Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

Day 31: 10/11/2021 ✅

Really happy to have reached this milestone of posting 31 days in a row ⬆️ This is now 1 month of my 365 project complete. My first month on my self-improvement journey I saw as the 'Foundation Stage' where I would make the decisions about what I want in life and get this established. I have then started to set up the healthy habits and lay the foundations to best equip me to have the body, job and overall lifestyle I desire ✅

Thought I'd do an end of month review to see how far along I've come and here is what I have achieved 📝

- 1 Month of posts onto this project log
- 38 of Andy's Podcasts listened to
- Started driving again after a crash severely knocked my confidence
- Re-joined the Gym
- Started weighing myself
- Figured out what I wanted from dating
- Bought a sex/dating notebook and have been making notes from Andy's podcasts
- Got politics out of my life
- Started to fix my sleep pattern
- Paid for a professional C.V and LinkedIn profile
- Bought a decent suit for job interviews
- Joined a load of job sites and got my C.V out there
- Had 3 job interviews in 1 week
- Practiced No-Fap and have had some success with this - it's a slow process but I'm working on it
- Bought a cheaper online Personal Trainer
- Quit v@ping 31 days ago and stuck to it
- Bought 9 Berserk Manga books after ditching T.V
- Stopped watching T.V
- Designed a bulking diet plan
- Designed a workout playlist for the gym
- Stopped nail biting and my hands look better than they have done in years
- Re-joined Jiu-Jitsu
- Got a full-time job after being made redundant twice
- Came up with a list of Dating Rules which I have been applying and have worked well
- Went on 2 dates - one every 2 weeks in line with my target
- Got laid

To summarise, I went from a jobless loser who was bitter about women to someone who has a job, has been moderately successful with dating and is now starting to get their life on track.💯

However, there are some things which I could've done but haven't 👎

I still haven't been to the Gym yet or got my diet on track

Very pissed off with myself for this 😤

This is something I'm going to actively look into this coming week. I had hoped to go over the next few days, but I've gone and Fucked my ankle up - sounds like an excuse I know, but it's giving me pain when I put weight on it and if I train or go to Jiu-Jitsu with it and wreck it, I could miss my first week at work next week which I can't do as I've been out of work for months so I've chosen not to take the risk.

Just gotta sit and let it heal up for now and work on other things in the meantime. I think it's good to reflect on what I've achieved over the first month of self-improvement though and that has been a real success.

Today has been fairly productive also:

- Woke up early again (05:00) 🌅

- Read some Manga - I've finished the latest book now and I gotta wait until 25th of November! Have pre-ordered the next volume 📖

- Had coffee and contemplation this morning in my garden ☕

- Listened to Episode #38 of Andy's Podcast: The Meaning of Life and How to Be Happy. As someone who has been through breakups before, this was something I needed to hear. I like the idea of filling your days with an hour or 2 here and there of activities you enjoy. This is something which is going to be ever more important now I'm going to be starting work 🎤

- Listened to Episode #39 of Andy's Podcast: "What is the Difference Between a Dealbreaker and a Flaw?". Interesting to hear some of Andy's dealbreakers - I myself have a list compiled which I now actively look out for. I agree with what most of Andy listed e.g. Violence and insults etc. I see any dealbreaker signs now, I show them the door 🎤

- Went for a walk (and Fucked my ankle!) 🤕

- Polished my new shoes ready for work ✨

That's it for my update today - gonna take a break now tonight and start looking at my diet/Gym side of things. Need to stop Fucking around and get back into it as well as the Jiu-Jitsu. Wait until my ankle is better then I'll get to it.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes 📷

Thanks for reading

Spider 🕷
Day 32: 11/11/2021 ✅

Had an okay day today - was productive, but not really in the sense of self-improvement as I've been doing jobs for my family today. I also took a couple hours out to go meet a buddy of mine for a meal. I'm kinda making the most of things before I get to work next week and things start becoming full-on and I don't have a lotta time to do stuff in the week ⏰

Ankle is starting to heal up - luckily it's not too bad of a sprain 🏥

- Woke up early again this morning using the wakelight 🌅

- Had coffee and contemplation in my garden again ☕

- Met my buddy for dinner - Chicken and fries which was nice 🥘

- Bought an old school Sony Walkman - I've now deleted both my Apple Music and YouTube Music subscriptions. Instead, I have decided to use this Walkman and just use a YouTube converter to put MP3's onto it. I've already put a few tracks on tonight to test it out and I'm happy with it. This is part of my financial goals - I want to be independent and have as little subscriptions as possible. Next step will be to cancel my Amazon Prime account after Christmas. In total, I'm now saving about £21 a month - The Walkman cost about £150, so in about 8 months it will have paid for itself. I'm hoping it will last me 3-5 years, but will save me money in the long run 💰

