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  • Users: Dewm
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  1. Dewm

    Toast's Japan CA log - Reflecting on 6 Months of living in Japan

    Do you ever ask if they speak english or are you only interested in closing in Japanese?
  2. Dewm

    Was hit by a car today lolz

    Already having visions of your first Horcrux. My how much you have learned!
  3. Dewm

    Was hit by a car today lolz

    Dude I’m so happy for you. Congratulations on removing yourself from the literal dumpster fire that is California lol.
  4. Dewm

    Anyone Try Feeld Yet?

    Feeld is low volume. Not worth the effort in a big city. Tinder, hinge and bumble will get you way more matches than Feeld ever could.
  5. Dewm

    CONCLUDED: Conflicted & seeking help: Dumped for saying the word "retarded" as well as other slurs [are we both wrong?]

    Funny how I could say “faggot” on stage in San Francisco and nobody got offended. Then I go to New York and all these other non faggots get offended. The whole thing is really retarded. I’m sure if it’s not coming from a hateful place, you’re more than capable of thinking of something else to...
  6. Dewm

    Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

    Doing great mate! Checking in after a minute and glad to see you're doing better.
  7. Dewm

    Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

    Hang in there man. Always in your corner rooting for you.
  8. Dewm

    Afraid of getting herpes

    Ahh herpes the real kissing virus. My girl in CA revealed she had the mouth one, which can transfer to genitals, but we just avoided kissing and oral when she had an outbreak. Look man even if you do get it - what is it really? A skin condition. Big whoop. Get it don't get it. Just live a...
  9. Dewm

    Multiple Dates in a Single Day

    I do it cause of the flake factor. Last time I scheduled 2 girls for the same time on 1 day they both flaked - then one of them turned out to be a hooker lol. Logistically as well I only have a few days out of the week to date so if I see one for a coffee date in the afternoon and another for a...
  10. Dewm

    Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

    Dude Spider 🕷 so happy to see you still posting bro. Haven’t read through most of your January posts but just this page and am so happy to see you’re still grinding it.
  11. Dewm

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Manga! Love the updates. Keep killing it bro.
  12. Dewm

    Making a youtube

    aww thanks man. The commercial was a student piece so it just added to my reel. I was 19 in that. The blood for the Klondike bar sketch was probably just store bought blood from a Halloween store or I mixed red dye and laundry detergent. The system for the squib was one of those pump weed...
  13. Dewm

    Making a youtube

    Oh thanks man, the vlogs were just meant to be here but I'd love to explore it more over time. Since everyone is throwing in their 2 cents about YouTube I found my style of YT was the hardest. Short comedy sketches. It is absolutely grueling to get people to subscribe to just a comedy channel...
  14. Dewm

    Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

    Glad the timing was just perfect. ;) Congrats on fucking!
  15. Dewm

    Taco's Tinder Profile

    Just start a new thread. Maybe time for a log?
  16. Dewm

    Happy Christmas KYIL Community

    I wouldn't be the man I am today without these forums. Thanks guys. Now off to dance to psychedelics under the moonlight like the pagan I am.
  17. Dewm

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    Hey Dude, congrats on the weight loss! It's no small feat.
  18. Dewm

    Short Log - 24 Days Approaching

    Congrats on approaching but you will not see any results approaching 1 girl a day. If your real goal is the vacation with your family then I say do that but if you can be away on your own for an hour see how many approaches you can do in that hour. You’ll surprise yourself. 1 is a warmup 2-3 is...
  19. Dewm

    Taco's Tinder Profile

    The holidays are a great time to boost. I suggest at least dropping 1 on Christmas day when everyone's bored at home. Profile looks like a great start, welcome brother.
  20. Dewm

    Untangling The Gordian Knot: Fixing MAC's OLD

    I like in no particular order: 8703 2-15 8893, btw you look the most relaxed here - try and get "this" for future shoots. 8267 8901 but keep in mind they're all good. You will do well on all the apps with these new pics. Also it gives you options to swap out pics every few days/weeks to see...