're not bad kissers but this girl, it just felt like my senses were actually engaged. She asks me "are you looking for a relationship?" I made a face and just said "nah not right now" at the conclusion of the night I just started grabbing her ass after she stood up to go outside. Then I told her, "I have to see if I like a person long enough to commit to them, but if you wanna have a good time just hit me up", she agreed and said that she'll be hitting me up.
Noself said:
Posts: 205 | Thanks: 131
Name: Trent
Goal: Getting Laid
Age: 23
Motto: The goal of life is to die before you actually do
Contact: Contact Noself
Sun Jun 19, 2022 5:54 pm

Just got a face rating from a black-pill Youtube channel, my overall face rating is a 3.75/10.

I just caught up reading your log. Looks like your results so far mean that black pill channel doesn't mean jack shit. By chance is it Wheat Waffles?
1v1mekid said:
Noself said:
Posts: 205 | Thanks: 131
Name: Trent
Goal: Getting Laid
Age: 23
Motto: The goal of life is to die before you actually do
Contact: Contact Noself
Sun Jun 19, 2022 5:54 pm

Just got a face rating from a black-pill Youtube channel, my overall face rating is a 3.75/10.

I just caught up reading your log. Looks like your results so far mean that black pill channel doesn't mean jack shit. By chance is it Wheat Waffles?

The user’s name was Jacked and Stacked - Hardcore Self-Improvement
4 July 2022

0/14 (227)
Went to 3 malls today, there were 2 girls that were going to give me their Instagram but I rejected them. I don’t know if I should be a little bit more lenient with accepting Instagrams or not, in my experience every girl’s Instagram that I’ve gotten just flat out ghosted me or eventually told me that they’re not interested. I felt confident today and tried to switch it up by going more direct by asking if the girls are single. Also a girl that I was being “nice” to liked me on Tinder, I’m pretty much in the friend zone with her but my mind was trying to think of possibly talking to her. I work on-base with her but I know there is no mutual attraction from her and I think she just wants attention, she had bf like a year ago but broke up with him then went back into dating another guy and it looks she could be done with him and is looking for something on Tinder but fuck it she’s not into me, she’s just nice.
7 July 2022

Yo guys, do you have any suggestions for any fitness programs that focus on building muscle and aesthetics? I’m figuring out my diet too, got a meeting with a dietitian next week.
7 July 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Wash dishes: Complete
Type up notes from No More Mr.Nice Guy: Typed up 2 pages
Apply whitening strips: Complete
Apply Minoxidil to eyebrows: Complete
Neck stretching exercises: Complete
Massage head and neck: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Incomplete
Go to gym: Complete
Fold laundry: Complete

-Today I bought the Jeff Nippard Hypertrophy Fundamentals Program and did the first day of the program, the workout started at 7:00pm then concluded at 8:00pm. I felt real anger today during my workout, I saw a girl that rejected me from cold approach at my gym and I couldn't help but feel shame. I kept thinking in my head that I've been frustrated with my priorities in my early 20s, I've should've made the gym a bit of priority, there were more thoughts of being resentful to women and how if I could gymmaxx then the possibilities with them will be more.

6/7 July 2022 Sleep: approx. 10:40pm-8:08 am
8 July 2022

Lay #3: 24yo College Girl (1st Cold Approach Lay)

-I finally did it, I got laid from cold approach. I had to go through about 220 girls to even get to this point and it's been 3 months since I've completed the AA Program. I haven't been the best with keeping up a consistent volume weekly but I have to confidence since doing the AA Program that I can go out and take care of myself in terms of approaching. So I met this girl last week, the girl that works at a bank in Walmart, went on a walk last Sunday to get to know each other better and after the 3rd time meeting we're fucking. I haven't had sex in almost 2 years so this one feels great because I feel like I've proved to myself that I have control of my sex life, unlike with past partners I just didn't get lucky I made the decision to swallow my pride and ask this girl if she was single.

What fucking guy can do this? My roommate said he used to cold approach, supposedly cold approaching 1,000 girls but I don't really believe him, he stays stuck in his room playing video games all day and talks about cold approach as if it some "skill" to be mastered. I was talking to him yesterday before the girl came over and I just feel like he is not in the numbers game mindset, he always preaches to me about building "rapport" but I tell him all the time that it really doesn't matter. He says over-time you should get more "successes" (for example if you had a 1% ROI it should increase to an 9% ROI over-time) but I just tune him out because I feel like it doesn't matter, no amount of salesman type shit will help you. Now back to the lay, the girl came over at about 10:00 pm, she was texting a lot throughout the day asking me what she should wear, flirting with me and just giving off a lot of feminine energy.

I moved my TV upstairs in my bedroom to be more comfortable, she showed up with some really high-knee socks
with booty shorts on (no panties) and a shirt with no bra. Yeah, I felt like I got the vibe from slowly touching her in the beginning, we agreed to watch "Cloverfield" (really good movie btw, definitely going to draw some designs from the creatures) and honestly 5 minutes into the movie we just started to make-out. Grabbing her ass, feeling her breasts then noticed that she had both her nipples pierced (in my head I was like ok this is the type of girl I wanna fuck) then she just asked me "what do you wanna do?" I just said "I wanna fuck" and there was just no resistance to her at all like she just stripped down fast as hell and I felt comfortable.