To be honest another reason is I don't like relying on big companies with agendas - I feel a lot better now I'm not going to be giving money to Bezos etc. I'd like to support myself as well as smaller, independent businesses 👍

- Listened to Episode #40 of Andy's Podcast: Weekly Accountability Check-Ins. This is something I could do with doing particularly around the Gym and my bulking diet. This log is certainly helping to hold myself accountable 🎤

That's it for today - just a really quick one but I got a few things done ✅

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes 📷

Thanks for reading

Spider 🕷
I've never paid for a streaming service. I watched too much tv as a kid, and now realize what an utter waste of time it was. When I need to watch a show to keep up with culture now, a friend will invite me to watch it.

For music, I use a free open source app called NewPipe. Only available on Android, and you need to download FDroid, the FOSS app repository, to get it. But it's great - grabs whatever you want off youtube, but you can use it to play music in the background, make playlists (that YouTube doesn't see), download music and videos to your phone, and never see any ads. Would highly recommend.
Svadhishthana said:
I've never paid for a streaming service. I watched too much tv as a kid, and now realize what an utter waste of time it was. When I need to watch a show to keep up with culture now, a friend will invite me to watch it.

For music, I use a free open source app called NewPipe. Only available on Android, and you need to download FDroid, the FOSS app repository, to get it. But it's great - grabs whatever you want off youtube, but you can use it to play music in the background, make playlists (that YouTube doesn't see), download music and videos to your phone, and never see any ads. Would highly recommend.

Mate I agree - I only watch the odd anime show now and I mostly just read or listen to podcasts. I go on YouTube a bit, but mostly to just watch self-improvement stuff. Since I've made a pledge to get politics out of my life, I now watch less T.V and YouTube altogether.

Thanks for the suggestion! The background play feature was the main reason I subscribed to YouTube Premium, so I'll definitely check this out

Many thanks

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Svadhishthana said:
I use a free open source app called NewPipe

Newpipe is the bomb. Especially because you can disable comments, YT Shorts, recommended videos, the home screen, and other timewasting activities.

Svadhishthana KillYourInnerLoser

Thanks guys - I’ll definitely check it out and see if I can get it on my Walkman as that’s got Android 9 as it’s OS.

Failing that, I’m considering getting an Android phone in place of my IPhone so will download it onto that it if I decide to go with it📱

Thanks again

Spider 🕷
Day 33: 12/11/2021 ✅

Gonna be a shitty post today as I've been helping a relative fit a kitchen - started at 8 this morning and I've only just got home at 7 😴

I got a few things done, but not too much. The only thing of note is something which occurred to me whilst I was having my morning coffee and contemplation: Finding balance with the 'Red Pill'. I'm about halfway through Andy's Podcast episode #41: Day 41: Sex is Like Sales, The Red Pill Sucks, & The Apocalypse Opener 🎤

I was listening to this early in the morning whilst having my 'Coffee and Contemplation' in my garden. I myself Bought into the 'Red Pill' heavily. Instead of the good side of the Red Pill - taking action, hitting the Gym and dating, I bought into the low-effort shitty side which consists of sitting around and hating on women. I started hating on women myself after a series of bad experiences (see my earlier posts) which just reinforced and compounded these ideas I was starting read about and adopt 💭

After getting my head put on straight on these forums, I've now realised that the Red Pill does have it's merits, but there is a lot of Bullshit: I go back on there from time to time to remind myself of this 😒

The key here I think is balance:

Don't be a total asshole to women but also Don't be a complete pushover ⚖️

Achieving this balance is something I am slowly working on and practicing and from my logs you may have seen this:

I listened to Vegan Vixen when she was having a shitty time and talked things through with her, but I didn't SIMP after her and constantly hit her up offering to be her verbal punching bag ✋⛔

Same with Kinky Daddy's Girl - (I know I said I wouldn't mention her again) I did the decent thing, deleted her photos and just left her to it without causing her any drama. However, when some girl I got chatting to insisted I buy her dinner not coffee and travel miles over to her, I delta'd out on her 🚪👋

So I think I'm getting there with how I want to be when dating and I'm enjoying my newfound boundaries as well as finding this balance ☀️

