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  • Users: Ed_
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  1. Ed_

    Rice photo log

    I have my height as 5'7" on my Hinge profile and I get matches. Not a lot with my ideal dating market (hot 18 to 22 year olds), but I do get matches, numbers and a date every month or two.
  2. Ed_

    How to stop watching P?

    Going back to ziva 's original question, focusing on the positive sex benefits from no-fap has helped me more than any other method. Instead of the usual negative motivation (I shouldn't fap this, it's bad), I've moved to a positive motivation (I want to have the best sex possible with this...
  3. Ed_

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Congrats for you colgate for finding a style that give significantly better results. And I'm glad that you're able to pull it off without plastic surgery or anything invasive. Two things jumped out at me from your exciting Japanese adventures: These pickup guys must be pulling your chain...
  4. Ed_

    How do you take the right pictures with girls to show preselection?

    Yep, I'm totally giving off "boyfriend" vibes using these photos over the past two years (sarcasm)
  5. Ed_

    Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

    I've mostly been active on Andy's coaching group and post-coaching Discord. But I thought my recent successes would be worth posting an update here: Feb 2023 was definitely the most successful month in my dating life. Some quick numbers: 18 dates, with 13 women, and 14 times of sex/heavy...
  6. Ed_

    Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

    Part 2:
  7. Ed_

    Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

    Andy and I recorded our follow up interview: YouTube: From 31yo Virgin to Confident Player (Ed's Story 2 Years Later) [Part 1/2]
  8. Ed_

    How to find Housing? (Developing a detailed guide - work in progress)

    Some places to search for discussions about neighborhoods and the vibe of different parts of a city: These forums - Reddit Seduction - Good Looking Loser forums (getting more dated now, but some helpful info is still...
  9. Ed_

    Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

    Great questions. Andy and I will discuss these for sure. Yeah, there's definitely been a shift and clarification of my goals as I've gone through this process. I'll make some notes on this.
  10. Ed_

    Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

    Yeah, treatment has been going really well for the past year. Much more energy, much better gym performance, sex drive is improved too. I plan on talking about it during the interview with Andy.
  11. Ed_

    Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

    It's been a while since I posted here. I'm mostly active on Andy's coaching Discord group and with some chat groups with friends. 2022 was a good year! I went in 94 dates and slept with over 20 women. I have some even bigger goals this year that I plan on going all in on. In two days I'm...
  12. Ed_

    DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

    Seconding this also. The sky is washed almost to complete white, which combined with the white wall you're standing in front of, give the whole photo a very washed look. Some suggestions: Finding a background that's more textured and darker Stand back further from the background, so it's...
  13. Ed_

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    I don't think it's blackpill -- that would saying something like "if you're under 5'10", you'll never get laid." The fact that almost any dude can work hard in the gym, improve their looks, and get an elite sex life is red pill. You just need to put in the work, and almost any sex life you want...
  14. Ed_

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    I agree with the comments about focusing on improving your physique. Chris from GLL had a comment about how guys need to meet a certain looks threshold to get results, he said something like: "many guys would be better off spending time in the gym instead of improving their game." This might...
  15. Ed_

    DISCONTINUED THREAD: Social freedom community challenge

    Echoing september and MILFandCookies . I don't see any reason for having this discussion with family, other than to do it for the sake of doing it. Personally, I was in a weekly group therapy group for 3 years. It was a mixed group including an older man, a young woman who had experienced...
  16. Ed_

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Agree with Heisenberg , this sort of "alpha male social control" is just weird and not the kind of behavior I'd expect from a guy who's genuinely trying to get laid. And I don't buy the excuse that "these are failed approaches, so I'm just having fun with myself." The fact that you're acting...
  17. Ed_

    Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

    I usual HATE double booking myself. I get stressed on the first date, worrying about time limits and such, and it undermines my whole effort. I only did it today because the 7PM chick felt flaky and even said she "only wanted drinks, nothing more that night." My plan was one drink, 45 minutes...
  18. Ed_

    Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

    TRT Update: Finally got approved and started on TRT from a local clinic that knows what they are doing. Just started a few weeks ago, no major results yet. Will update soon. Battle Report: V-Day 2022 Date #1 (10 AM): Coffee date with a super cute 18-year-old. The morning date was her idea...
  19. Ed_

    Experiences hiring a photographer? EDIT: PHOTOSHOOT NEXT WEDNESDAY, I NEED HELP

    I agree with the comments about buying a DSLR camera and learning photography -- I don't see how it translates into getting good photos of yourself for online dating. No matter how good you get at learning camera settings, framing, etc... you still need someone else who knows that they're doing...
  20. Ed_

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    I see you mention this "pushing" a lot. Maybe it's just my experience, but almost all the sex I've had had required very little "pushing" to overcome resistance from the women I've been with. At most, if a girl rejects my invitation back to my place, then I bounce to another venue and try again...