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  1. play_time_is_over

    rate profile pics

    Beard + better haircut and I think you'll see your match rate increase a lot. Picture quality is good but your hairstyle is the fastest win at this point.
  2. play_time_is_over

    Current Tinder Photos - Need Feedback and advice

    It's a good start. More of the same, and then as you get leaner / muscular show off your body more.
  3. play_time_is_over

    Erectile Dysfunction

    I had similar issues where I tried many remedies but it basically came down to performance anxiety. I would try 10mg of Cialis and if you still can't get hard then it doesn't have anything to do with your physiology and would be psychological. My psychological ED is improving by just getting...
  4. play_time_is_over

    From a Small Seed To A Towering Tree - Action Log

    A good place to start is to stop watching porn, playing video games and reading fanfics. Your posts make it sound like everyone's against you and that you've tried everything. Have you tried not logging into your computer for a day? Have you tired not looking at pornhub for even a single day? I...
  5. play_time_is_over

    How to Fix Dating Worth Mentality

    What you feel is really normal, most guys feel unworthy of hot women, most guys don't try. Can be height, hair, face, race. Doesn't really matter everyone has an insecurity. Your beliefs aren't preventing you from taking action. Nobody here waited until they felt they deserved women before...
  6. play_time_is_over

    Can AA Program be Adapted for NIGHT GAME only? Yes there is an alternative guide to the AA program specifically for going out alone at night.
  7. play_time_is_over

    Master Tinder Log - lay#12 4f10 Chinese girl + insane BDSM sex with #2

    I think you need a proper DLSR and get a friend to take some actually good photos. You're physique is really coming together (not there yet). You can only achieve so much with selfie phone pics.
  8. play_time_is_over

    Master's AA First approach ever

    Damn bro that's fucking awesome. And you did it all by yourself! That's damn fucking impressive to go from day 5 to an approach. Some KING SHIT right there. We'll have to add you to the approach group, would be good to have someone noobie like me to push each other. I'm also up to day 6 of the...
  9. play_time_is_over

    Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

    I remember there was a guy on GLL who turned on Tinder Passport and realised he was getting tonnes of matches in like, Nigeria. So he FLEW TO NIGERIA and banged like 3 girls in a week. It's a bit nuclear but would make for a fun holiday, if you found what country you kill in. Tinder is just lame...
  10. play_time_is_over

    (Roundtable Discussion) Guys Who've Gotten Laid from Cold Approach

    Good Motivation. Trying the tinder guide. I don't know why I thought no girl would ever reply to this. Just have to do this 10 more times. SHE DIDNT GIVE ME HER NUMBER THO. Should I ask for it again or just set it up on tinder :)
  11. play_time_is_over

    Approach Anxiety

    Keep trying friend. Get up early on a weekend and get into a crowded place at like 9:30am. Then just walk around the city until you approach a single girl. Even if it takes you 8 hours. Fuck it even if it takes you 12 hours. Be outside in a crowded area from 9:30am to 9:30pm if you have to. Go...
  12. play_time_is_over

    Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

    My Tinder results are sub-par as well. Let's not beat around the bush though. You're pics are pretty good, changing up the theme style might help, but those types of incremental changes may not have huge gains. Honestly my gut feel is that you should be getting some matches. If that's not the...
  13. play_time_is_over

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Man we all beat each other in too big trips. The idea of doing 41 in a day is :? What do you guys reckon constitutes a "Good Day". I think 20-30 in a day is pretty good.
  14. play_time_is_over

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Fucking awesome man. Duos is huge. It just opens up so many more opportunities. Fuck now I feel like I have to do some duos!! Glad we're all pushing each other. 25/day is to new goal for ya :P
  15. play_time_is_over

    Was hit by a car today lolz

    Nice bro sorry we couldn't be there to support you through that one. Night game seems way scarier to me but you killed it. Sounds like it was pretty productive for one of your first times. Very very few people can go out alone.
  16. play_time_is_over

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Good fucking hustle mate. Didn't realise this was the most you've done. Toast showed you 16 is possible. You're showing me 18 is possible, and agreed. 5 / day is not enough. You have a WINNERS ATTITUDE. Thanks for the vlog mate.
  17. play_time_is_over

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Your log is keeping me motivated. Need examples of people getting after it. Sounds like you're on a good roll.
  18. play_time_is_over

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    Has all the effort, pain, anxiety about EVERYTHING in your life been worth it for where you are today? What's something you thought would make you really happy but didn't? What's something that made you really happy that you weren't expecting? What's 5 things you would change about yourself...
  19. play_time_is_over

    ADVICE - My Hair? What are best options

    You could try finasteride, RU58841, ketoconazole shampoo, Midoximol and micro-needling to try and thicken your hair up. Some people get really good results. You could get a hair transplant and use the former compounds to keep your hair, or you can just go bald and own it.