I'll keep going with this and keep practicing - I'm definitely happier and I'm not getting messed about as much, so it seems to be working for me ⬆️

Today I:

- Woke up early again (just before 05:00) ⏰

- Had Coffee and Contemplation in my garden again ☕

- Listened to part of Andy's Podcast (see above). Needed to communicate with this kitchen job, so I'll listen to the rest tomorrow 🎤

- Bought a protective case/cover for my new Sony Walkman (see yesterday's post). Protecting my investment 🛡

That's it for today

Couple of photos posted for accountability purposes - try and get back on it tomorrow 📷

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 34: 13/11/2021 ✅

Bit of a painful day as I've got wisdom tooth troubles, but I've got some treatment mouthwash now and I'm working my way through it. Hoping I don't have to try get a dentist appointment anytime soon -waiting list here (COVID) is Fucking unbelievable 🤦‍♂️

So it just kinda dawned on me today that I'm going to be starting work in 2 days time and that I haven't actually worked 1 single full-time job for about 10 years. Due to how things have been in my country with the recessions and the general state of the economy over the past 10 years, I have had to work 3-4 part-time jobs in one go. Employers have been very stingy with overtime hours and hiring full-timers, so I had to make it work and it became a bit of a plate-spinning act 🍽

With stepping into this full-time office job, the plate-spinning aspect will be gone which is certainly a positive. I am however quite daunted by the prospect of it. I promised myself when I was younger that I wouldn't imprison myself in an office cubicle and that I'd have a job that was 'different'. I have unfortunately broken that promise to myself, but I do need to start earning money. Once I have given it a couple of years and I am more financially stable, I may look into chasing after that 'different' job, although I sure as shit don't know what it is yet. Lots to think about here 💭

More kitchen shenanigans today - helped fit a sink and build some more units. Still took a big chunk out of my day, but not as much as yesterday did 🔨

I've also:

- Woken up early again (04:45 today) 🌅

- Had Coffee and Contemplation in my garden again this morning ☕💭

- Put a post on Instagram (Social Proof) - Guitar Girl liked it - a good conversation starter 🗣

- Sorted my work clothes for the week ✅

- Cleaned and tidied my room 🧹

- Sorted my clothes for tomorrow's date ☕

- Confirmed my date tomorrow with Guitar Girl . Chatted to her today on and off 💬

- Finished listening to Andy's Podcast Episode #41 that I started yesterday 🎤

- Listened to Andy's latest Podcast: 'I'm Leaving Society. Good Riddance. (Vax Passports). I wanted to listen to this one whilst recent and relevant. Totally agree. Complete and utter hysteria and Government control. If a business asks for my vaccination status or passport, I won't be spending any money there. Didn't download COVID apps when required in my country either. If anyone asks me if I'm vaccinated, I say 'I am not willing to disclose nor discuss my vaccination status as it is my business.' 👎

For me it's scary how everybody has just complied without question. The band 'Rage against the Machine' have completely gone against their own name and when they now play venues, they demand attendees be vaccinated. On a side note, they criticise Capitalism in their song lyrics, yet charge insane amounts for concert tickets. How's that for Raging against the Machine? Fucking Hypocrites 🖕

That's it for today. Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes 📷

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 35: 14/11/2021 ✅

Felt like everything was against me today, but I pushed through and had a fairly successful day ☀️

It was Remembrance Day today. Historically on this day every year, I don't leave the house as for some reason, my depression comes back with a vengeance. I don't watch the T.V, I don't go out and I just mess around on my laptop usually just to kill the time until Monday rolls around ⏰🔫

This year since I'm on a self-improvement journey, I decided to say 'No. Fuck That.' 👊

Instead, I went out on a date with Guitar Girl for a couple hours. Walked up to town, went on the train and had a nice couple hours with her. My wisdom tooth has unfortunately got a lot worse and I think it's going to be a trip to the dentist, but I didn't want to cancel on my date and went along. Toothache eased off thankfully and we went to a milkshake bar like I arranged 🥤

Highlights/important parts of the date:

- She offered to pay - I paid again bit it was nice that she offered. Not many do that I've dated

- Called her out on looking at her phone (this is something I wouldn't have had the balls to do a while back. Did this in a playful/teasing way 'Hey you're dating me, not the phone screen!'. She put it away and I think she respected me more for calling her out on it ✅

- Lots more touching, physical contact 🤝

- Sat right next to her 🪑

- Put my arm around her whilst sitting next to her

- She came with me and actually waited at the train station with me until my train came. Lot of girls I've dated rarely do this and just leave me to make my own way back, so I'm taking this as a good indicator of interest 🚂

- Kissed her at the end of the date (first kiss) 👄

I came away feeling positive and happy: So today I basically said FUCK YOU to my depression 🖕and actually had a pretty good day 🌅

I'm home again now and enjoying my last night before I have to go to work my new job: Monday-Friday 9-5 in an office job.

