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  1. AspiringMaleStripper

    Meet&Shake’s Pornfree Journal

    I've also read the easypeasy method, and while it gave me a little extra food for thought, it was not powerful enough to overcome the porn demon long-term. I've been trying to go porn-free for 10 years and I'm still relapsing all the damn time. Even on my longest streaks, I might come home from...
  2. AspiringMaleStripper

    Photo Feedback - Best & Worse

    OH SHIT!! It's a green screen cut-in!! He's been exposed :lol: :lol: Seriously though I didn't notice until you pointed it out!
  3. AspiringMaleStripper

    Back to bald?

    I used to (and still do) make up a bunch of dumb rules for myself. "Oh I can't use this photo on my tinder because its x years old." "Oh I can't do this because blah blah blah." I'm a very honest person in general, so I set myself up to fail in certain ways by having too high of a standard for...
  4. AspiringMaleStripper

    Photos Feedback

    Hey cheers bruv, I'm glad you found it humorous! Honestly I would play around with it, looking in the mirror. Look at male models and try to emulate their facial expressions. It sounds dumb and you'll probably feel stupid at first, but it's actually useful. I did model for a short period of time...
  5. AspiringMaleStripper

    Photos Feedback

    Good on you for doing the photographer thing. I don't think most of these shots are particularly strong, but they're not bad. I'll tell you right away that your grin makes you look like a nice guy. I kind of have the same problem. When my smile is beaming I look like a fuckin 8 year old boy...
  6. AspiringMaleStripper

    Looking for haircut/hair style advice

    Hey, so I'm not a stylist and I can't really see the shape of your face properly from your picture, so I'm gonna have to give you sort of generalized advice. I would get a tapered fade on the back and sides, and then keep the top somewhat long. Basically the longer it is up top, the more...
  7. AspiringMaleStripper

    How do you eat more with a low appetite?

    Just be careful with that milk shit. It’s a short term gain but you can fuck yourself up. Adults are not meant to drink that much milk, it’s fuckin nasty. I love milk but it’s coming out of some hormone-bloated sick animal on a feed lot. My friend did that shit a while ago and now he’s...
  8. AspiringMaleStripper

    Looking for haircut/hair style advice

    Stylist will tell you how to do the style with the product you need. Note that pinkman has fine Northern European hair which lends itself to the messy look. May or May not work for you, I don’t know. Just google salon and pick the one that looks the fanciest, it’s not rocket science. Keyword...
  9. AspiringMaleStripper

    How do you eat more with a low appetite?

    Yea if you're lacking calories you can literally drink oil. Or drink egg whites (they're pasteurized).
  10. AspiringMaleStripper

    Photo Feedback - Best & Worse

    Bro you look fuckin good. What do you need help with??? Edit: waterfall and beach cut-off are the winners. I’m guessing you’re here cuz your game is off, but your probably one of the most handsome dudes on this website no homo. You should be slaying. Cheers!
  11. AspiringMaleStripper

    Rate my tinder pics

    The best shot is the first one in the leaf shirt, no doubt. Ditch the glasses. And shave your head bald, the stubble just shows your male pattern baldness.
  12. AspiringMaleStripper

    New to cutting

    The most "hard science" way was mentioned by Manganiello but I personally never found that worked for me. Counting calories and adding up all your food just sucks. I'm not saying that you shouldn't try it, because it is worthwhile to do it at least once in your life to get an idea, but it just...
  13. AspiringMaleStripper

    Do Any Of You Want To Get Off The Ride? (Feeling Lonely)

    Hey all, I've been going through a tough time lately and in my own head a lot. I'm getting older and I've had a lot of fun, but now it's getting harder and harder to maintain a social life. Not saying that it can't be done by any means, just that it's not presented to you on a platter the way...
  14. AspiringMaleStripper

    Tinder Profile Review

    Hey bro, cheers for the post. Here are my 2 cents... Climbing pic - I would try to take a better photo than this... and definitely don't use it as your first pic! Get a shot of you upside down or something... This one just looks like something anyone could do. Couch pic - Not bad, but a little...
  15. AspiringMaleStripper

    Social anxiety and experiences

    You know, I almost feel like an AA program is just way "too much" when somehow has significant social anxiety. It's like, if you're morbidly obese, you training program should not start with sprints. You gotta walk, then jog, before you can run, so forth and so on. I used to have (what I...
  16. AspiringMaleStripper

    What are some of your favorite fragrances/colognes you guys own?

    I've heard that Sauvage is an excellent scent, and it's even more so popular after the Johnny Depp trial. I'll have to check it out, but I'm curious how you feel about wearing such a popular scent? Personally I love it when a women has a distinct smell that I only associate with her, so I am...
  17. AspiringMaleStripper

    What are some of your favorite fragrances/colognes you guys own?

    I used to use Jean Paul Gautier (classic) because it was light and fresh. I used it for like 10 years because I didn’t know any better. Stopped because I found it to smell too much like baby powder. Now I use the coach scent (blue?) and I like it a lot, and have gotten a few compliments, but...
  18. AspiringMaleStripper

    How do my clothes/outfits look?

    Mate I have the same problem, it sucks, but you can overcome it with training. Women have wider hips (for child bearing) and smaller shoulders. Men tend to have narrow hips (we don't need to push out babies) and wider, stronger shoulders. Men like yourself and me were born with wide hips and...
  19. AspiringMaleStripper

    Back to bald?

    Sometimes I go through periods of shaving my head, and when I do, hats and beanies look so freaking good on me. I think you should get some headware and you'll be golden. Especially cuz you've got nice thick facial hair.
  20. AspiringMaleStripper

    Best wat around a Tinder ban?

    I made a new tinder profile recently and I was only getting the ugliest dogs I've ever seen. I don't know what happened, but I had a profile on the same phone # from a few years back. Anyhow, I tried Hinge a few months ago and I was matching with a ton of good looking girls, so I knew something...