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  1. Reservoir

    Tinder FeedBack

    2 and 3 could be used as secondary pics, but you need better main pics.
  2. Reservoir

    Tinder Profile Review

    - Keep getting leaner if at all possible. Your face looks a bit puffy on some pics, so you might have some face gains in store. - Dress edgier / more fashionable, with more accessories. Think male instagram influencer. If it were me I'd keep the dog pic + bike + maybe your avatar and ditch the...
  3. Reservoir

    STICKY: Manga's Tinder Guide - Lessons from 9 girls in 6 weeks

    Congrats! 26 dates crammed into a single week on top of a full time job is some insane shit. Gotta respect the work ethic. It's striking that only half your makeouts convert to lays though. I can't help but think that the conversion can be improved somehow.
  4. Reservoir

    Toast's Tinder 👻Ghost Chronicles👻

    I find that whenever you try to invite a girl out or get her digits and she comes up with a counter-proposal ("lets chat some more first", "send me dirty pics first", "check out my camshow" etc)... things don't go your way if you follow her lead. Her response is either "alright, I'm down for...
  5. Reservoir

    Manga: Shisha date no pull

    Manganiello admitting that you're using a copy-paste message is completely non-consequential, I get asked that same question 3-4 times a week. Dtf girls will still meet you regardless. Cool new pics, glad they're working for you. Your face looks leaner on your avatar pic too. Have you kept...
  6. Reservoir

    Toast's Tinder 👻Ghost Chronicles👻

    I'm no longer tracking stats, but I probably have something similar, yea. The ratio fluctuates a lot throughout time. Yea, I mean, there's always a next level, isn't there? I got myself super lean, did maybe 20 photoshoot sessions, retouched some pics, tested loads of pics on photofeeler to...
  7. Reservoir

    Toast's Tinder 👻Ghost Chronicles👻

    Yea in Paris, pretty sure it was last week's Monday. 6 months ago I was getting likes in the 130s per boost, so not sure why I'm having less nowadays. Maybe the Tinder algo penalized me for taking 3-4 months off the app during summer. Or maybe less people use the app locally right now compared...
  8. Reservoir

    Toast's Tinder 👻Ghost Chronicles👻

    Are you experimenting with times you use your boosts at ? 11pm seems to be a nice sweet spot for me currently. The other day I used a boost at 9pm and got 15 likes, then used another one 2 hours later and got 70.
  9. Reservoir

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    I can't believe how fast your volume has increased over the last couple of weeks. Fuckin legend
  10. Reservoir

    Manga: Shisha date no pull

    Radical did you find that increasing the length of the conversation improved closing rate + got you more lays? I only used Andy's long template on my first ~200 girls before switching to a shorter version and didn't notice any change in that regards, but the sample size is small.
  11. Reservoir

    Manga: Shisha date no pull

    In the beginning, when I was tracking stats, I needed on average 63 matches (or likes, can't remember) to get one date. In my case about one girl out of 20 or so gives me her number these days. It's interesting how you're getting loads of them. And if I'm having a date, I'm pretty much...
  12. Reservoir

    Going at it !

    Lasting convos that "go well" don't lead to more sex than short stale convos. In fact they may lead to less sex ironically. Practically all the girls I've met through OLD gave me their phone numbers after 2-3 short messages. Many will try to trick you into wasting time talking to them, you'll...
  13. Reservoir

    My current situation (need your feedback)

    You come around that problem by improving your looks / style and taking better photos. I'm pretty sure Andy already gave loads of examples in his tinder guide / how to take photos guide. The idea is to look like one of these cool instagram fashion influencers. If you want to polarize you can...
  14. Reservoir

    Whatever It Takes...

    So how is this whole cold approach journey panning out for you? I remember you were one of the early guys who were approaching relentlessly on here.
  15. Reservoir

    Manga: Shisha date no pull

    You're not wasting time! Congrats on the lay. With some chicks there's more chemistry than with others, and I find that it affects boner quality.
  16. Reservoir

    Svadhishthana's log

    It's happened to me too, even with clearly good tinder pics. I remember this one girl in particular who told me I made her want to vomit, because she didn't appreciate my forwardness. However, I've also had girls who complimented me for being direct. I assure you many do appreciate it. And...
  17. Reservoir

    Poor results on Tinder - need your help

    My bio says something close to "I haven't had sex in years and I'm making up for lost time" and I'm meeting plenty of girls. So is mentioning sex a no-go, or is it really just a superstition? I've had girls tell me my bio really intrigued them.
  18. Reservoir

    Poor results on Tinder - need your help

    You look handsome in the dog pic, but much less so in the others - perhaps a matter of angle / haircut / facial expression. I'd keep the dog pic, and maybe the red swimsuit one and try to reshoot the rest. Hell, if it were me I'd reshoot the shirtless one too to get an even better one. Your...
  19. Reservoir

    Manga: Shisha date no pull

    8 - 10 - 11 would be my favorite of the lot. Though I'm not confident 11 portrays the right vibe for OLD. I don't know if you look good shirtless, but if you do don't hesitate to include shirtless pics in your tinder. To this day my most effective pic for finding one night stands online is a...
  20. Reservoir

    Is this right-swipeable?

    Nope. No edge, no style, nothing really striking about the photos. Your last pic feels like you're posing and rigid, you can do better frankly. Maybe I'd keep the one where you're gazing at the horizon and the second last, but these pics can only be supplementary pics to a solid set of main pics...