Not what I wanted, but I need the money and with the economy how it is, it's the best that's out there that I can do for now. I'll give it a couple years then re-assess my situation.

Today I've also:

- Woke up early again at 04:40 (No photo as I forgot to take one of my clock!) ⏰

- Had coffee and contemplation in my living room (was cold as Fuck and my tooth's killing, so stopped in for this one) ☕

- Listened to Episode #42 of Andy's podcast: Can You Neglect Your Looks, If Your Game Is Good? This was an interesting one. Me personally I think you can, but it's a Fucking Uphill Battle and takes way more effort. In the U.K we have 'Chavs' who wear tracksuits and generally dress, look and act like shit - either really skinny (unhealthily so) or really fat 🎤

I think in Australia, the closest equivalent would be 'eshays'. I don't think that the U.S has an equivalent - closest would probably be 'Hillbillies' with a modern twist. These Chavs still get laid as you can see Chav females with multiple kids around the town roving in packs.

Me personally I think the key is to work on your Game whilst improving your looks - something which I'm actively doing after I got a base level of attractiveness going e.g. Dressing better, haircut, grooming, being more socially active. After being talked out of it, I decided to not work on myself for a year then work on the game - I prioritised the former, but I still date once every 2 weeks as a minimum 🗓

That's it for today's update - mostly spent out on the date and nursing my wisdom tooth best I can 🤕

I'm gonna post another update for tomorrow and I'll log how my first day at work has gone, although I'm gonna have to tell the boss that I'm probably gonna need a couple hours off for an emergency dental appointment in my first week which I'm really not looking forward to telling him 👎

Fucking typical. Shit couldn't have come at a worse time 😒

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes 📷

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
KillYourInnerLoser said:
This is one of the few logs I've been keeping up with - you're a hustler. Keep on grinding, I respect your work ethic.

When you get your next 2 lays, send me a PM/email if you'd like to come on the podcast and talk about what you've worked on, what you've achieved, plans for future, etc.


Thank you Andy

It really means a lot to me that you're keeping up with my log and it's very encouraging for me to see you dropping in and commenting from time to time 🤙

I'd be honoured and it would be my pleasure to come onto your podcast and discuss things with you 🎤

I'll work on my next 2 lays and I'll drop you a line on here and via e-mail once I've made it happen 📧

Thanks again man 🙏

Spider 🕷
Day 36: 15/11/2021 ✅

So I got an impacted Wisdom Tooth which is cutting into my gum and is now infected to a point that my gum is swollen, weird and pissed off!

Long story short? I'm in Fucking agony and I'm downing aspirin like it's candy and keeping the mouthwash and toothpaste industry in business but I'm trying to remain positive 🙃

Spoke to my dentist and the only appointments they had were today (which I couldn't do as it's my first day in this new job) and Thursday during work hours, so I've had to book it for then. Least I could give my new boss a couple hours of notice and they said just make up my hours another day which was nice. I think they could see I was in Fucking agony 👎

Gotta put up with it for 3 more days now though which Fucking sucks. I'm gonna try and keep on self-improving and I'll definitely keep posting on here, but it's probably gonna be a shitty couple of days due to working now and feeling awful at the same time 🤕

My first day at work went well though considering. Nice and relaxed, most people working from home so empty and peaceful office and it was quite easy. I'm basically helping disabled kids in an office role, so it's a job where I'm actually helping and could make a difference ⬆️

My line manager is quite nice too - had good talk all day with her so it was nice to work on my social skills which is a bonus. I worked from home due to COVID for ages, so it was nice to be around other people 🧍‍♀️🧍🧍‍♂️

Just glad I'm not some corpo-rat wage slave lining someone like Bezos' pockets 🖕

Self-improvement wise today:

- Got up early (04:30) 🌅

- Had Coffee and Contemplation in my garden again ☕💭

- Listened to Episode #44 of the Andy's Podcast: Choosing Between Getting Laid or Making Money. Interesting to hear the advice given here, and I also agree: context and more information needed 🎤

That's it for today. Gonna be a shitty couple of days with the posting as well as in general due to feeling like I've been roundhouse kicked in the jaw, but it is what it is 🏞

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes 📷

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 37: 16/11/2021 ✅

In Fucking agony with my tooth so this is gonna be shit and purely for continuity purposes of my 365 day project.

