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  • Users: Jake
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  1. Jake

    rate profile pics

    The fit sticks out to me most in those pictures. Those shirts seem to fit your arms well but not much else. Very boxy around your torso. Some slim fit shirts are a must have Same problem with the pants in 1 and the shorts in 4. Swap those for jeans that are less loose around the ankles and some...
  2. Jake

    Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

    Hey man, I’ve been going through debilitating fatigue for the past 4 years and I just wanted to say Make this your number one goal to get it resolved if you have to. I know doctors and the healthcare system are a drag and they make you sit around and wait for results, scheduling, paperwork and...
  3. Jake

    Please advise on what pics to use

    The fake blur in these pictures is very obvious and distracting, do you have any copies of them without it? #3 seems like the best out of the set to me, looks genuinely candid. The others definitely seem posed.
  4. Jake

    Please rate my Tinder and tell me what you think I should do differently.

    Yep, they’re standard tripods with spring mounts that your phone clips into. You’ll need a Bluetooth remote shutter too. Those are super cheap. I set a 3s timer and hide mine in my pocket. I got the 12 Pro specifically for the camera, it’s not DSLR quality of course but it exceeded my...
  5. Jake

    Please rate my Tinder and tell me what you think I should do differently.

    Some notes on the pictures I’d get rid of 2 and 4 immediately. While you’re working on getting a camera, pick up a tripod and some fashionable clothes (check out Radical’s style guide if you’re not sure where to start) and practice. If you have a decent enough phone you might actually end up...
  6. Jake

    Please rate my Tinder and tell me what you think I should do differently.

    I’ve noticed with Hinge too, if you’re not immediately successful it likes to put you in a place I call “the pen”. It’ll show you several hundred unattractive women back to back. Once you realize you’re there just be prepared to hammer on the “no” button for an hour or so and you’ll be fine after
  7. Jake

    Manga: Shisha date no pull

    When I get a questionable text like that I usually read it in a few different possible tones and if any of them seem playful or positive I just assume that’s the case. I’m sure you’ve flirted with a girl before and had her respond with “Is that right” with a little smirk. That’s what I’m...
  8. Jake

    Manga: Shisha date no pull

    Just my .02, that reads like badly executed banter, not a flake. Wouldn’t have given up just yet
  9. Jake

    Poor results on Tinder - need your help

    Snapseed is good for modifying smiles on the fly, might not even have to reshoot. Here’s a sample. I only had the lower res compressed version from the forum to work with though:
  10. Jake

    Poor results on Tinder - need your help

    I’d agree the disclaimer should disappear promptly The way I see it: - Girls are swiping through Tinder quickly - Girls who aren’t DTF right away are going to see the word “sex”, shudder without reading the rest and swipe left - Girls who are DTF are going to read that, think you’re looking to...
  11. Jake

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Weighing in on the texts since nobody has yet Obviously there’s no “right” way to text but you might benefit from keeping it more brief and direct at first. Your messages come across as nervous to me For example: You: “Hey it’s Sherwyn, from the TJ Maxx” Her: “Hey Sherwyn!” You: “It was super...
  12. Jake

    Short vs medium length hair

    Medium is significantly better I’d say if you’re looking to experiment, once you’ve grown it back out keep letting the top grow and see how it looks. I personally haven’t had a haircut since March and I’m very happy with the results so far. The good thing about going longer is you can always...
  13. Jake

    How to Approach Girls Walking

    Just whatever you’re opening with (assuming she stops). “Thought you were cute, had to stop and talk to you. I’m Sam”
  14. Jake

    How to Approach Girls Walking

    “Hey, hang on a sec”
  15. Jake

    Accessories Sources/Inspiration?

    Anyone have any suggestions for this? Particularly for pendants and rings as digging through all of the crosses and “engrave this” listings on Amazon has become an absolute chore these days. Price range doesn’t matter much - if it’s too expensive I’ll dig for a cheaper similar piece. Thanks!
  16. Jake

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    You should get Chris tatted on your face In all seriousness the first place my mind went was iced out Llama
  17. Jake

    [TUTORIAL] How to find your Tinder Photo Hidden Score.

    Awesome, thanks man. Makes much more sense to me now why I couldn’t find it before, not all of the matches have this data saved. I tried it out but unfortunately don’t have enough of a sample size. I just reset a few days ago. My last picture got the most swipes, I know this is just because...
  18. Jake

    Updated Profile - BDSM photo Y/N?

    Definitely interested myself I’m highly technical so if you just wanna send me a screenshot of the console or a super brief rundown I can go from there Found that data for my matches but not my own... (P.S. Sorry for hijacking the thread)
  19. Jake

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    Dude right I was imagining like *walks in on a girl getting banged in the club bathroom* “Hey, you’re cute. I’m Andy”
  20. Jake

    Best text strategy after getting numbers from cold approach?

    I’d say (disclaimer: from my limited approach experience) that it comes down to situational awareness. If you gave her a clear expectation in person that you were setting a date with her, option A all the way. I’ve had encounters that have gone like this though: “Hey you’re cute blah blah”...