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Rottweilers' Log


Today, I will start a 100 artworks a day challenge for my future website and portfolio. with this forum as my witness. I present to you "donut"

I'm relearning blender again, hopefully, I can post some actual architectural pieces soon, My appeal to the school for the consideration of my manuscript is now pending. I pray that they'll accept it soon. I was told that if I was able to graduate, I wouldn't be able to join the ceremony... kinda sucks, but I'll take what I can

Also, people are starting to see my workout progress, like my mother noticing veins in my arms and some of my cousins asking if I go to the gym
That's a nice donut you have here bro ! :lol:

It's great that people start noticing your progress, keep working on yourself !

Lord Rey said:
That's a nice donut you have here bro !

It's great that people start noticing your progress, keep working on yourself !

Thank you Lord Rey ! It's good to have an accountability group to keep track of progress, but ooooh boy I do have to keep up

My appeal has reached my instructor, and we are going to have a meeting on Monday, to let me and my fellow students graduate hopefully

In other news, My penis has stopped working, it might be the stress I'm under or the eight times a day fap I used to do back in high school, but whatever it is, It's bad news. I'm considering a genital rehab of some kind but I don't know where to start.

Also, artwork number 2. and I made a backup artwork for the rainy days
Lonely_Rottweiler said:
My appeal has reached my instructor, and we are going to have a meeting on Monday, to let me and my fellow students graduate hopefully

That's great news ! I hope something good will come out of it.

Lonely_Rottweiler said:
In other news, My penis has stopped working, it might be the stress I'm under or the eight times a day fap I used to do back in high school, but whatever it is, It's bad news. I'm considering a genital rehab of some kind but I don't know where to start.

If by "stopped working" you mean that you can't get hard anymore, it's surely due to the stress you endured lately. Otherwise, the first thing to do is No Fap and especially NO PORN if you're watching this kind of toxic content.

In any case, keep working and don't let negative thinking overwhelm you !

I tried going out to approach women and suddenly a gay person is coming on to me and trying to lead me to an alley, I was scared because something bad happened to me back in high school that started out like this. I didn't know that I still had trauma from that. I don't think I'll be going out anytime soon


How are you doing? Nothing much happened to me today, but I think I'm getting the hang of rendering my artworks. Quite happy with this one.

Lord Rey said:
If by "stopped working" you mean that you can't get hard anymore, it's surely due to the stress you endured lately. Otherwise, the first thing to do is No Fap and especially NO PORN if you're watching this kind of toxic content.

In any case, keep working and don't let negative thinking overwhelm you !

I don't blame it. I mean, it has no work to do anyway, hahaha, since I can't get a lady friend :( (at this point of my life). I'm currently re-reading the easy peasy book to just hammer the concepts in my head,

Thanks Lord Rey !

Today, I met with my Dean and my classmates, who are also struggling, and we need to submit another letter with more valid excuses. I had mental breakdowns and suicidal thoughts. I don't know how to tell the school because "I don't have the proper documents." I don't know what else I can show them.

I just made another artwork to keep my mind off the mess, I made my first animation, and I was happy while making the animation.
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Hopefully, there's something good at the end of the tunnel. Maybe even look back with humor on all of this.

I needed to get back on track with my goals; being sad only made the people around me feel down. I took a scenic walk home try to assure myself everything will be okay

Today I approached three women

Well the second lady I "approached" we were in the way of each other. you know the moment when you move left and right and they do the same? yeah that one.
Lonely_Rottweiler said:

I needed to get back on track with my goals; being sad only made the people around me feel down. I took a scenic walk home try to assure myself everything will be okay


Today I approached three women

Well the second lady I "approached" we were in the way of each other. you know the moment when you move left and right and they do the same? yeah that one.

dope model bro

colgate said:
dope model bro

Thank you colgate , I hope you like the next one!

I mostly follow tutorials on youtube this time I added a little creative liberty.

Today, I was so close to approaching a group of people that were mostly comprised of women, and I realized that I don't have any interesting stories to tell strangers, or rather I don't know how to tell them.

I'm proud of being complemented by losing fat, mostly by my aunts. I achieved my goal weight when I was 21 years old, but still have a lot of work to do.