Got a 14 hour day at work tomorrow and my Gum is swollen as Fuck.

- 05:00 wake up

- Coffee and Contemplation

- Listened to some episodes of Andy’s podcasts

No photos today as I just wanna get this posted and sleep: 04:00 wake up tomorrow for a 14 hour shift and I can’t get to the dentist until Thursday as I can’t lose this new job.

On top of that: I can’t eat or chew, drinking hurts, talking hurts, sitting down doing nothing and my gum still hurts.

Fuck my Life.

Thanks for reading

Spider 🕷
Another shitty filler post 👎

Woke up at 04:00 and left for work at 5 - been out all day on a work business trip and I feel awful. Just got home at 7:30 P.M

Battling toothache again but I’m booked in for the dentist tomorrow.

Family have been a Fucking nightmare and tried to talk me into pulling a sickie today, meaning I get sacked on the spot and have to find another job.

Also Pestering me saying I’m ‘not doing enough’ to ease the toothache despite being doped up on tablets, mouthwash and numbing gel.

I’m going to sleep now as I’m Fucked.

I’ll get back on things after a couple of days - this is literally the worst pain I’ve been in for many years.

No photos again as I literally haven’t been able to do anything due to work and being in agony.

Spider 🕷
Toothaches fucking suck man, sorry you gotta go through that.

But as you told me, a post is better than no post, respect man.
Now said:
Toothaches fucking suck man, sorry you gotta go through that.

But as you told me, a post is better than no post, respect man.


Hey thanks man

Went the dentist today and he did what he could with me, so should hopefully be on the road to recovery pretty soon.

Been reading your log and seeing that you're working on a few interesting things with your Dad and buying the camera etc.

Good to see you posting regularly as well and I'll definitely keep an eye on your progress log as I'm finding it really interesting.

Thanks again for the encouragement

Day 38: 18/11/2021 ✅

Finally managed to get into the dentist today. Nice guy who'd only just recently started at the practice 👍

Basically told me it was what I thought: Severe gum infection caused by a wisdom tooth eruption (Pericoronitis) 👎

They basically can't pull the tooth as its right on a nerve and I'd end up losing the sensation in my lips 👄

I really enjoyed my first kiss with Guitar Girl the other day, so I think I'll pass on that! 👎

He's basically injected saline into it and cleaned it out. Luckily, the infection is limited to the gum, so no trip up the hospital required 💉

Prescribed antibiotics to fight the infection which I'll kick start tonight and keep taking the course until my gum calms down and decides to play ball 👊🦠

Work is actually going okay. Helped the boss out today with heavy lifting which he appreciated and I've been working with the databases and computer systems. Line manager says I'm really getting the hang of them, so I hope to carry on with this tomorrow 💻

He's actually a really nice guy and I had a brief chat with him where I told him about the dentist and that I felt bad and I felt like I was taking the piss a bit with having a 2 hour early finish on my first week 😐

He was totally cool and said not to worry. He told me there's a system in place to accommodate emergencies like this as long as people don't do it every week and it's for a medical purpose. Said he could tell I was in pain as well

The overtime I did yesterday covered the hours I lost today as well as sticking extra in me back pocket - which then went straight into my dentist's pocket 💵

Fucking Lol. :p

Shit posts lately, but just ain't been in the mood with my tooth 👎

This is honestly the worst pain I’ve been in for many years.

I'll get back on it once the pain eases off and I'm a bit more cheery 🙃

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Dude I have had tooth stuff so I feel you. I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth all removed at once. Nice excuse to not work for a week. Worst though was the root canal I had last year oh my fucking lord I didn't realize how badly I needed it until I had it. Brush and floss kids. Good luck with the tooth stuff.
Dewm said:
Dude I have had tooth stuff so I feel you. I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth all removed at once. Nice excuse to not work for a week. Worst though was the root canal I had last year oh my fucking lord I didn't realize how badly I needed it until I had it. Brush and floss kids. Good luck with the tooth stuff.


Hey thanks man. I'd have gone off sick if it wasn't for starting this new job :roll:

That sounds Fucking horrendous though with all 4 having to be pulled. All my other teeth are fine it's just the little bastard at the back!

