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  1. Lord Rey

    If anyone needs SEO, let me know.

    Hey man, welcome to the forums! I'm very interested in your offer as I'm trying to start an online business but I don't really know what I'm doing with marketing. I just tried a couple of Facebook ads but got very few clicks from them. So maybe you can help me improve that? I'm jobless and...
  2. Lord Rey

    Paid Renegade's Log- Looksmaxxing updates

    Yeah it's a completely normal phenomenon, happens to everyone. By flipping the pictures, you see your face differently as it makes all the small differences/asymmetries popping out. In your example, I noticed that you have one eye more open than the other : it's initially on the left side of...
  3. Lord Rey

    What is my profile lacking?

    Hey man, you have really good photos! What you're lacking are activity pics and eventually a group pic if you have something good in your hands. In my opinion, you should drop Fountain and put Beer instead. Your book pic is funny and gives a sexual vibe so I would use it. I like your camera and...
  4. Lord Rey

    New pics improvement?

    It's fine, but I don't know if you should use them for OLD as you have already enough quality pics. I like the first one but the second one not so much. Joker. First time I see a children pic for OLD. :lol: The pic is okay, you have a great smile and the children look like they had a good...
  5. Lord Rey

    9 simple tips to de emphasize flaws in your model

    I think these tips are legit, but I wouldn't stress too much with that stuff. Especially tip #9 as fixing teeth color is actually easy. I agree with kratjeuh, these days all the small flaws and details can be corrected via editing. You don't need to get your perfect picture straight from the...
  6. Lord Rey

    New pics improvement?

    Yeah I agree with you, your last pic is the best variant. Your smile looks genuine/natural enough, the bokeh is better than in 2 and 3, and I think it's nice to have stuff on the table. Should you lead your profile with this pic ? Maybe, I'm not so sure. IMO this pic is your best currently ...
  7. Lord Rey

    Rate my Tinder photos

    Group pics are great if you can get good quality ones where you're the center of attention and show some value (hot girl and/or cool friends). You're not the center of attention in your first group pic, and the second one doesn't look high value IMO (it's just a random selfie with the boyz)...
  8. Lord Rey

    Tinder Profile Review

    Hey, So firstly, as you said, too many sunglasses pics haha. :D I wouldn't use the 1st pic because the lighting is kinda bad and the vibe feels too "gray" IMO + sunglasses... 2nd pic is good, very good. It should be your profile pic, but obviously it's going to screen girls hard for BDSM...
  9. Lord Rey

    Rate my Tinder photos

    Hey man, So, here's my thoughts : Firstly, you shouldn't lead your profile with a sunglasses pic. I would use your last pic instead, or shoot a better profile pic. I wouldn't use your group pics as they're not providing any value to your profile, and blurring them feels weird (but it's not as...
  10. Lord Rey

    How are my pics? (UPDATED)

    Hard to tell how good/bad are your pics since you blurred the most important thing to look at... But I still can tell that all of your pics have a framing problem : you need to fill the frame more.
  11. Lord Rey

    roast my tinder profile!

    Hey man, A fellow Swiss compatriot huh ? So yeah, you clearly need to get new pictures. Your vibe is definitely too "nice guy", you should aim at a more "bad boy" look overall. Read Andy's Tinder guide if you haven't done it yet. First pic should give that "guy who gets laid" vibe Instead of...
  12. Lord Rey

    Looking for Feedback and Advice on Photos/Looks

    Yeah, Photofeeler is really unreliable. I used it a ton for my pictures and some of my friends. It still can be useful for a quick (and really dirty) feedback, and for comparing two edits of the same pic. The main problem with this service is that you don't know from where your votes come from...
  13. Lord Rey

    Looking for Feedback and Advice on Photos/Looks

    I agree with AskTheDom. #5 is good, maybe #7a too but it feels more like a LinkedIn pic. The main problem I see is the framing : you need to fill the frame. The camera should be around eyes level if you shoot closely, otherwise you'll get a bad vertical angle. As for the sunglasses, it's okay...
  14. Lord Rey

    ACCOUNTABILITY BIZ: Developing My Offer

    Hey, that's a nice offer that I may actually need... I'm a fucking procrastinator when it comes to working for myself. I'm a specialist to find excuses for not having the job done too. But yeah, as pointed out by Antonio44, it's better for you if I procrastinate than get the job done as...
  15. Lord Rey

    New pics improvement?

    Your pics are above average already. If you're not in a fucked up location dating wise, you should be able to get laid with these. So in my opinion, you should use these pics : - Your first shirtless pic as you have nice abs and showing them in a good context, I would crop the pic to fill the...
  16. Lord Rey

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Great post man ! You managed the breakup like a champ ! I totally understand what you feel, especially the emotional rollercoaster between feeling free and miserable. I've been through it twice... Now, the question for me is if I'm going for a third ticket because I'm in a similar spot with my...
  17. Lord Rey

    Dating Profile Pics Advice

    Hey man, I followed your log almost like a stalker because I never commented on it haha. You had an interesting journey because you were directly impacted by the consequences of the war and I think you did well to leave Russia before it goes full North Korea. :) Anyway, I think your pics are...
  18. Lord Rey

    Photo feedback

    When ytlord gives a feedback on pictures, I never have anything to add. You already have a solid start, ditch the second pic and edit your other pics like he said and you should be already able to notice improvements on Tinder.
  19. Lord Rey

    Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

    Hey man, I just read what happened with your vacation. I can only sympathize with you as I've been through similar shit with an ex. I wish I had ditched her like you did but I was too much of a nice guy to resist her gaslighting and didn't have the balls to just cut my losses and walk away. It...
  20. Lord Rey

    Does anyone know what has changed in Tinder algorithm?

    Not using Tinder at the moment, but it seems that they indeed changed something as everyone I know who uses it seems to get way less likes than last year.