Today I was a little flattered that my classmates were asking about my diet. It was such a new thing for me.

I have made many changes to my life lately, and I'm having a hard time keeping up with all of them. But it sure beats jacking off for hours or modding Skyrim until it breaks.

Lonely_Rottweiler said:

Today, I met with my Dean and my classmates, who are also struggling, and we need to submit another letter with more valid excuses. I had mental breakdowns and suicidal thoughts. I don't know how to tell the school because "I don't have the proper documents." I don't know what else I can show them.

I just made another artwork to keep my mind off the mess, I made my first animation, and I was happy while making the animation.

Hopefully, there's something good at the end of the tunnel. Maybe even look back with humor on all of this.

Letter from a doc, letter from a therapist?

They can't argue with those, and you can definitely get said letters.


MakingAComeback said:
Letter from a doc, letter from a therapist?

They can't argue with those, and you can definitely get said letters.


I already sent the letter though and well today was supposed to be the last day for the graduating list and they have no reply yet. So, I'll be going through my options. Maybe I'll even transfer to another school to just graduate next sem.


I found a job while waiting if I would graduate or not. I'm working on a renovation site, so I get extra exercise. I am just trying everything not to have an idle mind. Like what SIGMA_1234 told me, "an empty mind is the devil's workshop." Also, I'm going back to therapy regularly on Monday. Without working thesis anymore and our school is dangling us on a string, I feel more aimless rather than relieved that I don't have to sit on my computer the whole day trying to fix my manuscript. But if I go through my options again, it would look like this:

A) If I have to reenroll my thesis, I'll transfer to another school, where I can have a group to work with rather than trying to finish it all on my own in the same school.

B) Create a living out of art commissions while waiting for next year when I can enroll in my thesis, earn money and pay someone to do my thesis for me. Not ideal, but it would be a nice option.

C) If they let me graduate, I'll have to find a busy architect as my mentor so that I can travel from place to place and learn as much from the on-the-job training. While also reviewing for our boards.

And what if our Department head was right that my designs are only good for video games? Then I'll have to design the best video game environments that any triple-A game has seen. I don't like to be a bitch about it, but I have to take it on the chin to grow. I'm not special or perfect. I fucked up more things than I have fixed. I should be afraid of trying new things or asking questions that everybody knows the answer to, But I'll try anyway

Today I approached three women while jogging. It was probably too early since I didn't see many people.

And I had all the time I needed to "evolve" my artworks. My goal was to make them realistic. I ended up making it look like a GTA vice city aesthetic.
Thank you MakingAComeback ! it took me the whole day to follow a thirty-minute video :lol:

I would also like to update I'm currently talking to a girl on FB, I shot my shot, and now I have someone to go out with this week! I can't even overthink right now. I have someone to go out with
Lonely_Rottweiler said:

Today, I felt the urge to just binge porn, but I decided to work on more art.

Although I'm rather late - welcome to the forum! :-)

Always a good idea to ditch your brush for a real one.
Seriously, fuck porn.

If I may direct to you my locked post of shame in the cold approach section of the forum


I learned two things. one, don't drink and post, and two, I needed to get out of my head

So I tried to approach as many women as I can today. Here are my approaches:

Basket Lady- She is an old lady carrying a basket of vegetables, and I helped her return a pen she borrowed to the guard.

Skirt girl- I approached her because I was afraid of approaching women who reveal too much skin. Does that make sense? Anyway, She was cute, and her voice was that friendly tune; well, all my approaches today were friendly. I just asked her directions and went our separate ways.

Long Haired girl- This girl was waiting for a ride (not that kind of ride), so I decided to talk to her and asked about the directions again, she was wearing short shorts, which I was a little intimidated by, but She was very polite.

Pink top lady- She is a professional-looking woman and quite tall. She has that "smartest girl in the classroom" vibe. I asked again for the directions. At this point, I needed to switch it up a little, but it is the only thing I can think of at the moment.

Yellow top girl- very small woman, she almost didn't talk to me. I asked for the directions to the school because it is the enrollment period, so it makes sense. She was so cute I needed to lean a little to hear what she was saying—no offense to our short-cohort. Please don't stone me.

