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  • Users: Giles
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  1. G

    Was hit by a car today lolz

    I wouldn't put all your tasks on here, seems like quite a waste of time. An app I use is Todoist, there I can just check off my tasks. I usually also start my day with a bunch of easy tasks if work allows it. Waking up earlier will give you more "productive" hours so can only recommend it.
  2. G

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Congrats dude. You're an absolute inspiration to me. Hope to be there next to you soon!
  3. G

    endless333 pic question

    Making use of the weather ;) Good stuff!
  4. G

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    I love this shit bro! Really inspiring. Good fucking job.
  5. G

    6 months of entrepreneurship/lifestyle building & heading towards first millions

    What are your priorities exactly? Looking at how you organize your day I'd say it's self-improvement, not gaining valuable skills or making money.
  6. G

    Do you apologize after being too sexual?

    I apologized to her, it's all good. It was just very brutish and clumsy, but we ended up having a laugh about it. In the end, I'm happy I did it. Now she knows my intentions and the fact that I want her. I'll get another chance for suree
  7. G

    Jonathan makes a discorery

    It's crazy how pessimistic you are and ridiculously focused on weird facial stuff that no mentally healthy person gives a fuck about. I think you look like a perfectly normal dude. If you didn't have such a shitty attitude you'd be a 7/10 for most girls, a 7/10 guy can definitely get hot girls.
  8. G

    Do you apologize after being too sexual?

    Yes, I agree, thanks!
  9. G

    Do you apologize after being too sexual?

    She's a friend of mine and recently broke up with her boyfriend, I thought I screened her and that she was sending the right messages, she invited me to come watch a movie with her and was wearing something hot as hell. At a moment I basically said I wanted to fuck her... Now that I write this...
  10. G

    Do you apologize after being too sexual?

  11. G

    endless333 pic question

    I think there is some type of bug. I also used a boost a while ago and didn't get a single like. Now I'm getting postponed "boost" matches somehow...
  12. G

    Critique my Tinder profile

    The only good picture is the graduation one. All the rest is trash
  13. G

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Good stuff man! That sesame drill hahaha :) Does not surprise me people can't handle the joke. I find that younger/hot girls usually are the most easygoing in these drills.
  14. G

    Boost ineffective

    Yo, Just used a boost and got ZERO likes! I used to get around 20 on a Saturday night. Is this a sign to reset my account? Cheers
  15. G

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Epic dude! Congrats... I've already read many times this day is quite hard! :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up:
  16. G

    My road to getting laid and fixing my life

    There's nothing wrong with you - it's simply a result of not having any experience. When I was a virgin I was scared shitless to escalate, it just took one single time, and after that night, I've never had much trouble escalating.
  17. G

    The LSD Post

    I've been wanting to try it since I saw this podcast;
  18. G

    Whatever It Takes...

    Sup Creepo, you're a legend! 8-)
  19. G

    Gorilla Mind Rush

    Wifty I have been trying Game ONN from ONNOR. You can order it in the EU. Quite expensive but seems to work (and I'm quite skeptical by nature).
  20. G

    Gorilla Mind Rush

    Has anyone tried it? What's your opinion? Very curious about it since it could be helpful for my job. PS: I've read GLL's review but he sells the product so would like to get another opinion :P