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On my road to a happy sexual life

What is the point of posting every day, when most days are uneventful? Is this useful for you?
I try to follow Andy's advice to post every day in order to have discipline, not only in posting but in my different fields of improvement.

Today was also about job research and work on my personal project.

Tomorrow I'll have a tennis session, hope my calf is definitely fixed.

Light and Peace on you guys!
I try to follow Andy's advice to post every day in order to have discipline, not only in posting but in my different fields of improvement.
Could you remind us what your goals are?

And which goals are your top priority?

And how we could be support in those goals?
Could you remind us what your goals are?

And which goals are your top priority?

And how we could be support in those goals?
Those are my objectives specified in order of priority :

  1. Find a new job (I may have found a good opportunity in a Latin-afro bar today, hope this will do)
  2. Go back to tennis competition
  3. Find a FWB
  4. Getting laid more often
  5. Finish my driving licence
  6. Getting laid before the 8th of July (more of a symbolic goal, not really important)
Goals 3-4-6 are those with which I could get some help from the community here :)

So today I went to different bars in order to get a direct contact and know if they're looking for a bartender. I have a good feeling with the afro-latino barn, they're supposed to get in touch with me tomorrow to invite me for some trying work. I hope this will do, the population, the general mood, and the music would suit me very well!

I had my tennis session today which was really cool, no pain from the left calf, so I'm really happy I can keep playing for now! I'll soon have a training session with a personal coach (certainly the next week). The goal is to fix my forehand technique, work on my transition from 2H into 1H backhand, and prepare myself better for matches.

Things are moving but I don't go out a lot, I got nobody to come with me those days so I'll have to force myself to go out alone if it keeps being like that (I got plans with friends this week-end but obviously that's not enough)

Light and Peace on everybody!
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Hello mates!

Today was an interesting day. I participated in a jury in the school where I'll be giving design courses next year. The projects were very interesting and I was glad to meet my future students and coworkers. At the end of the day, I tried to go out alone since nobody was available.

I went to a place next to my flat where I knew there would be some music. Unfortunately, it was mostly restaurants and electro/techno music which I hate. I didn't want to struggle there so I went back home a bit disappointed. Tomorrow we planned to go on a special night with my roommate: salsa lessons followed by a Latino-dancehall-reggeaton dancing party, the perfect plan to meet ladies and spend a good night. I'll give you the feedback, of course!

Light and Peace on you mates!
Hey there !

Just came back from the party night with friends. We went into two bars, 1st one was very chill, 2nd one was more into a dancing mood with only music I liked. We really had a good time together as friends but I'ma bit disappointed about the game side. I only had really few quick interactions with ladies and despite having some looks on me and 2-3 girls trying to interact with me, I didn't open as I used to. Surely cause I need maybe 1 good party night to get into it as before. Tomorrow is the salsa course night, so I'll step up my opening game to bring it where it was before and that from tomorrow.

Light and Peace on you guys !
Hello guys, hope you're doing well!

Salsa night was really cool. I learned a few steps of dancing, the music and people were really good, I took a lot of good energy. They were two lessons of one hour each, one for beginners, one for experimented dancers. The first one was really easy for me so I tried the second one; I stopped after 20 minutes because the level was really too high for me lmao ( I really enjoyed it tho)

After the lessons was the party. It was quite special because the dancefloor was filled with people with really good levels of salsa, so it was hard for a beginner to invite a lady to dance. I focused on the rest of the party, to go talk to people and girls. I started with a girl I liked when she was alone. The feeling was directly good, we had a smooth and funny conversation. She left to dance with another guy. Went back to her when she was alone again later. Despite I told her I didn't have a good salsa level she told me multiple times (the first time I went to her and now) that I could invite her to dance, which I did. We had a good time on the dancefloor despite struggling a bit: I tried to put official steps between my usual way of dancing which is only driven by my instincts (I'm quite good at dancing in my own way, alone or with a girl).

After that we went to speak, I invited her to move on a bench (bouncing technique, going to different places with a girl to experiment with the party in different ways). There I asked her if she was seeing someone. She told me that her ex broke her with her two weeks ago and that she still felt bad about it. After that we talked again and her friend took her to go smoking. I decided to not go see her again if she didn't give me signs of wanting to speak with me or else. My friends left me alone for a moment to see if she was coming to talk (she was near me) but she didn't come. When was time for us to leave I went to her and invited her to have a drink in the next few days. She seemed disappointed when I told her that I was leaving cause we couldn't talk about my t-shirt (I'll post a photo of this t-shirt if you're curious). I told her that it was true so I invited her to have a drink and she seemed eager and happy. We exchanged some numbers and then I left.