Guitar shop-girl - I bought a harmonica/ "mouth-organ" and a guitar songbook in her shop. I bumped into a bunch of guitars. Thankfully I didn't break anything. we both laughed at that situation

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Gray top woman- We were waiting in a waiting room of my sister's dental clinic. I made a little small talk. She was a little chubby, and her cleavage was a little exposed. I tried to hold eye contact throughout the whole conversation. My sister did introduce me to her once we were inside.

My sister's co-worker- So my sister had adopted a new dentist in the dental clinic. She was a small woman, She had piercings on her ears and tattoos on her abdomen, she didn't show it, but she just told me, when the conversation went to tattoos. She's cute and has high energy. She kept talking to me while she was in my mouth (not in a good way, she was trying to fix my tooth).

Xray Girl- after my trip to the dentist/ my sister, she told me to get an x-ray in the next building, I went there. They were fixing the machine, so I have to go out again tomorrow, as I left I saw a couple, I told them the situation with the x-ray machine and suggested them to try the other x-ray facility in the city.

Shoe attendant- As I was going home, I made a detour toward the redlight district. I was hoping to get my genital sucked, but I was on a mission, so I decided to buy shoes instead. I saw this beautiful woman inside the store. She had long hair and wore the store uniform. I just went in to buy a pair of shoes. As I walked out of the store, I just said thank you to the shoe store attendant.

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Whoa, MAMA- This woman looked like she was waiting for someone, She wore a brown shirt that showed her HUGE cleavage, And she had huge hips. I asked for some directions and went my way.

Dog girl- There was this girl who was walking with her dog. I first said "hi" to the dog in a cutesie manner, the dog was scared of me, so I didn't ask for a picture, but the girl tried to encourage the dog to come to me...

Tomboyish girl- There was this girl who was walking toward me, she wore clothes that would make her look tomboyish, after asking for directions, I tried to smile with my eyes since I was was was wearing a face mask, and she smiled back, she was very cute

With her mom- I approached them because I wanted to find out if there is a difference between approaching a mother with her daughter and approaching them separately, things were awkward, but I pulled through. I asked them a question but another guy answered hahaha

3 Hotel Clerks- There was this point in my day after approaching women, that I felt very tired and I went into a hotel, I decided to cheat and speak to people who had no other choice but to talk to me, but the goal is to talk to women so, I still count that in my book (?)

Dyed hair lady- Women with dyed hair intimidate me so, I went and talk to them. this one, in particular, was cute and wore a crop top (?), I can't remember much of the conversation because I was tired at that time.

Jaira- This lady I approached, had features that reminded me of my ex, a part of me wanted to run away, but I was too tired, I decided to speak to her, and ask for directions, and to my surprise, she was actually lost and needed actual directions. so she told me her name and where she was going. she was going for a job interview but didn't know the place very well. I walked with her to show her where she needed to go for her job interview (It was close to where we were). I shared that I was a local in the city, and felt embarrassed that I was asking her for directions, but we both laughed at my self-deprecating joke, when we saw the place she needed, she crossed the road and I continued on. I could've asked for her number but I was too tired and she reminded me of my ex.

The Wolf pack- I wanted to get it over with at this point since I have been walking for 5 hours, I saw a group of women and spoke to them, They looked like an all-girl pop band, and all of them tried to answer my question for directions, I was afraid that I would be judged by the girls but I was too tired to care. they were polite and showed concern for me because, I don't know, maybe I looked like I going to faint, and the directions asked were a bit far away.

Curly-haired girl- As I was going home I saw a girl with her Dog and made a repeat with Dog-girl. I said "Hi" to her dog and smiled at her as best as I could.

Other interactions: Lingering eye contact with the girl in a store while she was talking to her boss and I also helped an actually lost guy find an office.

Things I learned

-Women won't give you a blunt force vasectomy, just because you wanted to speak to them.
-Walking for five hours is a bitch, compared to jogging for 2 hours. actually, I kinda needed that because I overate yesterday and went beyond my calories...
-People are generally positive during an interaction with a stranger.
-A well-timed smile goes a long way.

Also have some art: