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  1. 1v1mekid

    Trainer recommending a bulk, don’t I have more fat to lose?

    I initially replied to this making the same annoying mistake my college professors made when teaching a material. The professor has thousands of hours of practice with the material, and they make the fallacy of assuming that the material is common sense to everyone. The truth is you won't know...
  2. 1v1mekid

    Trainer recommending a bulk, don’t I have more fat to lose?

    The fundamentals are the only truth. Just memorize more or less how many calories the food that you eat has, eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains. Count up about 100-120g of protein. Lots of people overeat protein and just piss it all out just to have to buy more protein powder...
  3. 1v1mekid

    Constant anxiety from AA program

    I know exactly what you're talking about. It'll go away on its own eventually if you stick to it. Just accept that you'll feel this way for a bit and keep plowing through. Also, someone else will probably tell you not to make a new thread for these types of questions. You should ask this on...
  4. 1v1mekid

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    That's something I'm still trying to work on myself. I wonder sometimes, why can't I just be normal? But I try not to think about this so much. It serves me no purpose.
  5. 1v1mekid

    How do you eat more with a low appetite?

    Hit and run. lol Hopefully he's putting in work and his next post will be 8 months from now with jacked progress pics. Being on the forums too much can be counter productive. Edit: Also, you're 100% spot on on milk. I personally break out bad with milk and get really bad bloating, but I...
  6. 1v1mekid

    Do Any Of You Want To Get Off The Ride? (Feeling Lonely)

    Agreed! Stop watching Fresh and Fit or whatever nonsense there is out there. Even Chris from GLL himself didn't think all girls are sluts that just come over to your house for sex. His process is meant to screen out boyfriend hunters... AspiringMaleStripper leave all red pill forums and...
  7. 1v1mekid

    Aztec warrior resurrection log

    I'm in a similar boat to you. I've been strictly focusing on career for the past 1.5 years. Is your full time job at the same place as the short term contract? On fearing that you'll get fired; I was there. Just plow through, eventually you'll start to familiarize yourself with the workflow...
  8. 1v1mekid

    How do my clothes/outfits look?

    This is 100%. I'd add that if you don't know what you're doing, you'll plateau a lot. You can also look up beginner programs online. And if you have questions about improving your form, look up a Youtube video on someone doing the workout you want (I look up tutorial to this day). Spend some...
  9. 1v1mekid

    Cold approaches not going so well In my area

    In poorer areas, a lot of the Latinas really don't speak English. Of your 60, how many have been with women that don't speak English? I wouldn't even count those as rejections.
  10. 1v1mekid

    Is this male enhancement program safe? (Experts get in here ASAP)

    I'd second this. There's lots of snake oil out there. Some stuff is legit, but it doesn't have to be, and rarely some supplements turn out to be dangerous given that the supplement industry has much much more lax regulations than drugs.
  11. 1v1mekid

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    I remember watching a Youtube video on his business a long time ago. It resonated with me because that's what my dad did, though with gardening. I was just remembering his story the other day. Do you remember his username? I'm gonna look him up.
  12. 1v1mekid

    Has anyone gotten a microneedling or laser treatment for acne scars?

    I think I'll bite the bullet and get at least 2 sessions done then see if it's worth completing more sessions.
  13. 1v1mekid

    Has anyone gotten a microneedling or laser treatment for acne scars?

    Has anyone gotten microneedling or laser treatment for acne scars? In my early 20s, I broke out hard with nasty cystic acne, mainly on my cheeks. While that's long gone now, I was left with lots of deep scars. This was one of my biggest sources of insecurity, and still is, though, I've learned...
  14. 1v1mekid

    Noself's Action Log: Down from 20% BF to 18%

    I just caught up reading your log. Looks like your results so far mean that black pill channel doesn't mean jack shit. By chance is it Wheat Waffles?
  15. 1v1mekid

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    There's a latency period after losing weight fast or, in your case with the gear, gaining muscle fast where you still feel like a skinny kid with no muscle or flabby with fat even though you look better. I'm experiencing this now too.. I've lost about 25lbs over the past 6 months and I feel fat...
  16. 1v1mekid

    Is it possible to complete the AA program in a small town (below 40k)(looking for a new job + shirtless pics)

    A few years back, there was a guy on GLL forums that lived in a smaller town, if I'm not mistaken, I'm talking about JStone, maybe some of you remember him. Well, there have been various AA logs of guys in smaller towns. What I remember them doing is visiting neighboring towns and doing drills...
  17. 1v1mekid

    Noself's Action Log: Down from 20% BF to 18%

    That feeling goes away eventually. You'll also feel less stifled after doing it enough times. You'll develop your go to opener and follow up questions/conversation just from sheer repetition of doing this stuff. Are you Latino? I personally have had most luck with black girls. Try hitting up...
  18. 1v1mekid

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    70% of the population can't stick to a diet and training program to save their lives(literally.. heart disease/diabetes). 99% of guys don't approach women. Also, aren't you like a software engineer? That doesn't sound like jack shit to me. You're probably not as bad as you think. I read an old...
  19. 1v1mekid

    Does Hinge penalize liking every profile?

    Are you planning on making a bot?
  20. 1v1mekid

    Ready for shirtless pics?

    Also get a good pump before taking the pics.