Pros of this :
  • Went to talk to her without hesitation
  • Good funny and smooth conversation
  • Bounced a bit
  • Imagined a story involving both of us when I took her number
  • Kept my frame by not running after her
Coins of this story :
  • Didn't convey enough sexual aura in my opinion (mostly with sexual intentions while looking at her)
  • Didn't involve her friend in one of our conversations
  • Almost apologized about my level of salsa while I could just have conveyed some positive energy with my original way of dancing.
  • Asking her if she was seeing someone in a bit of a frontal way ( I think I lost point by doing this instead of letting the interaction go without asking)
She's in Paris for only 2 weeks so I think that she's in a mood where she just wanna have fun, casual sex, which is perfect for me. She's with her friend until Wednesday and will be more free when she leaves so I guess that's when I'll see her. Let's see how the text game goes.

I'm overall happy about this night and interaction despite I could have done things better but hey, we're never perfect!

I'd be glad to read your questions or observations about this, guys. Light and Peace on you all!
Hello guys !

I wanted to wait new photos but as I'm not sure I'll get some soon, I'll go back to dating apps. Here is my photo set in order :
Hat_2.jpgTennis_2.jpgWhatsApp Image 2024-06-24 at 15.08.50_1efecdac.jpgIMG-20230906-WA0200.jpgYeeeeaaaaaaaah.jpg

What do you guys think ? :)
I have 0 skills in editing photos and I never used faceapp. Do you recommend it for better looking photos ?

There are many ways to edit photos without needing skills, such as using software like Lightroom, which is a relatively easy tool to use, and certainly if you use a tutorial

FaceApp, is also a simple, one click type tool. Yes, we recommend these things, because they give us a small edge. The true work begins on the date ;-)
Last pic is good, and it's your best, so it should be your first pic IMO.

The rest is okayish, but there's a lot of room for improvement:
  • The hat pic would be better with a cleaner or more interesting background. Also IDK if that hat is really good "fashion wise".
  • The tennis pic could be nicer if shot with a better camera. It looks grainy and over sharpened. Also, it would be cool to have the ball in the frame.
  • The bar pic is interesting, but would need some editing to make you "pop" more. I would make the background darker too.
  • The 4th has a bad vertical angle. It can make you look smaller.
  • The 5th one I don't like, because it doesn't really add anything to your profile.
Good luck and let us know how it goes with your dating apps profile.
This is really more of an "image" problem than a photo problem.

You need to start packing on muscle and you need to do something with that scratchy goatee.
This is really more of an "image" problem than a photo problem.

You need to start packing on muscle and you need to do something with that scratchy goatee.
I'm already quite athletic (from what I see and what everybody tells me). I want to gain a bit of muscles but not too much because it can easily become a flaw for my tennis. What do you mean by 'scratchy goatee'? :)
What do you guys think about this one ?(I got a lot of different photos from this scene)


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Started the body weight training today. I have a good starting level but still have a big progression range, so that's interesting and fun to follow. I do it mostly to win some core strength and explosiveness for my tennis. I plan to have 2 bodyweight trainings and 2 elastic trainings in a week. I should also try to put some flexibility in this routine.

Light and Peace on you brothers.
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Hello guys!

I sent a message to the girl from Saturday but no answer at all so she's forgotten by now.
Had my first elastic training of the week. I won't update every day about, it, only if I miss one training.

Light And Peace mates!
Hello mates!

Nothing important to report from today. Tomorrow I'll have a short session in a bar but I don't think I'll be very interested.
Nothing to relate from the apps. 1 match from 2 like son Tinder, and 1 match from 1 line on Fruitz, both didn't answer the messages. I'll try to modify my pics as you suggested to see if it changes something but I truly don't think so, I think my photos just aren't good enough.

Light and Peace mates!
Hi mates !

The short session at the bar has been canceled, I don't know when it'll occur, unfortunately.

I don't have the energy to go out alone. The places I know have really changed. I don't like the music there and I don't want to go out to a place where I'll get bored. The solution is to find places where the mood and the music are the ones I like.

What do you guys think about it? I'll try to find a solution to go out this week-end cause I really need to meet ladies.

Light and Peace mates!