My mind was just blown because I was like "it's that easy?", so I grabbed the condom (Durex Condoms) and put it on
my penis but it was kind of hard for the condom to roll down. Unless my penis added more girth I don't see why it was a little difficult, I've always used these condoms. First position was her on top I think, then doggy, then missionary, and then it concluded with her being on top riding. I couldn't come, maybe due to a lack of foreplay but she decided to give me a BJ and my fucking god it was a lot to handle, I was squeezing her hand so tight and grimacing because of the amount of pleasure. I asked her where did you learn this? She said Porn and just asking her friends. I did legs at the gym before meeting up with her so I felt tired as hell to be on top using my hips, and I kind of felt weird learning how to engage my hips more, the sex was ok I hate condom sex because I can't feel much. She stayed the night and we fucked in the morning again and this time I actually came during doggy.
Congratulations man, awesome stuff. well deserved!
Noself said:
8 July 2022

Lay #3: 24yo College Girl (1st Cold Approach Lay)

-I finally did it, I got laid from cold approach. I had to go through about 220 girls to even get to this point and it's been 3 months since I've completed the AA Program. I haven't been the best with keeping up a consistent volume weekly but I have to confidence since doing the AA Program that I can go out and take care of myself in terms of approaching. So I met this girl last week, the girl that works at a bank in Walmart, went on a walk last Sunday to get to know each other better and after the 3rd time meeting we're fucking. I haven't had sex in almost 2 years so this one feels great because I feel like I've proved to myself that I have control of my sex life, unlike with past partners I just didn't get lucky I made the decision to swallow my pride and ask this girl if she was single.

What fucking guy can do this? My roommate said he used to cold approach, supposedly cold approaching 1,000 girls but I don't really believe him, he stays stuck in his room playing video games all day and talks about cold approach as if it some "skill" to be mastered. I was talking to him yesterday before the girl came over and I just feel like he is not in the numbers game mindset, he always preaches to me about building "rapport" but I tell him all the time that it really doesn't matter. He says over-time you should get more "successes" (for example if you had a 1% ROI it should increase to an 9% ROI over-time) but I just tune him out because I feel like it doesn't matter, no amount of salesman type shit will help you. Now back to the lay, the girl came over at about 10:00 pm, she was texting a lot throughout the day asking me what she should wear, flirting with me and just giving off a lot of feminine energy.

I moved my TV upstairs in my bedroom to be more comfortable, she showed up with some really high-knee socks
with booty shorts on (no panties) and a shirt with no bra. Yeah, I felt like I got the vibe from slowly touching her in the beginning, we agreed to watch "Cloverfield" (really good movie btw, definitely going to draw some designs from the creatures) and honestly 5 minutes into the movie we just started to make-out. Grabbing her ass, feeling her breasts then noticed that she had both her nipples pierced (in my head I was like ok this is the type of girl I wanna fuck) then she just asked me "what do you wanna do?" I just said "I wanna fuck" and there was just no resistance to her at all like she just stripped down fast as hell and I felt comfortable.

My mind was just blown because I was like "it's that easy?", so I grabbed the condom (Durex Condoms) and put it on
my penis but it was kind of hard for the condom to roll down. Unless my penis added more girth I don't see why it was a little difficult, I've always used these condoms. First position was her on top I think, then doggy, then missionary, and then it concluded with her being on top riding. I couldn't come, maybe due to a lack of foreplay but she decided to give me a BJ and my fucking god it was a lot to handle, I was squeezing her hand so tight and grimacing because of the amount of pleasure. I asked her where did you learn this? She said Porn and just asking her friends. I did legs at the gym before meeting up with her so I felt tired as hell to be on top using my hips, and I kind of felt weird learning how to engage my hips more, the sex was ok I hate condom sex because I can't feel much. She stayed the night and we fucked in the morning again and this time I actually came during doggy.

HELL YEAH :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I've been following your log silently the whole time. Great work.

Definitely looking forward to future posts.
Noself said:
8 July 2022

Lay #3: 24yo College Girl (1st Cold Approach Lay)

-I finally did it, I got laid from cold approach. I had to go through about 220 girls to even get to this point and it's been 3 months since I've completed the AA Program. I haven't been the best with keeping up a consistent volume weekly but I have to confidence since doing the AA Program that I can go out and take care of myself in terms of approaching. So I met this girl last week, the girl that works at a bank in Walmart, went on a walk last Sunday to get to know each other better and after the 3rd time meeting we're fucking. I haven't had sex in almost 2 years so this one feels great because I feel like I've proved to myself that I have control of my sex life, unlike with past partners I just didn't get lucky I made the decision to swallow my pride and ask this girl if she was single.

That's fucking huge dude, enjoy the high from this. You earned it

Lets keep hustling