Thanks again

Day 39: 19/11/2021 ✅

Feeling better today after a shitty couple of days with toothache ☀️

I'm still in pain, but it's not constant anymore and the swelling has gone down. Gonna try get some self-improvement work done over the weekend now I'm on the road to recovery after a couple days off 🤕

Trying to focus on the positives: I kept getting up early at 04:30 to prevent my sleep pattern turning to shit and I kept up with the 365 day project ⬆️

Dentist has told me not do anything strenuous until the swelling goes away and I still can't eat properly. I have been informed I will be working from home after next week, so I am going to look at starting my Gym and Diet routine after next week (The gym is a 20 minute walk from my house whereas work takes an hour) ⏳

I'll be able to eat and I won't feel like I've been run over by a car. Logistically it works better too as regards to the travelling and distance between my house and the Gym. The antibiotics I'm on are also knocking me about a bit - I've had these before and experienced the same, so I think I'm just gonna have to chalk it up to one of them things 💊 😐

I'm pissed off with myself that I didn't start sooner, but I couldn't predict an ankle injury and an impacted wisdom tooth 👎

Got a date with Guitar Girl tomorrow, so I'm not letting this toothache beat me up completely and I'm gonna try and forget about today's bullshit 🎸☕

I'd try and get laid with her, but this toothache is a mood killer and I've definitely noticed reduced libido. Hard to manage anything beyond light kissing when my mouth is on fire and my gums are all swollen 😐

I am however going to get honest with her and tell her that I want something physical with her on our next date. Taking the advice from Dewm who suggested that we're both adults and can talk it out. I'll post on here how it goes, but It's gonna be a date 4 lay or I'm gonna be honest and tell her it's not gonna work for me if she doesn't want to be sexual 🤷‍♂️

I am genuinely enjoying her company so I don't want it to come to that, but I'll see how it goes 🔜

Was hoping to get laid by date 3, but I'm new to this kinda thing, plus not well still, so I'm gonna cut myself a bit of slack. Thought I'd take advantage of the day anyway and have it as an additional filler day to break down any 'anti-slut defences' she might have or to convince her of any mindset that 'I haven't dated this guy long enough for that yet...' if that is there in the first place 😒

Some girls I've dated do have this mindset and it's good practice to try and change it for me. Like Andy says, 'it's all an experiment' 🧪

Update to follow on this one tomorrow 🔜

No photos again, but I’ll get back on this tomorrow 📷

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Spider Jerusalem said:
I am however going to get honest with her and tell her that I want something physical with her on our next date. Taking the advice from @Dewm who suggested that we're both adults and can talk it out. I'll post on here how it goes, but It's gonna be a date 4 lay or I'm gonna be honest and tell her it's not gonna work for me if she doesn't want to be sexual
I don’t think you need to have that conversation with her unless she denies sexual escalation. If you set up a non sex date and say “hey next time we’re fucking” it may possibly scare her off. I only have that talk if for some reason I’m getting last minute resistance after 3 dates. This is all in Andy’s guide so I can’t take credit. However I have had that conversation with a girl on date 2 and we didn’t fuck until date 4. Happened but took longer. She still sucked my dick that night. Her resistance was she liked me so she didn’t wanna just sleep with me. I know weird. She also flaked a few days later on our 4th date and when she did this I told her “hey you can’t do that to me my time is valuable” and me standing up for myself made her sleep with me. So I only suggest that talk if you encounter resistance but sounds like she’s into you. Fingers crossed 🤞 hope it goes well.

Thanks for the advice man ⬆️

I see your point ☝️ She does seem very into me and upon reflection, I think she’s actually just quite shy and that might scare her off for good.

That is weird about that liking you so not wanting an escalation! Top grade advice from you as always as you’ve been in a similar situation 💯

I’m trying to embrace honesty, but I think in some situations such as this one, ‘tactical honesty’ and a bit of discretion is going to get me a lot further ➡️

I remember seeing a shy girl article on Andy’s site which I’ll check out - I’m gonna try continue with the touching etc. on our date tomorrow and then go for a Netflix/Chill kinda deal for date 4 where I’ll try escalate and see how it plays out.

If I get the resistance then, I think that’s when it’s gonna be time to have that conversation with her.

I’m starting to value my time more now I’m working and I’m not really looking at investing my time, money and energy just to get a friend without benefits.

She is nice and she is cute, but I gotta draw the line somewhere and start having those boundaries with myself ⛔

This was something I failed to do for many years and got Fucked over every time.

Thanks again for the continued support - much appreciated 💯

Spider 🕷