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  • Users: SamJ_
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  1. SamJ_

    Is it possible to complete the AA program in a small town (below 40k)(looking for a new job + shirtless pics)

    I would say no. I live in a small town (bigger than that but still small) and realized I didn't have time to wait for the AA program and started regular approaching instead. You'd be better off doing regular approaches or else travelling to another town to do the program.
  2. SamJ_

    DISCONTINUED THREAD: Social freedom community challenge

    Yeah I don't see how this one is productive at all, all it would do is make the guy feel bad and maybe even make the girl feel bad too. All it does is bring other people down which is the exact opposite of what we should be doing. Tbh your idea of wearing a diaper was better (even tho people...
  3. SamJ_

    Second Photoshoot. Any feedback? - Getting Laid + Trying to sell a game

    Definitely normal, keep going
  4. SamJ_

    Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

    That's awesome, I'm happy for you. Would be awesome if you could have some fun with her after all the stuff you've been through lately, great how things can turn around for the better so fast sometimes.
  5. SamJ_

    Should You Use Enhancers For Approach Anxiaty

    I would say you should do the vast majority of approaches without any substances at all and just accept and embrace the anxiety. I have tried phenibut and it can be good once in awhile but shouldn't be used often.
  6. SamJ_

    Second Photoshoot. Any feedback? - Getting Laid + Trying to sell a game

    Nice job on approaching and that must've been an interesting experience. To be honest, I wouldn't get too invested in that girl tho. She sounds a little unstable. But cool you were able to be there for her and have that happen after an approach.
  7. SamJ_

    First Ever Day of Cold Approaching: A Failure?

    You shouldnt try to predict how girls will react to your approaches. I made that mistake and also tried to "plan" conversations in my head beforehand. After approaching even a little bit you'll find out that human interaction is pretty much completely unpredictable and one girl can have a...
  8. SamJ_

    First Ever Day of Cold Approaching: A Failure?

    If you don't go to school there or work there, why are you worried what people think? There are literally no consequences even if you do build a reputation. As long as you don't harass or anything
  9. SamJ_

    First Ever Day of Cold Approaching: A Failure?

    Great to see you're attempting it--99% of guys don't even get out of the house with the intention to approach so you're ahead there. I'm not as experienced as a lot of the guys here but I've been able to overcome a lot of mental barriers and basically get myself to approach most of the time...
  10. SamJ_

    DISCONTINUED THREAD: Social freedom community challenge

    I really like the concept although I think asking strangers for money is a no-go because it's potentially illegal and could get someone to call the cops on you. There are other things that go even deeper than this that I would like to do soon. For instance tell my religious (and easily...
  11. SamJ_

    Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

    Wow, that's really rough. Really glad you're okay! I would say use it as motivation. I almost died twice in 2020 and didn't even think much of it, but in retrospect now that I think about it, it may have been one of the contributing factors that led to me joining these forums and deciding to...
  12. SamJ_

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Yeah man, if you're spending almost 40 hours a week on your phone, you should cut that down. Honestly it looks like you're addicted to your phone and the Internet (no offense, most people are). Imagine how fast you could progress if you dedicated those hours toward working on your goals. And I...
  13. SamJ_

    Increasing testosterone/sex drive

    Yeah I would definitely look into that. I mean most guys are horny as fuck in early mid 20s, so a low sex drive def is a sign of it. If I were you, I'd def get on testosterone if I could.
  14. SamJ_

    Increasing testosterone/sex drive

    There aren't any legal "supplements" as far as I know that increase testosterone levels significantly. If you actually think you have low testosterone (and based on some of the stuff you're describing, it's def possible), I'd say go into a doctor and get your levels checked and see if you can...
  15. SamJ_

    R2s Serious Action Log: Pulling Gurls from the Club

    That's awesome that you got another date with a model! Do you know if/when you're still stopping by la crosse?
  16. SamJ_

    Was hit by a car today lolz

    Awesome that you're learning Japanese and working toward the goal of moving to Japan! Gotta keep approaching though, you were probably the most successful of anyone on here, at least in the last few months while I've been on here. hoping to see you get back to it soon!
  17. SamJ_

    R2s Serious Action Log: Pulling Gurls from the Club

    Have all your results lately been from tinder or some from approaching? Just curious. Also are you significantly above average in looks? I've never heard of an average looking guy having success with hot girls on tinder, unless there's some secret technique that I don't know about lol.
  18. SamJ_

    (Roundtable Discussion) Guys Who've Gotten Laid from Cold Approach

    Don't really have any more questions. But this will be on YouTube I'm hoping right?
  19. SamJ_

    What are your vices, and why do you do them?

    Caffeine is the biggest one, I've drank coffee every single day for literally years. Wakes me up. I'm trying to cut down from 3 cups a day to 2. Also started taking some mild OTC sleep aids every single night, but idk if that counts as a vice since they actually are helpful for me to sleep...
  20. SamJ_

    How to approach girls while driving

    I would say just park quick and get out. To me it's weird to shout out from the car lol but maybe there is a way to do it.